The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

^^^^I agree. B&W for the first one and maybe a sepia tone for the other one to give it a gas looking feel. Doesn't make sense to have a gas mask aroundsnow.
Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

^^^^I agree. B&W for the first one and maybe a sepia tone for the other one to give it a gas looking feel. Doesn't make sense to have a gas mask around snow.

If you would perhaps do it, and show me? I am so new at this
Originally Posted by youngwill500

Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

^^^^I agree. B&W for the first one and maybe a sepia tone for the other one to give it a gas looking feel. Doesn't make sense to have a gas mask around snow.
If you would perhaps do it, and show me? I am so new at this
u do realize you're asking NT to photoshop a pic of you?

unless that's not you..

Covered a friends studio session for my blog.

First time /working in a legit studio set up.

I always was kind of intimated by off camera lighting, so it was cool to see the processes and how everything was set up.

I've got to grab some pocket wizards and hopefully steal some time during the next session.




As far as post processing goes. I don't do too much.

Digging into the processes/steps in generic actions kind of gave me a starting point and ideas of how and what i needed to adjust to get the look I wanted.

Just kind of played around in Photoshop until I developed a consistent process.

An example. First shot is SOOC

Added vignetting. adjusted curves, then shifted color sliders in "Selective color".


For B&W added vignetting, then adjusted RGB channels

Not sure if that helped at...

Originally Posted by verynecessary

Originally Posted by youngwill500

Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

^^^^I agree. B&W for the first one and maybe a sepia tone for the other one to give it a gas looking feel. Doesn't make sense to have a gas mask around snow.
If you would perhaps do it, and show me? I am so new at this
u do realize you're asking NT to photoshop a pic of you?

unless that's not you..
Believe it or not, those are two different people... and Im actually black
Originally Posted by SaNTi0321

Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

Quick question.....anyone got tips on shooting like family portrait stuff indoors without flash?

I actually got nominated to shoot photos with santa clause at my work. I figure to use my 35mm 1.8 lens to get the job. The problem I might be facing is that I heard to shoot at a smaller aperture when shooting portraits so everyone is in focus...but since this is indoors, I kind of need to set it so it shoots quick. Someone said shoot at like f/8-11 but I know for a fact that it will be too slow. So what do I do.....shoot at a large aperture like f/4 or smaller at the suggested f?8 and jack up my iso to compensate? I l already have people expecting things from me and shooting portraits for me is the worse.
You're gonna need the 1.8 to shoot indoors. I'm in the same situation for Christmas eve... I think I'm gonna mess with the built-in flash and make it work.
The same boat I was in... go with f/4-5 and iso 800 (depending on the lighting)

And for the built in flash.. make a diffuser so its not as harsh and doesn't kill the pics so much
Originally Posted by Kickmatic23

Originally Posted by SaNTi0321

Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

Quick question.....anyone got tips on shooting like family portrait stuff indoors without flash?

I actually got nominated to shoot photos with santa clause at my work. I figure to use my 35mm 1.8 lens to get the job. The problem I might be facing is that I heard to shoot at a smaller aperture when shooting portraits so everyone is in focus...but since this is indoors, I kind of need to set it so it shoots quick. Someone said shoot at like f/8-11 but I know for a fact that it will be too slow. So what do I do.....shoot at a large aperture like f/4 or smaller at the suggested f?8 and jack up my iso to compensate? I l already have people expecting things from me and shooting portraits for me is the worse.
You're gonna need the 1.8 to shoot indoors. I'm in the same situation for Christmas eve... I think I'm gonna mess with the built-in flash and make it work.
The same boat I was in... go with f/4-5 and iso 800 (depending on the lighting)

And for the built in flash.. make a diffuser so its not as harsh and doesn't kill the pics so much
Make a defuser/bouncer for the build in flash and you should be good to go. I made this out of cardboard and covered it in tinfoil. Place it infront of the built in flash and tape it so it's angled to bounce off the ceiling. Amusing the place you are shooting in has a short enough ceiling tobounce it off of and you can be close enough to the subjects to light them, this should would almost like a speedlight.
Here is what mine looks like...

Here is a comparison shot between using the built in flash with and without the homemade "bouncer"
With STRAIGHT FLASH (No bouncer) Harsh shadows, bad lighting, unflattering

Here is a shot WITH THE BOUNCER. Much softer light, more natural looking.

I don't know if this will work for your situation but I hope it helps somehow. Good luck!
hey Jack, can you post a pic of your DIY diffuser on the camera? I want to see how it looks like.
Looks like I found a new photography thread... Woo Hoo... Hey everyone... I hope all is well this holiday season... And I recognize several peeps from"other" forums in here; which is great... Anyhoo, I hope to contribute some this thread... Here's a few to kick things off...




- airbutchie
Originally Posted by airbutchie

Looks like I found a new photography thread... Woo Hoo... Hey everyone... I hope all is well this holiday season... And I recognize several peeps from "other" forums in here; which is great... Anyhoo, I hope to contribute some this thread... Here's a few to kick things off...


- airbutchie

That is some serious bokeh. What kind of lens?
Figured i should finally contribute
.. I really only have 3 seriousmonths under my belt, but i love shooting and learning everyday... You can see larger versions on my flickr, and dont forget to add me!












Originally Posted by airbutchie

Looks like I found a new photography thread... Woo Hoo... Hey everyone... I hope all is well this holiday season... And I recognize several peeps from "other" forums in here; which is great... Anyhoo, I hope to contribute some this thread... Here's a few to kick things off...




- airbutchie

haha Butch im glad to see you here.
Since I kind of put it out there - I felt obligated to go out and take some pictures .... The snow storm really killed my plans of going tree shooting so I hadto do a quick stop on my way to NYC just to shoot a tree and post ..

Sorry for the crappy picture ....

midnight or so

my second attempt at taking self portraits. C/C?


here's the B/W version. i'm torn between which one i like better.
My girlfriend gave me an Incase DSLR bag for Christmas. I think it works perfectly for my needs. Merry Christmas everyone.
Originally Posted by NayokoChan

how much equipment (camera, lenses, etc.) does that bag fit?
From the default set up of the bag, it looks as if you could fit up to three lenses, a camera w/ lens and a flash. There is also a decent frontpocket to add more gear if needed and an inside mesh pocket for filters, etc. You could also change the compartments to fit your gear as well. I was planningon buying a Domke bag, but with this gift, I think it's an upgrade from my Lowepro bag.

One question to all you photographers,
How much post production do you do for all your photos? Everyone's photos look real good. Does anyone know any websites that have good guides onphotography? Thanks.
Originally Posted by LiveMyReality

Originally Posted by NayokoChan

how much equipment (camera, lenses, etc.) does that bag fit?
From the default set up of the bag, it looks as if you could fit up to three lenses, a camera w/ lens and a flash. There is also a decent front pocket to add more gear if needed and an inside mesh pocket for filters, etc. You could also change the compartments to fit your gear as well. I was planning on buying a Domke bag, but with this gift, I think it's an upgrade from my Lowepro bag.

One question to all you photographers,
How much post production do you do for all your photos? Everyone's photos look real good. Does anyone know any websites that have good guides on photography? Thanks.

thanks! i might look into picking that up for myself at some point. and to answer your question, i don't do a lot with my photos during PP. after i crop it(if cropping is necessary) it's usually down to curves --> auto levels or levels as needed. then i just resize and save. i don't know if there areany sites around for PP but if you poke around a bit online you're bound to come up with something on google.
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