The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

Went to Sony store abd saw they had the Nex 6 for $430 body only. Couldn't remember the A6000 at the time. Just found out my credit card limit increased last month. May be going back on Sunday to see if they got the A6000.
[COLOR=#red]Found an in depth video about my cam the a6000. It's by Gary Fong a well respected pro photog who also manufactures accessories for cameras. He's in love with it and he owns high end Nikons, Canons, and both the A7 and A7R Full Frames.

This camera is so advanced and I'm still trying to figure it out. It truly has a stupid fast literally snaps 11fps while focusing continuously between each of the shots at a full 24 MP. I thought it was hype until I actually tried using it. Also the continuos autofocus is fully available while recording in Full HD. Just incredible. Please find another camera that has that capability for under $5k. Also the autofocus covers %92 of the sensor. How Sony managed to cram all this innovation and performance with a relatively large APS-C sensor for $800 is beyond me. With all the tech in this rig it could easily sell for $1600+. Fuji and Panasonic high end mirrorless are costing much more with less features and with the smaller Micro 4/3 sensors. Also with the metabones adapter it can use Nikon, Canon, and Leica lenses.

Somebody in here mentioned what's Sony's plan with cameras...well IMO they are simply upping the game as far as innovation and attempting to take digital cameras to the next level...and they are quite capable of doing so...this the company that invented portable music players (Walkman), CDs, BluRay, and Playstation :lol:


haha, is sony cutting you a check my dude? no doubt, the a6000 seems to be a great camera; and from what i've been reading not too many question sony's technological prowess (they make a good deal of image sensors for apple, gopro, leica, nikon, etc.)...the question is will they stick with a system? i rock with sony, but it'd be hard to reccomended a sony camera to anyone because the criticism against sony has been that there really aren't enough good affordable native lenses if you want to go beyond the kit lens or want a faster lens...they keep churning out new cameras but everyone is like "where are the lenses?" if people don't mind not having autofocus and using adapters, it can be a really awesome camera but most want to be able to use autofocus and fast lenses for low light and not have to pay too much...
[COLOR=#red]Came to Houston for the 4th weekend and stopped by the Sony Store at the Galleria with my cam to test out the lenses. Pictures below.

Tokes Autofocus is available with the adaptors my dude...Metabones adapters allow for autofocus using Canon lenses and users are reporting that it works quite well and not unnecessarily slow. And :lol: I'm not getting a check from Sony but I wish I could. BTW the pictures with the lenses is my camera.[/COLOR]




[COLOR=#red]This is with the E-Mount 50mm Prime. Nice Bokeh.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#red]The rest of these below were shot with the A-mount (Basically Minolta Mount) 70-300mm G lens with E-mount adaptor, the FE-Mount 70-200mm G lens, and the E-Mount 55-110mm lens[/COLOR]








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Does anyone shoot with the Canon 6D? Or anyone knowledgeable about it?

- How is it vs. the 7D?
- What are the major differences between the 6D, and the 5d Mark 2/3?
- How do you like it?
- Any sample pictures?
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luong1209 luong1209

I have the 5D3 but not the 6D. I believe one of the major differences between these two bodies are the auto focus systems. The 5D3 has a 61 point AF system compared to 11 points on the 6D. If you're shooting a lot of sports, this may be a factor for you. If not, the 6D is a great body otherwise. I believe it's low light/ISO capabilities are right up there as stated by sn00pee sn00pee .

Some people complain that they'd rather have a 2nd memory card slot instead of GPS or built in Wi-Fi but I don't think that really becomes a factor unless you're shooting events, but you can always buy larger capacity cards and just keep then handy on you to swap them out quickly.
Good lookin out @khankussionz @silkboi Nawzlew Nawzlew and tokes99 tokes99 for the info/feedback/dialogue.

I ended up goin with the 50 for now. Y'all started gettin this newb hella confused with some of the back and forth, but I 'preciate the help.

