The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

What do you think i should do and what lens should i get?

to be honest ultimately only you can decide, #realtalk if you are asking others what lens you should get you're prolly better off waiting until you know for sure what & why you want a certain lens or what look you want....otherwise i'd say get the best lens you can afford that will fit for your intended use; there are pros & cons either way
Good stuff BlueRibbon!

Also who in here in in Los Angeles or the LA Metro area? I’ll be there the 3rd week of January shooting a marriage proposal and would love to link up afterwards. Hit me on PM.
I co-sign. Dont break the bank, just play with your camera and your kit lens. Get to know how both of them work. With time, you can see what focal length you use the most, or what you desire (wider or range) from there you can make a determination. If you find you like photography and you are actually going to stick with it and you actually like the quality (sharpness, color, contrast, bokeh, etc) then consider buying the best possible lens you can afford. It's not how you can upgrade bodies later, it's Bout the best lens regardless of body.

I had a XSI with a 85L 1.2 and till this date I use that lens without a problem.

People get so dumbfounded by knew technology that they want to upgrade bodies all the time, however the same result, mediocre pictures that they could have taken with an older body. Most of the new cameras are built for 4k and low light performance. However, if you know how to read your histogram, you should be able to get great picture regardless, only thing is new cameras are more forgivable if you under expose and want to bring up the shadows.

With that said, take everything everyone is saying with a grain of salt and make your own determination.
hey guys im ready to buy another lense. this time i need a prime for portraits/overall photograpy, but portraits especially. currently my lenses are a canon 50mm 1.8 and sigma 17-50mm 1.8. i use a canon 60d. now i would just use the 50mm but the shots are always out of focus with autofocus or it misses focus and focus on something else. not sure how since i used to have a canon t1i and got results i was super happy with. my canon 17-50 performs like it should so idk. i just want to upgrade since its not the sharpest lens and its actually soft at 2.8...

my dilemma is that i want something like a sigma art 30 1.4, but its useless if i go full frame. my sigma 17-50 is already crop sensor lens. i dont want a collection of crop sensor lenses.... i also think cheaper is better. $500 is my max since the sigma 30 1.4 is only $499...

if you guys have any recommendations that would be good. should i just get the sigma art 1.4 even though it is only crop sensor? all input is helpful

35mm f/2 or 85mm f/1.8? I got my 35mm for $350 and my 85mm for $220. And you can still use them if you go fullframe.

Those are my three main lenses, 35mm, 50mm, and 85mm.

Budget trinity :lol:
So are you guys giving him the advice he asked for or not?

It’s not that complicated, use your experience behind the lens and help the guy. Sure he could figure out on his own, but he came here for advice. That’s very common in the imagery world.

Anyway is there a dedicated video thread on NT?
35mm f/2 or 85mm f/1.8? I got my 35mm for $350 and my 85mm for $220. And you can still use them if you go fullframe.

Those are my three main lenses, 35mm, 50mm, and 85mm.

Budget trinity :lol:

haha i have a 50mm but im not sure what is wrong with my focus on my current body. i need to figure that out. if it was fine i wouldnt be buying anything yet lol. its the only lens i have a real problem with.

im still considering the sigma art 30 since i saw one used on KEH for only $350 or around there. for that price i dont mind paying for a crop lens. im still on the ffence about bying used lenses though. i have only bought film camera lenses since they dont make those any more lol. any experience with buying used lenses?
haha i have a 50mm but im not sure what is wrong with my focus on my current body. i need to figure that out. if it was fine i wouldnt be buying anything yet lol. its the only lens i have a real problem with.

im still considering the sigma art 30 since i saw one used on KEH for only $350 or around there. for that price i dont mind paying for a crop lens. im still on the ffence about bying used lenses though. i have only bought film camera lenses since they dont make those any more lol. any experience with buying used lenses?

Try shooting the 50mm at like f/2-f/2.8 if you're having focusing or softness issues.

Both of my 35mm and 85mm are used.

I got the the 85mm off which is like Niketalk for cameras and my 35mm locally through Facebook.

I was considering going a Sigma 30mm too at the time, but they have some AF issues that are pretty well documented.

There's a couple things to check for if you do buy. Obviously the exterior condition. Shine a light through the lens to inspect for dust or scratches. Change aperture to make sure the blades are still smooth. Check contact/mounting points. Check if the camera focus is smooth.
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Crazy .....


So are you guys giving him the advice he asked for or not?

It’s not that complicated, use your experience behind the lens and help the guy. Sure he could figure out on his own, but he came here for advice. That’s very common in the imagery world.

