All i heard was to make sure your shipping and billing information is up to date on Instagram.

Screw that.

Meta knows enough about me w/o me having to enter more personal information. Any more info i “share” and ill start getting old skool marketing fliers in the mail again 😂
Normally SZ 10.5. Bought 11 in the RG like I typically do. A bit tight on the pinky toe. Gotta have the Mamba Mentality to wear them.
I don’t think even Nike is dumb enough to release the Venice Beaches. We are gonna find out down the road that Kobe made these based on Vanessa or Gigi eating Superkid ice cream while walking down Venice Beach or something. Lol

Purple fades, sulfur, milk snakes - all better than the Venice Beach joints.
Truth Venice beaches weren’t even moving on 70% discount they were garbage

And he was

I’ve never bought anything off IG - only pop in occasionally to look at baddies on the Explore page - but I set my card up and hoping for the best
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You the poll question.... but did he technically play after tearing his Achilles. Shooting 2 FTs ain't playing lol
Right? I was mad confused after I got the wrong answer on that one.
I know Kobe played through his rotator cuff injury in 2015 so I chose the shoulder answer. Even thought the fractured knee would be a valid answer since he finished that game in late 2013 before sitting out the rest of the season.

Well, this is Nike we're talking about here, just look at the history bs we see in Jordan brand releases.
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