Now gotta start narrowin down the zoom lens options.

thanks again fams.

yea, alot of the lens + sensor stuff is SUPER confusing...not sure why if all the camera manufacturers are going to use 35mm as a standard why they don't mark lenses that are developed for cropped sensors as their 35mm equivalent (i.e. a 35mm dx lens is about a 52.5mm on a crop camera, so why is it marked as 35mm?)

Tokes Autofocus is available with the adaptors my dude...Metabones adapters allow for autofocus using Canon lenses and users are reporting that it works quite well and not unnecessarily slow. And :lol: I'm not getting a check from Sony but I wish I could. BTW the pictures with the lenses is my camera.[/COLOR]

just jokes my g, yea that is one of the best things about the alpha/nex cameras is that you can put just about any lens on them with adapters, but not everyone wants to do that & the metabones joints are nowhere near as fast to autofocus or get focus as native lenses; great cameras but they have their issues & aren't for everyone...

anyway back to the pictures; randoms:

Segway mobbin' by me_myself_n_eye, on Flickr

cell time by me_myself_n_eye, on Flickr

bicycle memorial by me_myself_n_eye, on Flickr
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If youre shooting sports/wildlife, get the 7d.

I have the 6d, good for lowlight/high iso situations.

Recent pic 6d 24-70l

Here are some sample photos for each camera.

I've shot with the MK2 before, just an amazing camera. Near perfect.

I personally don't think the choosing the MK3 over the MK2 is the right way to go. Just not worth the extra $1000+. Would rather get a MK2 and an L lens or something.

Speaking from a hobbyist POV tho.

luong1209 luong1209

I have the 5D3 but not the 6D. I believe one of the major differences between these two bodies are the auto focus systems. The 5D3 has a 61 point AF system compared to 11 points on the 6D. If you're shooting a lot of sports, this may be a factor for you. If not, the 6D is a great body otherwise. I believe it's low light/ISO capabilities are right up there as stated by sn00pee sn00pee .

Some people complain that they'd rather have a 2nd memory card slot instead of GPS or built in Wi-Fi but I don't think that really becomes a factor unless you're shooting events, but you can always buy larger capacity cards and just keep then handy on you to swap them out quickly.
Thanks guys :smokin.

I'll be just shooting people (that sounds bad), and random events...the 61 AF points sound so much better :lol:.
Does anyone shoot with the Canon 6D? Or anyone knowledgeable about it?

- How is it vs. the 7D?
- What are the major differences between the 6D, and the 5d Mark 2/3?
- How do you like it?
- Any sample pictures?

I have the 6D. It's a great camera, I feel like I haven't taken full potential of it yet because of my style of shooting but the only thing I dislike about it at times is the 11 point AF. It is really annoying for me when I try and get that perfect bokeh shot but other than that I love it. Some pics I've taken with it are in my flickr stream in my sig, all taken with the 24-105mm.
Here are some sample photos for each camera.

I've shot with the MK2 before, just an amazing camera. Near perfect.

I personally don't think the choosing the MK3 over the MK2 is the right way to go. Just not worth the extra $1000+. Would rather get a MK2 and an L lens or something.

Speaking from a hobbyist POV tho.

The MK3 isn't way better than the MK2 but the fixes the issues of the focusing. I really depends on what you do though. Even my skate photos I had some issues locking down with the MK3 but would be even more of an issue with the MK2. Here's a video that I think best describes the problem.

Go tot he 7:00 mark to talk about the focusing. Mind you he is outside shooting birds but indoors would be even more of a different. Most of the rest is pretty similar. Again, this all depends on what you are doing. Mark 2 is a great camera and ISO is great but its hard to say this camera is the best seeing how old it is now. 6D might be about the same with a better video quality and smaller size.
Another video. He said the 6D focuses better at night than the Mark 2 but it's more heavy as a center focus rather than the edges. He says he recommends the 6D over the Mark 2.

Awesome shots battleground03 battleground03 ! It's awesome that you got to visit the Mayan temple! I want to go there someday.

Did you add a vignette on the last shot? Just added you on ig also btw.
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