The Official Nike LeBron 14 Thread. Retail $175

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Ya, nothing that is being said is making me think this is going to be a ugly shoe. Quite the opposite lol
If the solider 11 is better than the Lebron XIV, can't Nike just pull the ol' switcheroo and call the Lebron XIV the solider XI and vice versa? We'd be none the wiser, right??
Yeah.....I don't mean to be turd, but I am curious as to how Axelrod is so close to these shoe. Not trying to pull the "who are you" card, but I'm curious. Not trying to ruffle any OG NTers....just wondering

From what I've seen of the latest sample , the most redeeming quality that feels like a "lebron" shoe is the return of the straps from the Lebron 2.

Damn, that's pretty bad if a damn strap is the sneaker's redeeming quality. I guess just one pair for the collection's sake. Oh well, money not spent is money saved.
@AXELROD  any sample/"looks like this" pics of what the original Lebron XIV would have looked like? The original shoe before they changed directions? Since they won't be releasing I suppose at this point we can see what we missed out on.. PM if you'd like to keep it under wraps
Why did the shoe go in a different direction? Has that already been discussed? I know I have already given my hypothesis.
Most likely the initial design was too far ahead of its time performance wise and stylistically.

Probably implement some of it in the 16
What is it that makes a Lebron shoe? What do people even want?

IMO the less stiff and heavy the better
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