[table][tr][td]2009-10 Power Rankings: Week 15[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]RK (LW)[/td][td]TEAM[/td][td]REC[/td][td]COMMENT[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]1 (1)[/td][td]Cavaliers[/td][td]41-11[/td][td]The Cavs are three W's away from the longest winstreak in team history, on pace to win 65 games again and you can'teven knock Mike Brown's offense any more. Our clear-cut No. 1s arefifth in offensive efficiency.[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]2 (2)[/td][td]Lakers[/td][td]39-13[/td][td]L.A. is the only team in Cleveland's zip code forbest record and suddenly sports the West's best road record. Not thatyou'll hear anyone raving about either factoid. That's how highexpectations are in Lakerland.[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]3 (5)[/td][td]Jazz[/td][td]31-18[/td][td]Eight straight wins? All by a margin of at leastseven points? You have to go back to the glory days of March 1998, whenUtah was headed for its second successive Western Conference crown, forthe last time that happened.[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]4 (3)[/td][td]Nuggets[/td][td]34-17[/td][td]Stats like this one break things down so easily:Denver's magic number is 95 no matter who's in the lineup. The Nuggetsare 15-0 when the opposition is held to 95 points or fewer ... with orwithout Melo or Chauncey. [/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]5 (4)[/td][td]Magic[/td][td]34-17[/td][td]For all the doubt about how the parts fit post-Hedo,there's no way this team was as so-so as its 9-8 January suggests. TheCelts, by comparison, are just 2-7 against the East's top four afteranother Magic win in Boston.[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]6 (6)[/td][td]Hawks[/td][td]32-17[/td][td]The Commish faces a tough call if Pierce or Garnettor another East forward has to pull out of All-Star Weekend. Josh Smithis widely considered to be the East's biggest snub, but would Sterndare to pick a third Hawk?[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]7 (15)[/td][td]Suns[/td][td]31-21[/td][td]Timely history lesson from the Arizona Republic's BobYoung with Nash just turning 36: John Stockton averaged 12 points and8.5 assists as a 35-year-old; Nash is averaging 18.4 points and 11.1assists this season.[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]8 (7)[/td][td]Raptors[/td][td]28-23[/td][td]Since that 146-115 humbling in Atlanta on Dec. 2 andthe team meeting that followed, Toronto is 21-10. Which almost --almost -- atones for the 130 points allowed to Indy after we moved theRaps all the way to No. 7.[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]9 (16)[/td][td]Thunder[/td][td]29-21[/td][td]My bad: OKC was way too low last Monday and has beenhurt more than any team by our recent struggles to sort out the weeklyjumble in the middle. At 16-8 during Durant's streak of 25-point games,it had to jump.[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]10 (
[/td][td]Mavericks[/td][td]31-19[/td][td]You can't hammer a division in which the last-placeteam is two games over .500 ... but even the All-Star hosts don't knowhow they've managed to hang onto first place in the Southwest in theircurrent fragile state.[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]11 (10)[/td][td]Celtics[/td][td]32-17[/td][td]Who needs the All-Star break more than the Celts?Pierce and KG are laboring, Ray Ray can't escape trade speculation,Rondo is openly doubting team chemistry and they're 9-12 since beatingOrlando on Christmas.[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]12 (11)[/td][td]Trail Blazers[/td][td]30-23[/td][td]The numbers might not floor you like Dre Miller's52-point game did, but this is the more meaningful entry on thisseason's list of Trail Blazers surprises: They're 7-7 somehow whenB-Roy, Oden and Przybilla are all out injured.[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]13 (14)[/td][td]Spurs[/td][td]29-20[/td][td]The Spurs don't merely have fewer wins (nine) againstteams at .500 or better than any team in the West's playoff hunt.They're also the only West team of the 11 over .500 that can't claimmore road wins than home losses.[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]14 (9)[/td][td]Bobcats[/td][td]24-25[/td][td]Worried as he sounds about how much longer MJ isgoing to stick around with new owners looming, Larry Brown has donesuch a good job with the Bobs that he's sure to get another gig if hewants one. Rep restored.[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]15 (12)[/td][td]Grizzlies[/td][td]26-24[/td][td]Saturday's trip to 'Sota figured to be a nice tonicafter a stretch that wedged in stops in San Antonio and Cleveland withhome dates against the Hornets, Lakers and Rockets. Except that theWolves are suddenly no gimme, either.[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]16 (13)[/td][td]Bulls[/td][td]24-25[/td][td]Although the Bulls miss January even more thanMemphis does -- judging by the way their February started -- this teamlook likes playoff material again as long as Noah's mandated rest paysoff after the All-Star break.[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]17 (18)[/td][td]Rockets[/td][td]27-23[/td][td]How hard to beat have the Rockets been in their ownbuilding? Saturday night's unexpected L to Philly -- wasting AaronBrooks' sixth 30-point game of the season -- was their first Februaryloss at home since Feb. 28, 2007.