The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

Originally Posted by alejanz28

Does anybody use a digital concepts lens? I just saw an 8mm fisheye and macro extenstion for about $300. Trying to figure out If this is a good deal or not. As I am still néw to photography, I'm still a lil uncertain about the terminologies.
Simply... no-- it's not.

If you're just shooting your friends and you like that fisheye look that's not really clear (a la lomography) then this is the quality of a lensyou'd look for, but about $250 too much. I don't shoot macro, so I can't speak for that. What I can tell you is that you get what you pay for inmost cases. If you want a real 8mm fisheye, Nikon once made an 8mm f/3.5 fisheye. I think one of the 300 made is on eBay for a cool $17k.

You really should stick to brands such as Nikon/Canon, Sigma, Tamron, and Tokina, namely.


And yes, I'm excited. I have a 35-80mm f/4-5.6 lens from my Canon EOS G film camera from back in the day and a 50 f/1.8 for now. Next is probably the70-200 f/2.8 L or the 85L since I'm on FF now. Any good suggestions for old Canon film lenses that are cheap are welcome. Lots of photos coming soon.

Also, anyone know of any good PocketWizard substitutes? I remember there being some talk of a cheap version available on eBay. And has anyone ever made abeauty dish out of a tin bowl by cutting a hole in it? How did that go?
Ahh i miss these parts.. Have been in the banned camp and i kinda went to the dark side of raunchy photography (i.e. Provocative nudes, Parties, Events etc)kind of tired of it though looking to get back to my artistic side a little.. If i wasnt making money off it id quit all together... Here are shots from myrecent work.. I strive not to do any touch ups or photoshop at all so all your seeing are raw shot's
Took some of these with my mom's D3000 while my D5000 was in the shop i can wait i level up as i say and enter the realm of D90's and then D3's




Port work im doing for friends in the neighborhood off of GP ( gonna start charging once i move in to a bigger and nicer studio space)

These are all taken at my studio set up i have in my apt

Some pics i took a photomanthattan studio before i got my equip (oil girl sucked and i was rushing

My first shot for the decade and tried Gary Fong's Puffer (Pop-up flash diffuser)...not bad for me since I'm still saving up for SB900

Ehh.. all I have.. Took them w/ my Rebel Xs


I'm trying to get the whole point & shoot thing down. suggestions?
Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

I am surprised these even came out the way they did on NYE. Sneaking your DSLR in a concert and trying to shoot with security everywhere is pretty damn hard. But after about 250 shots popped off, these were the only good ones.


damn fong, nye at a roots show? and you snuck in your cam?

i'm jealous

^^^Haha! Yup....took of the lens and had it in my hands and was just making small talk with the bouncer and she didn't even notice I had it. I might aswell had a gun cause I could have gotten away with it. It was tough though. Only had my 35mm so I had to be pretty close....and the security dude pretty muchsaw what I was doing the whole night but thank god for the lady that was acting a fool on the other side, just puking and smoking weed. Never again though.

Just to share someone's work I saw on a blog. Person's name is Romain Laurentand did a series of photos called tilt. He does like combination photography and photoshop. So sick!



Also did this famous photos if people know of it:

Do any of you have recommendations for a scanner? I find myself shooting film a lot more, and would like some input as I don't want to pay for CD'sanymore. I'm just upset that my last rolls were rushed (CVS pharmacy) and the negatives had water spots in the CD scans.

Originally Posted by alljayevryjay

Do any of you have recommendations for a scanner?

I would love to know more about it too. Although I started to learn photography thru digital, its never too late to learn more about the film.
Originally Posted by Illuztrious

Would you guys recommend putting a L series lens on a Canon Rebel T1i?

Specifically, this one.
On the T1i I would go for the 17-55 f/2.8 IS. I've used the 24-70L on my T1i and the focal range is kind of limited. It's heavy as +%$@too. The 17-40L and 24-105L are good too.

