The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

Shooting a kids birthday party this weekend. Outdoors and should be good, sunny weather. Anyone want to recommend a lens I could rent?
Currently working with a 24-70 f/2.8 and 85 f/1.4. Was thinking about getting a 24 f/1.4 because I didn't know if I wanted to use a zoom.

If it is a kids birthday outdoors, go with the 24-70 instead. You aren't going to utilize that F1.4 anyways and should be shooting no lower then f/2.8 to get people on focus. And having the option to go to 70mm is a no brainer for parties. My buddy just used his when I went shooting with his on his Mark 3 and the colors and sharpness was spot on. We compared photos from my 24mmL and his seemed more natural and mine seemed more processed for some odd reason.

Some pics from last night.

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Shooting a kids birthday party this weekend. Outdoors and should be good, sunny weather. Anyone want to recommend a lens I could rent?
Currently working with a 24-70 f/2.8 and 85 f/1.4. Was thinking about getting a 24 f/1.4 because I didn't know if I wanted to use a zoom.

If it is a kids birthday outdoors, go with the 24-70 instead. You aren't going to utilize that F1.4 anyways and should be shooting no lower then f/2.8 to get people on focus. And having the option to go to 70mm is a no brainer for parties. My buddy just used his when I went shooting with his on his Mark 3 and the colors and sharpness was spot on. We compared photos from my 24mmL and his seemed more natural and mine seemed more processed for some odd reason.

Some pics from last night.


great shots, i wonder if you were to have done down a couple of stops could you have gotten the marque less bright/exposed (especially for the 3rd pic) & still had some cool range of colors?  

A couple of pictures from my Paris Trip.

Saw this guy in WSHH, but in person - truly talented!

awesome photos!
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Thanks guys!

DNR - I really like the 1st image! The second one is nice, but the lights coming from the right of image along with the object by the clouds is to distracting for me.
Photography thread-
Pleaase school me-

I currently use my iPhone 4S for Instagram... I want to grab a used dslr, for Instagram with a good lens... I know NOTHING about photography ..

Ksteezy takes pretty dope pics, I would like to use something that will deliver comparable pics, he said he's going on vacation and taking one lense, would a camera with that lense work for me?

I am willing to buy this lighthouse or light box app I read about in this thread, I see random dslr's with an extra lense here in my Craigslist... But have no idea what to look for..

Any direction at all would help, I am willing to spend between $75-$500 total
Photography thread-
Pleaase school me-

I currently use my iPhone 4S for Instagram... I want to grab a used dslr, for Instagram with a good lens... I know NOTHING about photography ..

Ksteezy takes pretty dope pics, I would like to use something that will deliver comparable pics, he said he's going on vacation and taking one lense, would a camera with that lense work for me?

I am willing to buy this lighthouse or light box app I read about in this thread, I see random dslr's with an extra lense here in my Craigslist... But have no idea what to look for..

Any direction at all would help, I am willing to spend between $75-$500 total

Son you're going to want to put these images on Flickr not Instagram.
Photography thread-
Pleaase school me-

I currently use my iPhone 4S for Instagram... I want to grab a used dslr, for Instagram with a good lens... I know NOTHING about photography ..

Ksteezy takes pretty dope pics, I would like to use something that will deliver comparable pics, he said he's going on vacation and taking one lense, would a camera with that lense work for me?

I am willing to buy this lighthouse or light box app I read about in this thread, I see random dslr's with an extra lense here in my Craigslist... But have no idea what to look for..

Any direction at all would help, I am willing to spend between $75-$500 total

Unfortunately your budget is way off and even the range is way odd cause $75 can't even get you a decent point and shoot.

Steezy's setup is like one of the most expensive setups in here. Dude has a Mark 3 body which is well over $2K and the 24mm lens is almost $1500 or so. Also DSLRs are a different beast. It's not nearly as easy as an iPhone and can frustrate people off the bat. I mean I know people that shoot on there iPhone that will never get anything like that on their DLSR. I guess look for a Canon Rebel XSi or T1i cause I think that is the cheapest and best DSLR you can get. Lens wise, I guess the 50mm that cost a $100 but that will be a hard lens to use for a beginner. I almost think getting the Rebel stock zoom lens is best.
Unfortunately your budget is way off and even the range is way odd cause $75 can't even get you a decent point and shoot.

Steezy's setup is like one of the most expensive setups in here. Dude has a Mark 3 body which is well over $2K and the 24mm lens is almost $1500 or so. Also DSLRs are a different beast. It's not nearly as easy as an iPhone and can frustrate people off the bat. I mean I know people that shoot on there iPhone that will never get anything like that on their DLSR. I guess look for a Canon Rebel XSi or T1i cause I think that is the cheapest and best DSLR you can get. Lens wise, I guess the 50mm that cost a $100 but that will be a hard lens to use for a beginner. I almost think getting the Rebel stock zoom lens is best.

Ksteezy... What did you use before your upgrade to that expensive *** camera? I remember u was selling your old joint on here before,

I sell DSLRs on Craigslist for $300-$700 you saying stay away?

Just because you have a nice camera and lens doesn't mean you are going to take quality (pro) photos.

You need to have some type of knowledge/understanding the functions of your camera. 

Or are you planning on putting it on the green (automatic) setting?

Don't be surprise to purchase a camera and be totally disappointed with it.

Check that out and you will find some bodies in your price range.

You can start with a kit lens until you get better with your camera and then start working your way up.
Hey all,

Just jumped into the photography game. Expecting my DSLR ordered from Adorama to come in tomorrow or Tuesday. I got a beginner's DSLR (Nikon D3200) and just ordered a bag and UV lens from Amazon. Not necessarily looking for advice (already checked page one for any recommended guides for beginners), just wanted to post in here and check out what people have been doing with their cameras. Anyway, looking forward to contributing as much as I can.
And my full intention is to purchase 2nd hand.
2nd hand is fine. Just check how much shots were taken and honestly I am not even sure how people do that to find out. I always say get a Rebel T3i but I think that is a little out of that range. The Canon T2i might be more affordable. You can definitely get some good setups for cheap but just know they will have some wear and tear and you will more then likely upgrade in the long run if you are into this as a hobby. You'll realize the limitations of what entry level cameras offer. Still, a lot of good stuff can be taken with entry level cameras if you get some decent quality lenses.
Did my first engagement shoot yesterday. Happy with most of the results.


Things I learned for next time:

Bring a stool. There was a point where we were taking pictures on the steps outside of this church/hall place. Was really hard trying to get a direct shot without angling upwards.

Good to have someone to help with positioning. The bride-to-be's sister was with us and basically directing the couple and where to take the photos so that was really beneficial. She set them up, readjusted hair and makeup and I just clicked away.

Get better at shooting in direct light. When we started we were outside at this old railroad bridge and it was crazy bright outside. Had to try waiting for clouds to roll by or catching shade from the bridge to avoid the harsh lighting.
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