Anyway is there a dedicated video thread on NT?
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
hey guys im ready to buy another lense. this time i need a prime for portraits/overall photograpy, but portraits especially. currently my lenses are a canon 50mm 1.8 and sigma 17-50mm 1.8. i use a canon 60d. now i would just use the 50mm but the shots are always out of focus with autofocus or it misses focus and focus on something else. not sure how since i used to have a canon t1i and got results i was super happy with. my canon 17-50 performs like it should so idk. i just want to upgrade since its not the sharpest lens and its actually soft at 2.8...

my dilemma is that i want something like a sigma art 30 1.4, but its useless if i go full frame. my sigma 17-50 is already crop sensor lens. i dont want a collection of crop sensor lenses.... i also think cheaper is better. $500 is my max since the sigma 30 1.4 is only $499...

if you guys have any recommendations that would be good. should i just get the sigma art 1.4 even though it is only crop sensor? all input is helpful
That seems odd your 50mm is not focusing on the 60D. It should be the same for the most part as the Rebel. I wonder if your lens is just messed up or the 60D focus is just out of whack. It could be both or one or the other.

If this is a hobby you want to invest in, it will actually cost you cheaper in the long run if you upgrade to the full frame stuff rather than getting the crop first and then getting a pro lens later. But this is if this is worth that time and effort. In my opinion since I am pretty deep into this hobby, I wish I would have just gotten the full frame and got it over with. I bought essentially 3 cameras before I went full frame and had to sell all of them for the most part to upgrade for better. That is just me though.

And regards to the Canon R half assing their mirrorless, I think it is still a fine move as long as they don't market this as their top of the line camera. I think when their pro mirrorless comes out, it should address the flaws that the current model has. As long as the autofocus is good with the adaptors to the DSRL lenses, I am pretty much going to get a Canon mirrorless when the right one comes out.
That seems odd your 50mm is not focusing on the 60D. It should be the same for the most part as the Rebel. I wonder if your lens is just messed up or the 60D focus is just out of whack. It could be both or one or the other.

If this is a hobby you want to invest in, it will actually cost you cheaper in the long run if you upgrade to the full frame stuff rather than getting the crop first and then getting a pro lens later. But this is if this is worth that time and effort. In my opinion since I am pretty deep into this hobby, I wish I would have just gotten the full frame and got it over with. I bought essentially 3 cameras before I went full frame and had to sell all of them for the most part to upgrade for better. That is just me though.

And regards to the Canon R half assing their mirrorless, I think it is still a fine move as long as they don't market this as their top of the line camera. I think when their pro mirrorless comes out, it should address the flaws that the current model has. As long as the autofocus is good with the adaptors to the DSRL lenses, I am pretty much going to get a Canon mirrorless when the right one comes out.

Very mature and well thought out response Fong. I agree this is just the first real step for Canon in the FF Mirrorless market. I was honestly hoping it had more features as I was looking to start with a fresh new system in the FF format after coming from the GH5. I simply defaulted back to the a7iii because at the moment it’s the best capability per price in the entire market. Heck I can afford to buy the A7Riii but will not touch it due to the a7iii
That seems odd your 50mm is not focusing on the 60D. It should be the same for the most part as the Rebel. I wonder if your lens is just messed up or the 60D focus is just out of whack. It could be both or one or the other.

If this is a hobby you want to invest in, it will actually cost you cheaper in the long run if you upgrade to the full frame stuff rather than getting the crop first and then getting a pro lens later. But this is if this is worth that time and effort. In my opinion since I am pretty deep into this hobby, I wish I would have just gotten the full frame and got it over with. I bought essentially 3 cameras before I went full frame and had to sell all of them for the most part to upgrade for better. That is just me though.

And regards to the Canon R half assing their mirrorless, I think it is still a fine move as long as they don't market this as their top of the line camera. I think when their pro mirrorless comes out, it should address the flaws that the current model has. As long as the autofocus is good with the adaptors to the DSRL lenses, I am pretty much going to get a Canon mirrorless when the right one comes out.

Thanks for the response. I totally understand that and thats why i am asking for advice before buying anything lol. Which lens would you reccomend i get then? Like what focal length and brand.?
Very mature and well thought out response Fong. I agree this is just the first real step for Canon in the FF Mirrorless market. I was honestly hoping it had more features as I was looking to start with a fresh new system in the FF format after coming from the GH5. I simply defaulted back to the a7iii because at the moment it’s the best capability per price in the entire market. Heck I can afford to buy the A7Riii but will not touch it due to the a7iii

Oh geez.....I thought we were talking about photos but I had to reread some of the stuff posted. I am pretty bad with video but know the GH5 is pretty much a go to minus it's focusing. I think the Sony's are fine too but again, focusing can be a problem. I think the Canon focusing is one of the best for auto focus with video but of course, they have that dumb crop factor which makes no sense at all.