The built in flash on my Rebel T1i isn't popping up! I'm getting an error message (Err 05). I did some research on google and it said to clean thesensor on the top of the camera and that pin on the right hand side should be sticking out. One is. I cleaned it, but it's still clicking three times andtelling me to turn the camera off and then on again. I can still take flashless pictures but this is not smashing, at all.
I just hit the 'force flash' button, now it's working all of a sudden..... weird.
Awesome thread guys!

ok, NT school me on DSLRs... I know the 1st page has good info but from a NT point of view, what do yall recommend for the cleanest pictures?

Heres my situation: been using a Sony T1 point and shoot for years but really want to throw it out and upgrade to DSLR, just dont know too much about them. Iwill likely go with Canon despite Nikon's simpler functionality. I dont know too much about Canon's quality tho, would yall recommend an extendedservice plan or is that just a waste of $.

Thanks to some sneaker deals, I got about $700 towards a DSLR.

Thanks for the advice/suggestions

ps - I am actually looking to buy soon since I just found out Im going to Florida in Feb to watch the next shuttle launch. I want to be able to take some greatpics and videos. The launch is at 430am also looking for some tips on taking early morning pics. THANKS!
Originally Posted by monday22

Awesome thread guys!

ok, NT school me on DSLRs... I know the 1st page has good info but from a NT point of view, what do yall recommend for the cleanest pictures?

Heres my situation: been using a Sony T1 point and shoot for years but really want to throw it out and upgrade to DSLR, just dont know too much about them. I will likely go with Canon despite Nikon's simpler functionality. I dont know too much about Canon's quality tho, would yall recommend an extended service plan or is that just a waste of $.

Thanks to some sneaker deals, I got about $700 towards a DSLR.

Thanks for the advice/suggestions

ps - I am actually looking to buy soon since I just found out Im going to Florida in Feb to watch the next shuttle launch. I want to be able to take some great pics and videos. The launch is at 430am also looking for some tips on taking early morning pics. THANKS!

If you want a canon with video, go for the T1i.
Originally Posted by PltcsAsUsual

Ahh i miss these parts.. Have been in the banned camp and i kinda went to the dark side of raunchy photography (i.e. Provocative nudes, Parties, Events etc) kind of tired of it though looking to get back to my artistic side a little.. If i wasnt making money off it id quit all together... Here are shots from my recent work.. I strive not to do any touch ups or photoshop at all so all your seeing are raw shot's
Took some of these with my mom's D3000 while my D5000 was in the shop i can wait i level up as i say and enter the realm of D90's and then D3's

These photos are horrible. You should work on exposure and focusing first. All these photos are overexposed, out of focus, wrong white balance, have flatlighting. Perfect these standards first before you decide to upgrade.
Originally Posted by SaNTi0321

Originally Posted by Illuztrious

Would you guys recommend putting a L series lens on a Canon Rebel T1i?

Specifically, this one.
On the T1i I would go for the 17-55 f/2.8 IS. I've used the 24-70L on my T1i and the focal range is kind of limited. It's heavy as +%$@ too. The 17-40L and 24-105L are good too.
I would definitely agree. The T1i is a 1.6x crop, so that 24-70 is effectively the focal equivalent of 38-112mm-- there's no wide end there.The 17-55 f/2.8 IS will give you the wide end, and save you about 300 bucks (right in the range for the 85 f/1.8 or 50 f/1.4

Sure, there's no red ring, but that doesn't mean it's not a sharp lens. The only reason I personally wouldhesitate to purchase the 17-40L and the 24-105L is because they only stop down to f/4, and I shoot in low light a lot, hence my decision to go FF.

Or you could just forget all that nonsense and get the 85 f/1.2L.

monday22 wrote:

Awesome thread guys!

ok, NT school me on DSLRs... I know the 1st page has good info but from a NT point of view, what do yall recommend for the cleanest pictures?

Heres my situation: been using a Sony T1 point and shoot for years but really want to throw it out and upgrade to DSLR, just dont know too much about them. I will likely go with Canon despite Nikon's simpler functionality. I dont know too much about Canon's quality tho, would yall recommend an extended service plan or is that just a waste of $.

