The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

Jordan nice work ...

However, those sweat over the 1's ... SMH

Then you talking 100+ degree?
The bridge is a few miles north of a place called Banks, Idaho which has a population of about 15-20  

Thanks for the advice on the skin. I was more focused on the overall color of the area around the girl that I didn't realize I turned her into a grape. Here's a redo with more focus on her. I still need a lot of practice though
Lmao, yeah man much better just keep at it!
What lens were you using @JordanSF
Tamron 15-30mm 2.8, Canon 35mm 1.4 and Canon 50mm 1.8 stm
Hey all is there an industry standard/format for a cv/resume when applying for an opportunity? Like if you send out your work and info, is there a certain protocol or expectation in regard to the items that you’re providing? Any help appreciated, thanks.
They don't want me to make youtube videos... so i made another video. :evil:

I wanted to give this edit a more moody vibe while still keeping my subject well exposed. Split toning and increasing the bokeh on the background as well.


Teach Me How To Lightroom - 05 - Moody Night Portrait

RAW File is in the description of the video :smile:
How do you upload pics from Flickr on here? I tried using some of the various urls under the embed and BBCode for the image on my flickr page but they don't seem to work when pasting them into the insert image on NT 

Or without losing quality, how do y'all post higher res pics on here 
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How do you upload pics from Flickr on here? I tried using some of the various urls under the embed and BBCode for the image on my flickr page but they don't seem to work when pasting them into the insert image on NT 

Or without losing quality, how do y'all post higher res pics on here 
Coppy the embed code from Flickr.

Click the "Source" button on the top left of the reply box

Paste embed code

Click preview or submit and it should work.
How do you upload pics from Flickr on here? I tried using some of the various urls under the embed and BBCode for the image on my flickr page but they don't seem to work when pasting them into the insert image on NT 

Or without losing quality, how do y'all post higher res pics on here 
Coppy the embed code from Flickr.

Click the "Source" button on the top left of the reply box

Paste embed code

Click preview or submit and it should work.


unedited photos from berlin
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First attempt at using the nd filter

f/11 0.5 sec out of focus


Also, filters will give you the best results when you have clouds and during sunrise/sunset. Will work mid day but when you don't have anything to beside still objects you lose the effect.

When you using the filter, make sure you focus first without it, switch out to manual then attach the filter. Also if you have a remote use it/buy it, when you start using longer exposures you will need to set to bulb and you will not be able too hold it for several minutes.
Just picked up a Canonet QL17 GIII film camera. 

Can't wait to start shooting in film.
Going on a cruise to Key West + Cozumel Mexico in about a month. Looking to rent one of those full frame Sony mirror less cameras(A7). What type of lens would you guys recommend to pair up with this bad boy?

Looking to shoot mostly "street photography" type of photos. I was thinking in the 30-35mm range
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