- 4,603
- 1,204
It's clear that The Factory Outlet Stores are now being used as the fast-fashion store fronts. They have an entire line of denim that is being produced exclusively for the Outlet Stores, and even have a moto inspired Factory line. This is where the new CEO comes in. They are flipping the RL returns pyramid on it's head by expanding the profit margins through the Factory Store collections. They used to use the Factory Stores to liquidate old inventory; Now they are selling brand new lines of lower quality items, while reducing the amount of the higher tier items being produced.
I seen some of the new marketing for the Factory Stores and it's pretty solid IMO. They've put together special events to create a sense of exclusivity for Factory Store customers, and some other nice things to push the fast-fashion stuff. I hope it's enough to keep the label going so that I can still get a couple of great items every Fall/Winter
This is exactly why I haven't set foot in one since the duck sweater was in there.