The Official Netflix Thread Tho: Recommend Streaming Movies

I'm almost positive episode 7 of tidying up with Marie Kondo is an NTer

Matter of fact show yourself.
Bout to fire up this Killer Mike show. May need to stop if it's really good so I can watch it with the lady.
Bout to fire up this Killer Mike show. May need to stop if it's really good so I can watch it with the lady.
Couldn't even make it through the 2nd episode before I stopped to get my lady.

Top notch stuff. Got kind of let down after it felt like the show was more scripted than expected and the participants were more so actors than they were just participants.

Still, great show. The first and second being my favorite with ease.
Might have to start The Crown with the news of Gillian Anderson and Olivia Colman joining the cast, it was always on my to watch list but this news moved it up a few spots.
Bout to fire up this Killer Mike show. May need to stop if it's really good so I can watch it with the lady.

I spent all MLK Day watching Netflix and threw this on. It’s six 22-26 minute episodes so it’s not bad.

I would love to hear your opinion when you’re done but I’m going to try and go back to find posts from others that have watched it.
Trigger Warning is meh.

It seems to address important issues and KM speaks a lot of truth from what I saw, but I couldn’t make it through the first episode. The whole thing felt entirely too scripted and “put on”. It didn’t feel real or organic at all, which they tried to pass it off as.

You’re better off just watching YT vids of Mike and his stances on these issues if that’s what’s important here.
Trigger Warning is meh.

It seems to address important issues and KM speaks a lot of truth from what I saw, but I couldn’t make it through the first episode. The whole thing felt entirely too scripted and “put on”. It didn’t feel real or organic at all, which they tried to pass it off as.

You’re better off just watching YT vids of Mike and his stances on these issues if that’s what’s important here.
Don't listen to this 12 minute (probably less) review. Give it more of a chance than that.
The fact that there's a lot of people wanting Crip A Cola and Blood Pop to be a real thing is crazy. Killer Mike might actually be on to something which is why I'm glad he did that particular episode to show the hypocrisy between street gangs & biker gangs.
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