Looking at these makes me want some mint chocolate chip ice cream
And some milk, he need some milk lol
See these and think...  'Happy Easter!'  They really would have made a decent Easter release a couple months ago.
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purps and mints might be copped if they hit under $100 but at this rate that might take place in December
Purps are a legit colorway. Depending how the look in person, i will double when the time is right lol. 
congrats to him but i hate when people state that without explaining. then most of them ended up having GC. like... copped it for 5 bucks! but had a $100 GC they got for $95.
Not to rag on him, just saying this in general. When people say it like that, they essentially want attention, they want someone to ask them how they got it that cheaply and to boast about their buy.
Not to rag on him, just saying this in general. When people say it like that, they essentially want attention, they want someone to ask them how they got it that cheaply and to boast about their buy.
the only legit way to post that is like how @babyJs23 posted the $49 ADs with no GCs needed and with receipt and explanation and i was able to cop the same.
Not to rag on him, just saying this in general. When people say it like that, they essentially want attention, they want someone to ask them how they got it that cheaply and to boast about their buy.
the only legit way to post that is like how @babyJs23 posted the $49 ADs with no GCs needed and with receipt and explanation and i was able to cop the same.

You sure that was babyj?
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