I don't ball that much anymore other than playing horse (honesty).  I'm a little older than most on here (I think).   I'm a Kobe fan (born and bred Philly).  Looks matter to me.  Bottom line.  I think it's what sells shoes.  It's also why Kobes have been so popular in my opinion.  They can be worn causally and on court.

As for their 'on-court' performance?  I purchased the release pair.  I used them to go Christmas shopping.  That was my 'on court' experience.  I had discomfort after one wear, then used them again a week later.   There was separation.  It's unacceptable for a $160 shoe.  

Someone on here also asked me, what is my favorite current b-ball shoe?  Tough question.  There's a reason why 'runners' are so popular.  They're more fashionble at the moment.  I do think the Kyrie line is kinda promising.   The release on Christmas day, that ninja release, that was something Nike would have done for Kobe back in the days of the Kobe 8.  They seem to be giving him (Kobe) less attention now that he's retired.

I'm not spending my $ on this current Kobe line.  They need to go retro.
I can no longer play ball with my ankle in the shape that it's in. I purchase Kobes for casual use. With my favorite being the 7s. I do believe that retro's will come when Nike buys Kobes "brand". Similar to Jordan.
Saw this pic on FB.... the shoe is named 'Thank you for your Service' - not sure if this is just a PS or what. 
Was tempted to buy these 'white-outs' today, but naw.  Nike needs to kick it up.  Sorry, but I don't care about on court performance (although that is questionable based upon reviews).  It's about looks.  People buy sneakers based on looks.  There's a reason why this thread is only at 33 pages 3 releases in. 33 pages after 3 releases

Nike, you need to kick it up a couple notches.   It seems like you mailed it in once Kobe retired.  Sad.   

Kobe isn't MJ, but this line deserves better.

If this is the best you got, please release retros.
simple is refreshing doesnt need to be wild every year

with that said i tried them on yesterday, finally, and was pleased. i had to return some XI IDs last year cuz the collar was so damn uncomfortable on my surgery that i had to take em off after 30 mins and walk around in socks on thanksgiving.
Those aren't real just a PS for an article.  On one sneaker website it was something like "What would top shoes look like based on albums" or something like that
What a coink

I just made my lady's phone background that album cover 2 days ago
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I hope there is a Laker CW down the line so i dont have to ID.
Also wish they would start releasing the retros
Looking at these plain ADs makes me think I need to go to footlocker at lunch and buy more $99 XIs.
Team colorway once again

but I like the red, especially since the sole isn't clear. I'll get that on discount.
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