The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

How us the quality of those prints though from Walmart or even Costco?

If I went the cheap route, I'd look for online services just because there are a lot of places that have legit printers and will fix the photos so the colors all match. The local places can be expensive but they'll give you a proof unlike the chain stores. Remember, printing photos is way different then shooting. What you see on screen is now how it translates on paper or whatever you are printing on. I find it one of the most frustrating things ever and especially on skin color. Last thing you want is printing a photo where the people have Oompa Loompa skin.
Costco is nice. I printed some 11 x 14 lustre finish for my portfolio class. The paper they use is thick and lustre finish = no fingerprints.

And concerning the second part, if you were to print at costco you can find the printer's icc profile online so you can match the colors on your screen to match their printers. After downloading the icc profile, you'd go to photoshop -> view -> proof setup -> custom -> then find the icc profile and then press accept. After that, just adjust the colors/darks to your liking then upload the photos to costco, choose size and finish, then send away to print.

^ That's, if your monitor(s) are already color calibrated.
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^^^^The sad think about print is I supposedly majored this in college. The wonder why I don't do graphics as a job. Thanks for the info. I definitely need to try this out on some photos in the future.

Saw this vid on Hypebeast for you IGers out there.

I know I might talk negative about a lot of these photo meet ups and just doing stuff like what is portrayed in the video but honestly I think it's more of a jealously factor that I don't have the time or even the balls to do all these things that people are doing. I really do like how photography seems to be pushed a lot in the last 5-10 years and just getting people to go out and shoot all the time. I mean that is a great effort to want to catch that "cool" photo but for the most part, all those types of shots turn out great.
^^^^The sad think about print is I supposedly majored this in college. The wonder why I don't do graphics as a job. Thanks for the info. I definitely need to try this out on some photos in the future.
Lol I majored in photography as well,
and no prob man!
How us the quality of those prints though from Walmart or even Costco?

If I went the cheap route, I'd look for online services just because there are a lot of places that have legit printers and will fix the photos so the colors all match. The local places can be expensive but they'll give you a proof unlike the chain stores. Remember, printing photos is way different then shooting. What you see on screen is now how it translates on paper or whatever you are printing on. I find it one of the most frustrating things ever and especially on skin color. Last thing you want is printing a photo where the people have Oompa Loompa skin.

I found out a long time ago not to go the cheap route. Most of us have awesome camera that allow us to take in a lot of data only to loose it in a print. Pro labs are the best way to go. If you register to any of them you will get emails monthly if not weekly or daily on some kind of sale that they are running. If you are printing a 4x6 then it may not matter too much but anything larger and you will visually notice a huge difference. I only use pro labs even with smaller prints because of the attention to care and packaging.

If you look at the images that this photographer scanned you can see the difference. Try a few pro labs same image and print a 5x7 or 8x10 (fairly cheap) and compare them to a Walgreens or Costco. You decide what you like best and what is closest to your rendering on your digital file.

^^^^^I agree. My teacher used to give people bad grades if he ever heard anyone printing any of our graphic design stuff out at Kinkos. The only downside with print shops is it costs more. I was pretty surprised people thought charging a $100 for a 24X36 was a good price for a personal photo because I thought it at least cost $50 to a $100 to even print one. I follow skate photographers and most of them charge about $375 for a 20X30 for a legit print. Not saying that is a price you should put up for yourself but I think a $100 is a little too cheap considering. Even wedding photographers charge way more than that and most don't even give you digital files.
^^^^The sad think about print is I supposedly majored this in college. The wonder why I don't do graphics as a job. Thanks for the info. I definitely need to try this out on some photos in the future.

Saw this vid on Hypebeast for you IGers out there.

I know I might talk negative about a lot of these photo meet ups and just doing stuff like what is portrayed in the video but honestly I think it's more of a jealously factor that I don't have the time or even the balls to do all these things that people are doing. I really do like how photography seems to be pushed a lot in the last 5-10 years and just getting people to go out and shoot all the time. I mean that is a great effort to want to catch that "cool" photo but for the most part, all those types of shots turn out great.

had i been into photography at the age some of these guys are, id probably would be out there with them, this is something you do in your senseless years, the years were if you get arrested and lose your job, it wont affect your well being by much, being 33 that ship has sailed, the reward is nowhere near the risk, there is 0 money involved, just the thrill, which is cool but i have too much to lose and people who depend on me to be out there being wreckless....i feel you and me are probably on the same boat, is crazy because deep down we are still artists like many of these kids and given our skill level we know the type of bad **** shots we would get....not trying to come off as cocky, but is the reality, some of these kids just picked up a DSLR a couple of months ago and they get really cool shots.

im gonna say this, i rather these kids get arrested for this, than for something without a purpose, i see it as them finding themselves, awakening an artist, years down the line, when maturity hits, they will take all this theyve learned and apply it to get them ahead in is a beautiful medium, the fact these strangers learn to trust each other to the point where they are hanging 80 flights off the ledge of a building together taking shots, says alot....bravo to these kids.
^^^^^^It would be interesting to see them out of their comfort zone. Like I wonder what these guys would produce if they had to shoot an engagement set or even a photoshoot for a car for that matter. Like do they have the skill to shoot other such things? Would be kind of cool to see, even if it meant they added their Instagram style to the mix.

