The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

Okay here's a few shots of my first "save the date" photos. If you guys don't mine critiquing these photos that would be great. Bad or good I would honest feed back.


Okay here's a few shots of my first "save the date" photos. If you guys don't mine critiquing these photos that would be great. Bad or good I would honest feed back.
Here's my honest opinion:

FIrst Pic - I really like the color and tone in this pic. It also feels "genuine" and not made up or posing. I wish their eyes were open, but can't really help that. I'm not a fan of the bullseye composition. If it were my photo, I'd pull in tighter to put them in the right thirds of the frame instead of just about dead center. That'd pull you in closer to their faces, where IMO where the moment really is in the picture.

Second Pic - The lighting isn't as good as your first pic. I don't mind the composition in this one because it has symmetry in the pic. I'd remove those green cactus that are a little higher up, to the females right. I'd pull the highlights down some if I could because that sky behind the bells, and on top of his forehead are real hot. Also, just remember to really pay attention to your backgrounds.That bell in the background almost looks like a hat he's wearing. 

I hope this doesn't sound too critical, just the type of feedback I'd like to receive on my photos as well. Good shots!
Here's my honest opinion:

FIrst Pic - I really like the color and tone in this pic. It also feels "genuine" and not made up or posing. I wish their eyes were open, but can't really help that. I'm not a fan of the bullseye composition. If it were my photo, I'd pull in tighter to put them in the right thirds of the frame instead of just about dead center. That'd pull you in closer to their faces, where IMO where the moment really is in the picture.

Second Pic - The lighting isn't as good as your first pic. I don't mind the composition in this one because it has symmetry in the pic. I'd remove those green cactus that are a little higher up, to the females right. I'd pull the highlights down some if I could because that sky behind the bells, and on top of his forehead are real hot. Also, just remember to really pay attention to your backgrounds.That bell in the background almost looks like a hat he's wearing. 

I hope this doesn't sound too critical, just the type of feedback I'd like to receive on my photos as well. Good shots!
no not too critical at all, that is exactly the type of feedback i was looking for. unfortunately the i tried to work best with the lighting as much as i could. I'm uploading the rest of the shots that i like on Flickr right now. will post with the link to view the rest. thank you very much 
no not too critical at all, that is exactly the type of feedback i was looking for. unfortunately the i tried to work best with the lighting as much as i could. I'm uploading the rest of the shots that i like on Flickr right now. will post with the link to view the rest. thank you very much 

Nice shots. I think that a pop of flash would have been great in these. A speedlight and umbrella wouldve done the trick.
I offered both my cousins free photoshoots at the end of 2013...

One was a family shoot and the other was of my pregnant cousin.

I went into both of these shoots with no experience in this particular subject matter at all...

KSTEEZY where you at brotha? Need some critisizzzzzmsmzzzszz on these...

These were shot in my room using my window as the light source...

This is my cousin and her family... this was at a dog park in Hollywood, I think. lol
Anyone into astrophotgraphy/star photography? I literally tried for the first time ever in life less than 30 minutes ago.

Unfortunately, it's a bit chilly and windy outside so I didn't last long. I know it's a bit sloppy and I should have taken the UV filter out, but I didn't have any patience.

Anyone else ever try?

Second one was just a test shot - notice the camera shake.

Little Dipper

Anyone into astrophotgraphy/star photography? I literally tried for the first time ever in life less than 30 minutes ago.

Unfortunately, it's a bit chilly and windy outside so I didn't last long. I know it's a bit sloppy and I should have taken the UV filter out, but I didn't have any patience.

Anyone else ever try?

:nerd: i wanna try this out... how tho? :lol:

how long was the exposure on the 1st photo
Okay here's a few shots of my first "save the date" photos. If you guys don't mine critiquing these photos that would be great. Bad or good I would honest feed back.



Really love the setting of the pics just two small critiques if you don't mind

1) In the first picture i think the extra window with the bars could be cropped out, it kinda takes away from the focus of the pic
2) I love the setting of the pic i just feel like it may be a bit overexposed, unless of course you wanted that extra light in the back
Really love the setting of the pics just two small critiques if you don't mind

1) In the first picture i think the extra window with the bars could be cropped out, it kinda takes away from the focus of the pic
2) I love the setting of the pic i just feel like it may be a bit overexposed, unless of course you wanted that extra light in the back

Wonder how the first pic would look from no angle at all and just shoot it flat. The textures on that look real nice and the chair looks really cool as well. Would like to see more of that.

The second pic is just bad exposure from the sun being on the wrong side. Notice how all the shadows are cast in front and not behind. I would just go back there during sunup to get that pic. As far as the props and background, I think that is perfect. Even the color of the letters are perfect too. not to bold and works well with the yellow background.
Alright guys. Need some help on just knowing how to use a flash properly. I might have access to a concert and as much as I like non flash photos, I might as well use what I have and do both flash and no flash. My general question for you guys if you I need more than just my flashes for shooting a concert photo? Do I need a defuser or could I just use my flash as is? I haven't really used my flashes a lot but I did notice from my little uses that the coloring of the flash can come out blue sometimes. I don't get how sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't but I think it had to do with the intensity of it. I did have it pretty powerful outside once when I was shooting at night and all of the people's skin color was blue for whatever reason.

Any tips on concert flash photos would be appreciated.
Alright guys. Need some help on just knowing how to use a flash properly. I might have access to a concert and as much as I like non flash photos, I might as well use what I have and do both flash and no flash. My general question for you guys if you I need more than just my flashes for shooting a concert photo? Do I need a defuser or could I just use my flash as is? I haven't really used my flashes a lot but I did notice from my little uses that the coloring of the flash can come out blue sometimes. I don't get how sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't but I think it had to do with the intensity of it. I did have it pretty powerful outside once when I was shooting at night and all of the people's skin color was blue for whatever reason.

Any tips on concert flash photos would be appreciated.

If your flash is strong enough and the celling is low enough, you can bounce it off the ceiling and it won't look as harsh.
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