Thanks for the response. I totally understand that and thats why i am asking for advice before buying anything lol. Which lens would you reccomend i get then? Like what focal length and brand.?

This is such a hard question and honestly something that has no real answer. If you get one lens, you'll want another one and if you get a long lens, then you'll want a wide and so on. There is just no one all lens that does it all. Even if you got a 24-70mm, you are like not that wide enough to do landscapes and not that long enough to do certain portrait stuff. I would look really hard into what kind of stuff you shoot most. If you like landscapes, go ultra wide, if you like street photos, do like 30-35mm. If you like portraits, stick to 50mm to 85mm and even as long as 200mm. If you like wildlife, then get like 400mm or 600mm. Me personally if I had one lens to start, I would go with a 35mm prime. It's not great for landscapes but I've learned to like that focal length a lot for general use.
People worry
Whats with this high horse type responses from the elderwatson drone master dude? You daddy over here?
Dude is worst than Nickii .. he continues to try and sneak diss. No wonder why dude got banned before.

No one here has had any problems and now this dude comes with a stick ...............

For me lens are more important and you dont need to grow into them. Simple get the best lens possible and it will help your skills and output more than just a camera. From sharpness to color/contrast to stuff like bokeh.

But let me guess you can do that in Post.


I'm not even going to bother ...
Au contraire, mon frère. I wasn’t sneak dissing Fong at all. That was a nice level headed response about the Canon release.

Lol I’m severely misunderstood in here. Nice shot Keko. Autumn leaves are dope. We don’t get to see that here in Houston.
Been busy lately. Currently omw to shoot on the Manhattan Bridge again with the 9/11 tribute.
Oh geez.....I thought we were talking about photos but I had to reread some of the stuff posted. I am pretty bad with video but know the GH5 is pretty much a go to minus it's focusing. I think the Sony's are fine too but again, focusing can be a problem. I think the Canon focusing is one of the best for auto focus with video but of course, they have that dumb crop factor which makes no sense at all.

Fong, it’s actually quite common in the video world. When they do that it’s called the Super 35 Format. Super 35 is found in the RED cameras as well as the Arri Alexa also for the X7 camera in my drone. These companies are playing it smart...keeping FF for photogs and Super 35mm for viddies. What’s more important are the compression codecs. These vid cams like the RED, Alexa, and X7 all shoot RAW video at 6K and 4K. Not many consumer cameras if any do that.
And regards to the Canon R half assing their mirrorless, I think it is still a fine move as long as they don't market this as their top of the line camera. I think when their pro mirrorless comes out, it should address the flaws that the current model has. As long as the autofocus is good with the adaptors to the DSRL lenses, I am pretty much going to get a Canon mirrorless when the right one comes out.

i'm sure both will be very capable cameras and if it was a few years ago when mirrorless cameras were less capable they'd be hailed as successes, and i definitely temper my criticism with the fact that both canon's & nikon's cameras aren't out...but i feel like the problem IS that it is so obvious that neither canon or nikon had made these cameras to be their top of the line cameras...

Fong, it’s actually quite common in the video world. When they do that it’s called the Super 35 Format. Super 35 is found in the RED cameras as well as the Arri Alexa also for the X7 camera in my drone. These companies are playing it smart...keeping FF for photogs and Super 35mm for viddies. What’s more important are the compression codecs. These vid cams like the RED, Alexa, and X7 all shoot RAW video at 6K and 4K. Not many consumer cameras if any do that.

while the 'super 35' format is common, the cropping in on the image is wild inconvenient because it essentially changes the focal length (and the depth of field as well as low light ability) of any given lens, somewhat defeating the advantages of bigger sensors; to my knowledge those other cameras are natively 'super 35' of the reasons many people even began to rock with video on dslrs was that the og canon 5d had such a unique look because it basically used the whole sensor, now there are a whole new crop of shooters that are likely using sonys for that unique look when they could be shooting canon...
It's all good in the hood fellas. All this convo here is gravy so no need to take things to that level. This thread continues to be one of the few things I check so hate to make it look like the other posts in the general forum.

I just came back from Portland and Washington over the weekend and just saw a ton of waterfalls. Got to really use my 10 stop ND filter but it sort of backfired on me as it was too dark in a lot of situations. I ended up shooting 30 second exposures at like f/2.8 at times. So not all of it was tack sharp but still not bad either.




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