But it's crazy just how many people have cameras now and how many people are shooting. When I went shooting over the weekend, I actually saw a bunch of kids (in the cold) shooting some half naked model as the sun was going down. Then to the left of me, you had other kids just capturing the sunset and to my right was this dude telling me I needed sandbags for my tripod and how my photo was going to come out blurry. Haha. I mean he was right cause 4 out of 5 were blurry but I did get my one shot.
How us the quality of those prints though from Walmart or even Costco?

If I went the cheap route, I'd look for online services just because there are a lot of places that have legit printers and will fix the photos so the colors all match. The local places can be expensive but they'll give you a proof unlike the chain stores. Remember, printing photos is way different then shooting. What you see on screen is now how it translates on paper or whatever you are printing on. I find it one of the most frustrating things ever and especially on skin color. Last thing you want is printing a photo where the people have Oompa Loompa skin.

The only "chain" store I'd go to for prints is Costco for sure. Won't even think about Wal-Mart or Walgreens. Make sure you screen is calibrated though.
^^^^^^It would be interesting to see them out of their comfort zone. Like I wonder what these guys would produce if they had to shoot an engagement set or even a photoshoot for a car for that matter. Like do they have the skill to shoot other such things? Would be kind of cool to see, even if it meant they added their Instagram style to the mix.

But it's crazy just how many people have cameras now and how many people are shooting. When I went shooting over the weekend, I actually saw a bunch of kids (in the cold) shooting some half naked model as the sun was going down. Then to the left of me, you had other kids just capturing the sunset and to my right was this dude telling me I needed sandbags for my tripod and how my photo was going to come out blurry. Haha. I mean he was right cause 4 out of 5 were blurry but I did get my one shot.

I don't think they'll do good...least the ones I follow some have been hired for something as simple as a Bday party and the pictures weren't bad technically, just very was weird...seem like they had no clue how to handle candid moments, probably because a lot of their shots are thoroughly planned out.
^^^^^^It would be interesting to see them out of their comfort zone. Like I wonder what these guys would produce if they had to shoot an engagement set or even a photoshoot for a car for that matter. Like do they have the skill to shoot other such things? Would be kind of cool to see, even if it meant they added their Instagram style to the mix.

But it's crazy just how many people have cameras now and how many people are shooting. When I went shooting over the weekend, I actually saw a bunch of kids (in the cold) shooting some half naked model as the sun was going down. Then to the left of me, you had other kids just capturing the sunset and to my right was this dude telling me I needed sandbags for my tripod and how my photo was going to come out blurry. Haha. I mean he was right cause 4 out of 5 were blurry but I did get my one shot.

Well...where's the shot of the sunset at?? lol
It's this one that I posted a page or two back:


Near that square portion of the water there are two people over there and one following. I think that was the guys shooting the model. I was about to go down but it was super windy and the sun was going down super fast.
Ahh okay. Just watched the video, the things some of these kids do for a shot is just wild. E-fame has gotten to their heads but maybe down the line they'll end up working for some sort of magazine company.
[COLOR=#red]Everybody wants to be edgy with the whole street photography scene, but in all reality a person's best work comes when they leave their comfort zone and immediate surroundings and travel.

Money shouldn't be an issue for most when you have peeps putting major money into professional rigs and lens systems, but then after $6k+ of total investment they take pictures that a really good point and shoot could capture. Sadly digital photography has turned into a spec game. Worry less about getting the absolute top of the line and more about actually learning the craft and getting out and exploring new areas and places to capture.[/COLOR]
I don't think they'll do good...least the ones I follow some have been hired for something as simple as a Bday party and the pictures weren't bad technically, just very was weird...seem like they had no clue how to handle candid moments, probably because a lot of their shots are thoroughly planned out.

[COLOR=#red]I'm sure they could learn...Photography isn't quantum physics my dude. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=#red]Everybody wants to be edgy with the whole street photography scene, but in all reality a person's best work comes when they leave their comfort zone and immediate surroundings and travel.

I agree. I mean to give those guys credit, they are getting shots of New York that have never been seen but if people want to get good content, they sometimes have to go somewhere else to get it.

Not sure if you guys know of this guy on The Hundreds (Jovell) but he's from Alaska. He literally captures things out there that you can never get anywhere else unless you live in those conditions. Some of his stuff is just really cool visually but overall he's a good photographer.

Is it good to get your name out there and would you recommend it for beginners?

To be honest it can go whichever way you want to take it. It says your from ATL so there are going to be tons of models that want to work on their portfolio etc. It is good to network and meet people. I moved to Miami from Baltimore a year ago and I've found model mayhem to be a little difficult in regards to finding serious models because of the photography scene here. You have so many good photographers and so many beautiful women. However, the models find themselves wanting to jump in to early. What I mean by that is I've plenty portfolios made up of cell phone selfies and once you message that model you receive a reply back saying "oh here are my rates"... I understand the hustle but if I'm shooting with upwards of 6k in equipment and your portfolio screams lower than an iphone 6 then who should be sending who rates?
lol I seen a few but couldn't really check it out I was at work. But I feel what you saying I'll probably make an account and when I feel comfortable/ confident with my shooting I'll try to shoot a few
Is it good to get your name out there and would you recommend it for beginners?
lol I seen a few but couldn't really check it out I was at work. But I feel what you saying I'll probably make an account and when I feel comfortable/ confident with my shooting I'll try to shoot a few

Shoot some friends first and build a portfolio that way so you have something to show. I'm sure you have some friends that eat up social media and would love for some crisp images for their account. Put out a casting call on model mayhem and see who bites.
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