The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

Pay? for Lightroom? You can tactfully acquire a copy. The 24L is dope though just not for the images I shoot. I'm probably gonna cop the 35mm Sigma Art and i want to get the profoto B1 pack.

I dont really mind. Funding my photography gear through buying less shoes haha. I know what you mean. I was considering the 35 Art, but I find myself wanting to shoot as wide as possible. Hope you get a great copy.
hit me [email protected] I have a unused copy sitting at the house.
Decided to start saving up for the 24L II and Lightroom.

What is on everyone elses pick up list?
right now i only have the 50mm 1.4g prime. I was considering getting another prime, but i think I'll wait on that. I've been considering picking up the 24-70mm 2.8g lens as my next lens purchase. I'm saving up for it, not in a rush to get it this right second.
Pay? for Lightroom? You can tactfully acquire a copy. The 24L is dope though just not for the images I shoot. I'm probably gonna cop the 35mm Sigma Art and i want to get the profoto B1 pack.

It's definitely not for everyone. If I shot people more, I'd go for the 35mm as well. 24mm is just to wide to get a proper portrait look with bokeh and what not. This is sort of a bad example of both cause one shot has more depth than the other but.......

This was shot with a 35mm L. Notice how creamy the bokeh is.


This was shot with the 24mm L. It's sort of the same focal point but I am almost positive if it wasn't for that wall that the one on top would have a better bokeh than the one below.


But the 24mm is a better overall lens because the 35mm can seem limited at times when shooting say landscapes. I almost think the best pairing would be a 35mm and then a ultra wide like a 16-35mm or 14mm for landscapes.

i've never used any L series glass, but just in regards to the focal lengths & bokeh in the above images; generally the wider the focal length the more things tend to be in focus but it is possible to get a similar type of bokeh but it would just need to be framed differently. similarly with using a 35 for landscape, just depends on your approach
pill clinton pill clinton will save for future wallpapers as well as other pics

Im gonna have a bit more free time so I can get out and take some pics finally I'm still learning so I'll post here for feedback and tips to take better pictures

My Flickr: ro boy
Anyone travel just to photograph things? I want to go to New Zealand or Japan just to take pics of the scenery and cities.
southcitydon southcitydon The white and red trail of lights look so rad. Beauty shot, bro. Care to share the location? SF? I've experimented with night time long exposures but only in front of my house :lol: need to find an epic spot like that.
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Anyone travel just to photograph things? I want to go to New Zealand or Japan just to take pics of the scenery and cities.

I don't know if I'd travel with photography being the primary focus, but I'd definitely want it to be a part of the trip.
southcitydon southcitydon The white and red trail of lights look so rad. Beauty shot, bro. Care to share the location? SF? I've experimented with night time long exposures but only in front of my house :lol: need to find an epic spot like that.

It's the mountain that is behind Twin Peaks. Those are the cars that are coming and going to that tourist spot. I've even yet to go there and take that photo. Life without a car sucks.

Anyone travel just to photograph things? I want to go to New Zealand or Japan just to take pics of the scenery and cities.

I have been traveling finally in my later age. Part of my trips have been centered around taking photos much to my girlfriends displeasure. I definitely promote traveling and having photos as the souvenirs but also try to balance it out and have fun at the same time. Also when picking places to go, be careful about those stick up kids that want to jack your camera gear. I want to go to places like Egypt and Brazil but am afraid of getting jacked by locals. I want to go to New Zealand as well but I think I am going to try South America first.
Awesome shots PIII! Definitely looks like something that should be a standard wallpaper although the horizon does look off on the 1st one like goste said.
Pill great shots what equipment are you using

Thanks! Just a Canon T3i with 18-55mm kit lens. :frown: A wise man told me it's not about the camera but the man behind it ;-) Gotta start somewhere.

Awesome shots PIII! Definitely looks like something that should be a standard wallpaper although the horizon does look off on the 1st one like goste said.

Appreciate the input! Can you guys clarify what you mean by the horizon looking off?
Pill great shots what equipment are you using

Thanks! Just a Canon T3i with 18-55mm kit lens. :frown: A wise man told me it's not about the camera but the man behind it ;-) Gotta start somewhere.

Awesome shots PIII! Definitely looks like something that should be a standard wallpaper although the horizon does look off on the 1st one like goste said.

Appreciate the input! Can you guys clarify what you mean by the horizon looking off?
i think what they meant by is that it doesn't look straight when you look across the picture. It looks as if it's tilting to the right
Thanks! Just a Canon T3i with 18-55mm kit lens. :frown: A wise man told me it's not about the camera but the man behind it ;-) Gotta start somewhere.
Appreciate the input! Can you guys clarify what you mean by the horizon looking off?

It looks like you based your level off of the grass and not the horizon of the earth.

I would have shot it like this. (please don't be offended of the edit, just wanted to give some critique and advice!. some people are super finicky about this type of thing.)

Love the colors man.

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benzilla427 benzilla427 Fong$tarr Fong$tarr I make it a habit NOT to bring my DSLR with me on vacations lol. All my trips are there for me to relax and enjoy my time with friends. Most I'll bring is my phone which serves the purposes of capturing moments. Thats why I'd need a trip solely to take photos (with fun incorporated)
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