The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

well that sucks, how did they end up swiping your gear? also curious why you're thinking of going with the a7 (that, or the next generation of that is definitely going to be my next camera) over the a traditional dslr (or a7r os a7s)?

I was dumb and left my gear inside my car overnight and they busted my window. I got pretty tipsy at the bar and took a cab home without realizing I didn't have my bag. I'm only upset that I lost my hard drives with all my work. The gear will be replaced, but my work is gone.

And I'm thinking of an A7 because I can get it for $1200 brand new. I prefer it over an A7r because I'd rather have a faster autofocus over a higher megapixel count. I'm scared it still won't be fast enough for some of the fitness photography I do. But I still have a Nikon D600 I can use for that. I'll think about it over the weekend but I'm pretty sure I'll pull the trigger on the A7. Anyone here have one?

i don't have one but i played around with one in the sony store when i was in korea, between that brief experience and what i've read (i've been salivating over the a7 series since they 1st dropped the rx1 and leaks surfaced about them) if you NEED accurate auto focus, many reviewers have noted that it misses focus and that while it isn't slow it isn't fast to focus either...and it only does about 5 fps

Is Sony really out there putting out equipment on par with canon and Nikon on the DSLR front?...

the way i understand it, sony has been making awesome sensors (for high end nikons and maybe that new leica t???) for a minute; so they have the technical know-how but it seems to be more that they are doing new and interesting things with their cameras as compared to canon & nikon who seem to content to put out relatively minor improvements. combine that with sony openly saying buy their camera but use adapters for other lenses it has many excited to use it at least as a 2nd camera. so while they are not quite there yet , it would seem to be a matter of time before they make something that is much more competitive & compelling from both an aesthetic and specs point of view...
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Went on my first bike ride this year, came home with a cpl good shots

have you tried shooting any of these events in raw yet? the increase dynamic range might help you in these situations?

Sadly no but I will do that next time though. Most of my shots had focus issues cause lighting was kind of on and off. That and the people in the crowd kept shoving me around but still, I came away with only 3 shots out of 300 photos. Pretty bad ratio.

yo @Mr Fongstarr
 those shots are super ill. love the "faded" touch in the shots. 

Thanks man. If anyone wants to know how to do it in photoshop, go to exposure and just adjust the offset and gamma sliders.

Random: a lot of times you see images posted and are like wow, not realizing that the image you are looking at is a product of tens, hundreds and/or thousands of images taken. From time to time you get Lucky and get that perfect shot but most likely than not it took several tries.

I have read of individuals that have had an image of a place they have visited and they have literally stayed in that locations up to months at a time waking up at the same time traveling the same road doing the same routine until they get that one shot they had pictured.

Just rambling ...
Random: a lot of times you see images posted and are like wow, not realizing that the image you are looking at is a product of tens, hundreds and/or thousands of images taken. From time to time you get Lucky and get that perfect shot but most likely than not it took several tries.

I have read of individuals that have had an image of a place they have visited and they have literally stayed in that locations up to months at a time waking up at the same time traveling the same road doing the same routine until they get that one shot they had pictured.

Just rambling ...
**** dude tell me about it. me and my buds spent like 2 and half hours at a vista point trying to get the perfect shot of the golden gate bridge. and to think 2 1/2 hours is only a small sample size of what other photographers go through to get that perfect shot. 
though i still pretty much take my camera everywhere with me, lately i've just been going out late night/earl mornings getting pics, its wild how a city can feel like a totally different place depending on the time of day:

If you remember, can you tell me what settings you used when taking this?

1/80s @1600 iso with a 50mm lens @ f1.4 with a sony nex-6, as well as pumping up the colors & messing with the white balance, probably the biggest advantage (or disadvantage depending on your tastes) to shooting raw over jpeg is the manipulability (sp?) of the files...

Random: a lot of times you see images posted and are like wow, not realizing that the image you are looking at is a product of tens, hundreds and/or thousands of images taken. From time to time you get Lucky and get that perfect shot but most likely than not it took several tries.

I have read of individuals that have had an image of a place they have visited and they have literally stayed in that locations up to months at a time waking up at the same time traveling the same road doing the same routine until they get that one shot they had pictured.

Just rambling ...
**** dude tell me about it. me and my buds spent like 2 and half hours at a vista point trying to get the perfect shot of the golden gate bridge. and to think 2 1/2 hours is only a small sample size of what other photographers go through to get that perfect shot. 

i can somewhat relate to the 1st part, which is probably generally true of most things, we rarely ever see the work that get put in---all we see is the finished thing...but for photography (as with many other things) it is all about the finished thing - a tldr anecdote: a co-worker was recounting how disappointed (read: furious) his girl was when she saw the unedited photos (pro photographer but was the wife of a friend to the the co-workers wife, so there was not much understanding about what the terms were for deliverables) from the wedding photographer as compared to the really polished & edited candid photos his sister took. because the sister took her time and picked out a few pictures to polish up compared to the photog's proof book of what looked like unedited photos it was something of an apples to oranges comparison...the wife voiced her displeasure (not even wanting to see the edited pics for the wedding photographer) and all sides were on shaky ground about it & not speaking (moreso the wives that is, the husbands are cool but are scared to go to functions in common with said wives for fear of much awkwardness and/or violence!!!) all because, it would seem, the photographer didn't present those 'perfect' pictures upfront...

as far as posting up at a spot for the opportunity to get a certain picture...i respect that, especially given that these days it is possible to do so much with compositing & post processing. i guess because i don't think too much about the pictures i take and the type of pictures i'm interesting in (perfection is the moment, #serendipity), it has never occurred to me that one would do that outside of things like nature photos, or rare occurrences of awe, like the northern lights,an eclipse, or something of that nature...
Had the coolest session today with this little guy and his mom, took an e-shoot approach with it and I loved it!

Thanks. I'm just paranoid on getting it dirty lol. I took a few shots of the sky today and saw a bit of a difference, haven't tested it out for reflections yet but I can't wait!
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