Thanks to some sneaker deals, I got about $700 towards a DSLR.

Thanks for the advice/suggestions

ps - I am actually looking to buy soon since I just found out Im going to Florida in Feb to watch the next shuttle launch. I want to be able to take some great pics and videos. The launch is at 430am also looking for some tips on taking early morning pics. THANKS!

I really truly do not mean what I'm about to say in a rude way, and it's not JUST aimed at you:

This is probably the third time this question has been asked in the last three pages. That's the reason that airjordanjack's answer was so short--we've answered it a couple of times. RapSizzle was kind enough to put all that information on the first page because it consists of links and usefulinformation that was shared in the last thread and is useful. That 1st page advice IS what we think.

Now that I've said my 2 have to tell us (1) what you want to shoot, (2) what your needs are, (3) do you plan to invest in it after buying thecamera, et cetera? Here's why (the numbers are corresponding):

(1) A great sports/action camera is a Canon 40D. A great portrait camera is a Canon 5d Mark II. Granted, both of those are probably out of your price range,but the point is still valid. It helps with the recommendation process.

(2) Do you need video? Do you need to shoot in super low-light without flash? Do you need live view?

(3) A lot of people think a DSLR will give them what they want and that pictures instantly become magazine worthy. Purchasing a DSLR only makes sense if youplan on forking over money for lenses later, and the good lenses cost in excess of $700 and the REALLY good ones cost over a grand. Canon makes insanely good point-and-shoot cameras such as the G9 and G10 (and G11 now, I believe?) that take solid low light photos and amanual mode, but is a compact camera. Santi has taken some really dope photos with the G10 when he was DSLR-less.

If you don't feel like responding, here are your basic options for an entry-level DSLR camera:
Nikon D3000- Great camera. Period. It's your basic DSLR camera-- no live view, and no video. It's definitely anoutstanding starting point for LEARNING photography.
Nikon D5000- Same as the D3000 with video.
Canon T1i- Competitor to the D5000 with slightly better low-light performance.

Some personal advice:
-Don't be afraid to buy used. It's your first DSLR-- it's going to go through some hard times. I got a great deal buying used. If you're notshooting in insane weather or at clubs all the time where drunks are stumbling around to break your gear, the service plan probably isn't necessary--that's what warranties are for.
-Cameras don't take photographs. YOU take photographs. A good camera does NOT mean good pictures.
-Do your research. Then, when you've done enough research, do some more research. Check out camera forums, read amazon reviews, check out every site youcan think of with an opinion or a review.
Originally Posted by lacetrix

PltcsAsUsual wrote:

Ahh i miss these parts.. Have been in the banned camp and i kinda went to the dark side of raunchy photography (i.e. Provocative nudes, Parties, Events etc)
kind of tired of it though looking to get back to my artistic side a little.. If i wasnt making money off it id quit all together... Here are shots from my
recent work.. I strive not to do any touch ups or photoshop at all so all your seeing are raw shot's

Took some of these with my mom's D3000 while my D5000 was in the shop i can wait i level up as i say and enter the realm of D90's and then D3's

These photos are horrible. You should work on exposure and focusing first. All these photos are overexposed, out of focus, wrong white balance, have flat
lighting. Perfect these standards first before you decide to upgrade.

As far as the over exposure thats what i was going for i set the exposure comp. for +2.0-4.0 i just like shooting like that i like.. Im still a student so thisis me taking my camera doing what i want with it and taking photos how i feel like i want them to look whether the white balance or focus is off etc. these areall shots for an upcoming e-zine i have releasing i really dont think perv's care about all of that besides seeing females naked.. I really dont want to bea perfectionist until im being paid and taking more then photo I-II in class.. Thanks for the criticism alot of people wouldn't have told me exactly whatswrong (which i knew btw.) ..

Here are some shots i took today for port work for another friend..

Only edited pic

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