**The Official Ralph Lauren Polo Thread**

RicoSwa RicoSwa Sure thing, see ya next month purple label man :emoji_wave::lol:

This jacket goes crazy in person, can’t wait for it to hit that 40%+20% clearance price with the longbill to match

yeah 🤣😂 you keep waiting for them to wait for you on that lmfao 🤣😂🤣
yeah 🤣😂 you keep waiting for them to wait for you on that lmfao 🤣😂🤣
Oops baited the new LO thread troll by mistake... Haven't seen that many emojis since my kid sisters graduated middle school :rofl:


Bayport jacket FSR 60% off with an extra 20% off this weekend... If you want pics of the receipts when I buy the racing gear I'd be happy to provide them. I like to think I know the Canadian market for Polo better than some overzealous troll but please go on.
Edit: That’s CAD btw


Also I want the rug in that other pic.
Didn't even notice the rug til I posted to NT; it's fire I may need to ask about it next time I'm in that LO section
Whats the sizing like?
Fits pretty TTS I’d say maybe a little snug. I typically buy M or L depending on the fit & this one I think I’m going with a L just cause I want it a little bigger if I need to layer or want to wear it zipped up. Wearing the M in that picture for reference.
yeah 🤣😂 you keep waiting for them to wait for you on that lmfao 🤣😂🤣

Polo peaked at Snow Beach and Stadium.
Its just like dudes are crackheads trying to make purchases to get to
that magic again.

They can simply release replicas and bring back the magic but they dont want that.
I just dont like a majority of what they make now.

Glad some dudes still got that fire. For me the thrill is gone.
Salute the ones who keep going.

There is something out there that is dirt cheap right now
that will be worth millions later on and Im not missing the next bit coin.

Let the young boys keep it going. Its your time now.
I was answering somebody who called my name in the thread.

Ya bich *** mad I got more money and polo and Versace and etc than you do.


What you so territorial about? A shirt and sweatshirt made in China?

Listen to ya wack.*** self.


Were you naked before polo?

Sound like you was.
I thought you promised to leave the thread?

Rico retired from this thread 4 or 5 times already, and has gone from being a 90s only Polo collector, to a Quality Guy, to a Purple Label only collector, and currently is a Big Ralph Lauren Game Hunter with a vacation home in the Fila Thread.

Son couldn't leave this thread alone if he wanted to, no matter how many times he rebrands himself.

I just watch him come through and derail the tread whenever he posts. :lol:
To all the young polo collectors that don't have a snow beach or stadium jacket, do ya thing. You are new and have not seen the top of the mountain yet.

I am older and have been at the top of the mountain.
Makes no sense for me to keep collecting when I have their best summer and their best winter sportswear offering.

No replicas will be made. So your job is to find the new grails.

Allot of salty dudes just really here to re sell and be scalpers.
They show off old pieces because they know the new stuff ain't what 90s dudes like.

Stop showing off old vintage pieces if polo is till popping. Let them go.

When they stop showing off old pieces guys like me won't ask for the old quality and colors the share holders feel is to expensive to make.

That's my final say.

Good luck.
Polo peaked at Snow Beach and Stadium.
Its just like dudes are crackheads trying to make purchases to get to
that magic again.

They can simply release replicas and bring back the magic but they dont want that.
I just dont like a majority of what they make now.

Glad some dudes still got that fire. For me the thrill is gone.
Salute the ones who keep going.

There is something out there that is dirt cheap right now
that will be worth millions later on and Im not missing the next bit coin.

Let the young boys keep it going. Its your time now.

I can 60% dig most of Rico's stance, just without the 40% "Rico-over-the-top-ness". Polo is in my DNA, so all the silly "I'm retired" talk isn't even in my vocabulary, but the fallback is DEF in effect.

Like Rico, I'm glad dudes is out here gettin' it, even if some of these joints don't even make me slightly raise my eye brow. But that's me. Do y'all.

I work a four-day-on/four-day-off schedule, and when I'm on, I check out of most of my online social media. When I log back in, Rico has "retired" again. So, on average, Rico retires every four days.
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