The Official Nike Kobe Retro Thread

Any chances Kobe wears any of the remaining models (6-11) in an upcoming game...? Was under the impression he would, at least starting with the ZK4...
Any chances Kobe wears any of the remaining models (6-11) in an upcoming game...? Was under the impression he would, at least starting with the ZK4...
i'm gonna guess that he will wear the 11 in his final game since the date is on the shoe itself
here's a kobe retro for $59 thats easily attainable 
Picked up a pair the other day for $42 
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Waiting for the L as well. I feel like chances of winning are less than 2%. And if I win, trading for 4s it possible.
Damn just got super lit, won those vis earlier and got a call for the next vs :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:
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