The Official Netflix Thread Tho: Recommend Streaming Movies

That's The Last Kingdom
Gotta a question for you, you’ve seen enough to know....

I thought Ragnar was the coldest I’d seen, until Uhtred came along, I got to watch Ragnar fall off, so I tend to lean Uhtred, but then I got to thinking, Crowe as Gladitor...Spartacus, Hundred Eyes, Butler in 300 etc etc etc, now I’m perplexed.

Question is, who is the baddest Warrior on TV or Big Screen, before Guns came on the scene?
uthred ragnason IS that dude.

anyone watch vikings? Alot of season on amazon prime.. ? I usually like those typw of shows.. So i may give it a shot.
uthred ragnason IS that dude.

anyone watch vikings? Alot of season on amazon prime.. ? I usually like those typw of shows.. So i may give it a shot.
Wait until you see Ragnar Ragnason then.
Go ahead and watch Vikings. It’s as good if not better than The Last Kingdom, especially the early Seasons, then you can really see how you feel about Uhtred vs Ragnar.
Wait until you see Ragnar Ragnason then.
Go ahead and watch Vikings. It’s as good if not better than The Last Kingdom, especially the early Seasons, then you can really see how you feel about Uhtred vs Ragnar.
Ragnar was that dude too in the last kingdoms version.. However he was weakly portrayed.

If vikings main character is ragnar.. Im all in. ill watch now.
Thhhusssneeelda. <3

Gotta a question for you, you’ve seen enough to know....

I thought Ragnar was the coldest I’d seen, until Uhtred came along, I got to watch Ragnar fall off, so I tend to lean Uhtred, but then I got to thinking, Crowe as Gladitor...Spartacus, Hundred Eyes, Butler in 300 etc etc etc, now I’m perplexed.

Question is, who is the baddest Warrior on TV or Big Screen, before Guns came on the scene?

Idk man.. Thats a tough one.. But when i saw Troy. Brad Pitts achilles was that dude..

Idk who takes the top.
Gotta a question for you, you’ve seen enough to know....

I thought Ragnar was the coldest I’d seen, until Uhtred came along, I got to watch Ragnar fall off, so I tend to lean Uhtred, but then I got to thinking, Crowe as Gladitor...Spartacus, Hundred Eyes, Butler in 300 etc etc etc, now I’m perplexed.

Question is, who is the baddest Warrior on TV or Big Screen, before Guns came on the scene?
Differences between style and execution when you talk about Ragnar and Uthred. The Last Kingdom comes off more fictionally story driven where as Vikings comes off more realistic even though they have a lot of room to make use of fiction cuz they do have to hit certain historical events.

Vikings comes off more real cuz of the battles and Ls taken. It wasn't like Ragnar just had As and then took a L and died. Mans had to be physically better and the better tactician. He won with his mind more than he had to with one on one's especially on the political end when his own ppl came for his neck.

Uthred has had his harsh setbacks but what was or should've been a revenge story turned in to him being the unnamed warrior who basically helps form Britain and cuz of that there's this plot armor around him and hero glow on him akin to Thor. I take points off him cuz the L he took was embarrassing and shameful. Like writers saying he won't get Bebbanburg until he an old man and has saved Alfred's entire bloodline.

So I just kind of give Ragnar the edge between the two.

Overall, among badass warriors the first person that comes to mind is from the big screen and that's Brad Pitt as Achilles in Troy. To this day I haven't seen badassery like that. Crowe did his thing in Gladiator and so did Butler in 300 but I got Pitt on the bug screen.

I'm not gonna really consider a lot of lame remakes like Conan or The two Hercules flicks. Now Arnold as Conan probably should be mentioned. Gibson in Braveheart for sure. I guess the Robin Hood movies would count.

Not a lot else comes to mind unless somebody was really in to those Highlander movies :nerd:

Tv wise theres more but there was kinda a gap after the early 2000s as far as I'm aware but if we go back to the 90s there's stuff that might not hold up and definitely doesn't; Hercules, Xena, Beastmaster, Sinbad, etc. The new stuff has been good like The Witcher and really a whole other level to the point they can be compared to the movies. Jon Snow, Spartacus, Uthred, Ragnar, Geralt, etc.

I'd put my Hercules nostalgia aside. I can see a strong push for Jon Snow.

I'd probably stick with Pitt/Achilles overall.
Ragnar was that dude too in the last kingdoms version.. However he was weakly portrayed.

If vikings main character is ragnar.. Im all in. ill watch now.
It is.
Boy is cold too.
Wife is as well.
Greatest Sheild Maiden of all time.(his first wife anyway)
Ragnar was that dude too in the last kingdoms version.. However he was weakly portrayed.

If vikings main character is ragnar.. Im all in. ill watch now.
The Ragnar on The Last Kingdom was not Ragnar Lothbrok. It was some grandson or random unrelated dude.

By the time Uthred is a grown warrior and the Vikings are invading its Ragnar's sons who are in charge of the great Viking army and they're older like in their 40s or 50s.

To put it in perspective, by the middle of Vikings, King Alfred's mom just got pregnant with him and by the turning point in Vikings, Prince Alfred is a kid who meets Ivar the Boneless as a preteen.
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This little chickadee stole the whole damned Jar of Benzos, but not before eating a handful and stuffing her pockets with them 😂

Helluva Rating
Gotta a question for you, you’ve seen enough to know....

I thought Ragnar was the coldest I’d seen, until Uhtred came along, I got to watch Ragnar fall off, so I tend to lean Uhtred, but then I got to thinking, Crowe as Gladitor...Spartacus, Hundred Eyes, Butler in 300 etc etc etc, now I’m perplexed.

Question is, who is the baddest Warrior on TV or Big Screen, before Guns came on the scene?
Hundred Eyes is washing everybody
Dash and Lilly #2 on Netflix at the moment. Probably for the 19-25 crowd but eh, worth a look? I need a new series. The Kingdom was cool, just finished that.


Eff that, Umbrella Academy it is.
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was about to watch Ratched with my wife and I decided to introduce my son to One Flew over the ****oos nest. He loves Jack after watching the Shining a couple of weeks ago.

He's at the age where I can introduce him to classics I enjoyed. Sometimes its a miss. We watched The Usual suspects the other day and he didn't think it was that good. Hurt my feelings.
Just finished season 4 of Billions. This is a damn good show. The dialogue alone puts it into the top tier current drama category.

But I think I prefer Succession. Both have great dialogue but the story is better IMO.
yeah, Succession is better but thats no knock on Billions. Both well written with great actors. A+ to both
Yeah, had no idea what to expect with Knock Knock. Haven't been in here for a while so I didn't see you guys talking about it, but I watched it because Keanu. Keanu bad acting was top notch

Movie was bad but still enjoyed the hell out of it. Maybe because I trolled my wife the entire time.

"Wouldn't you be mad if I didn't open the door for those 2 young ladies"

"wouldn't you understand me partaking in the shower scene knowing I'm definitely half in the bag with you and the kids away?"

**** like that. Was this movie made for Netflix or did they intend to release in the theaters? Felt like a movie they came up with in April during covid, casted it in May, starting shooting in early July, and finished in early August. Like it was made just for quarantining.
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