The Official NBA Season Thread

It made no sense to play harden glad they made the right decision

Will be watching alil but mostly playing MLB - cant torture myself watchibg dedmon defend jokic
Jaylen jockeying to get out and use the fans was against him as one of the reasons.
anyone else having trouble with the nba app tonight?

i'm about to start throwing things
Kings we’re coming to mess up all the electrics that light the beam in about, 19 minutes

Besides being hyped for the movie, I wish they’d go with these unis. The NEW YORK right now looks like a bad early 2000s variant of a masterpiece.

Road jawns I’d prefer to be navy like the Jordan edition this year.
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It’s sad watching a young team develop bad habits and make no corrections throughout the season. The Rockets desperately need a coaching change and some structure.
It’ll be a fun game, surely because the Wolves are involved it’ll be weird so toast to you whatever occurs
haha cheers. Hopefully a fun one. Kings have been known to come out flat at home for some reason.

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