The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

TmAk15 that's amazing!

I need to get myself an AB800
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

My dude!
He shout out a 7D..haha.

This is the fear of why I never want to do photography as a profession.

Could you elaborate?

For me anyways, I just don't think my skill can satisfy the majority out there. I love photography but I think doing it as a profession will kill it for me. Everyone is so damn picky and sue happy now a days that I find it almost impossible to please someone, unless you underpay yourself. I know there are plenty of people that are doing well for themselves being a photographer but I am just not that person.
I dont know man, I think you should still give it a try. Ive been assisting my brother with photoshoots and you're right people are picky but that just comes with the territory I see what you mean..having to deal with the business side of something could somewhat jade you if you're not build for it. Me personally I agree with just saying at least give it a try before you say no.
I'm absolutely in love with this girl's photos. I'm trying to perfect this look but I haven't seemed to emulate it quite the right way.

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I understand Fongstarr. I just started taking pictures for my friends and some kids because they like the outcome of my own shots. I also feel they would expect more or better and I don't like bad criticism. That's why I'm comfortable just taking pictures for myself.
^^^Nice dude. Been really reading a lot on the video capabilities and its quit impressive. Frame rate is on point. Kind of wish the photo quality was just as good cause I would've ditched my D90 for that.

And I know there are a lot of Mark 2 owners that never use their video but I just wanted to show what can be done with such a great camera. This is a friend of mine that uses his Mark 2 solely for video use just cause the HD capabilities seriously trump a lot of video cameras out there:

Panning shots are so dope.
Originally Posted by TmAk15

I came home for spring break and my dad greeted me with huge smile saying he had a surprise for me.  When my family moved into our house in the early 90's it was was fully furnished. The fam that used to live here were whites that fled South-Central LA in response to the Watt's riots in the 60's leaving everything behind. Turns out that my garage has a hidden room that was boarded up and drywalled shut until my dad stumbled on it and broke through with a sledge. It's a darkroom! Check it out:

I think it's a sign I should take up film now haha
Reminds me of the hatch in LOST
, pretty coool though. Find any other cool treasures?

Anybody got some good sites or tips on how to use a flash? How do I avoid that "in the club" look when shooting indoor low light setting?



quick question for you guys... i shoot with a Canon XSi which is obviously just a basic entry level DSLR.

Would it be better for me to save up for a new camera or a new lens? What effects the picture quality more.

I'm really into nature photography if that matters...
Originally Posted by lauk4kicks

Anybody got some good sites or tips on how to use a flash? How do I avoid that "in the club" look when shooting indoor low light setting?


Set your flash to 3/4 or 1/2 power and bounce it off the ceiling or a wall. Remember to do manual WB if the walls are anything but white. Really you should do manual WB anyways, but especially with a flash in a colored room.

Here's a good site:
^^^^Lens for sure. You can achieve quite a lot with just a basic DLSR body. The only issues you might have are just with action shots and night photography. But invest in a lens that's quick and if you shoot in the day light, you will come out with some proper stuff.
Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

^^^^Lens for sure. You can achieve quite a lot with just a basic DLSR body. The only issues you might have are just with action shots and night photography. But invest in a lens that's quick and if you shoot in the day light, you will come out with some proper stuff.
Generally, I'd say Fond is right.

HOWEVER, it depends on how much you have to spend and what you shoot. If you have 2Gs to blow, buy the body while you have the money. I upgraded bodies because I had the money all at once that I might not have again for a while, and because I was switching to Canon. Unless you got a couple grand to blow, lens > body. There are tons of photographers shooting with Canon 10Ds still and producing incredible images.
Thanks lol its a Cowon O2. Its a mp3/video player. I only recommend it if you love good sound quality and download lots of videos online and don't want the hassle of converting them.
^Good looks.

Originally Posted by reigillm

any tips how to shoot a silhouette photo?

I only know how to get silhouettes outdoors, idk how to do it on a studio. Just shoot against the light/sun. Low iso, high F-stop, and fast shutter speeds.
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