[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]18 (17)[/td][td]Hornets[/td][td]27-24[/td][td]It's quite possible that the long-suffering sportsfans of New Orleans haven't even realized yet that CP3 just had kneesurgery. And after what the Saints just did? He might even make it backbefore anyone really notices.[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]19 (20)[/td][td]Bucks[/td][td]23-26[/td][td]He wears Throwball T-shirts to mock American football and just granted us a one-on-one.So I might be biased. But I do strongly believe Bogut is the bestcenter I've seen in the East this season not named Dwight Howard.[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]20 (19)[/td][td]Heat[/td][td]24-27[/td][td]Their winning record? Gone. Ditto for the Heat'sstandings cushion over Milwaukee. That's what happens when you managefour wins in three-plus weeks against teams with a combined winningpercentage of .342.[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]21 (22)[/td][td]76ers[/td][td]19-31[/td][td]I'd be happier if Iverson could accept a bench giglike my beloved Bob McAdoo did at a similar stage in his career. ButI'll be happy for Iverson when he's on the All-Star stage. More than amillion fans have spoken.[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]22 (21)[/td][td]Clippers[/td][td]21-29[/td][td]The Clips are eight games under .500 and 7 1/2 gamesout of the No. 8 spot after losing Kim Hughes' debut. Which tells youwhy all the focus now is on Camby's future before the trade deadline asopposed to playoff delusions.[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]23 (23)[/td][td]Knicks[/td][td]19-31[/td][td]The Knicks started 3-14, won 12 of the next 18 andthen tumbled again with losses in 11 of the past 15. Add it all up andyou inevitably conclude that D-Lee is going to struggle for an All-Starspot even as an injury replacement.[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]24 (29)[/td][td]Timberwolves[/td][td]13-38[/td][td]Whether it's Brewer's under-the-radar progress,K-Love's acceptance of a sixth-man role or the improving grasp of thetriangle offense, interesting things are happening in 'Sota. Worth alook in spite of the record.[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]25 (24)[/td][td]Wizards[/td][td]17-32[/td][td]If there was going to be a snow-out this season --weather reasons previously forced the postponement of an NBA game morethan three years ago -- is anyone out there surprised that the Wiz wereinvolved?[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]26 (25)[/td][td]Pacers[/td][td]18-33[/td][td]Conseco remains one of the best basketball templesyou could ever wish to visit. But not even yours truly would dare claimthat these Pacers or even their top-shelf building can lift the localsout of their Colts-induced gloom.[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]27 (28)[/td][td]Pistons[/td][td]17-32[/td][td]No one around the league is giving much credence tothe idea that the Pistons could be moving to Pittsburgh, as rumored,but the rumor itself highlights the newfound uncertainty for such ahistorically stable franchise.[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]28 (26)[/td][td]Kings[/td][td]16-34[/td][td]Everyone loves the Kings' draft, but GM GeoffPetrie's best move might have been securing his contract extension whenhe did. The Kings had just beaten Denver at home to improve to 14-16.They're 2-18 since. [/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]29 (27)[/td][td]Warriors[/td][td]13-36[/td][td]If Monta Ellis is not selected as B-Roy's injury replacement for Sunday's All-Star Game at Cowboys Stadium, there is a consolation prize: Another crack Monday night at the Dallas defense Monta just shredded for 46 points.[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td]30 (30)[/td][td]Nets[/td][td]4-46[/td][td]OK, OK. The Nets surely need the All-Star break evenmore than the Celts, given that they just tied the 1972-73 Sixers and1992-93 Mavs for the worst 50-game start in league history and sincethey're on pace to finish 7-75.
RIP Jessie Wiley...

That area has had several altercations. Classic Bowl has always been a haven for crazy fights and stabbings, I guess Little Caesars kinda sketchy now too...
Just read the story
. My cousin was killed 2 weeks ago too. Just standing in his garage and someone came and shot him. He was just going to start Santa Clara next year too
That new Little Caesars is starting to look like a problem. I've seen shady looking dudes just chillin in front of it and eying people walking in. The initial reports from twitter though said dude got shot, not that it makes any difference or anything, but gun violence would have me a lot more shook seeing as though I live "down the street" on Gellert, and the gf lives 2 blocks further down on Callan.
Originally Posted by ikari XD

That new Little Caesars is starting to look like a problem. I've seen shady looking dudes just chillin in front of it and eying people walking in. The initial reports from twitter though said dude got shot, not that it makes any difference or anything, but gun violence would have me a lot more shook seeing as though I live "down the street" on Gellert, and the gf lives 2 blocks further down on Callan.
Yea i've been noticing that too. That whole area is pretty crazy nowadays, Classic Bowl out of all places seems to be some gang hang out spot. To think Westborough Middle School used to send us there every friday for bowling days...
Originally Posted by mosk33toe

Originally Posted by ikari XD

That new Little Caesars is starting to look like a problem. I've seen shady looking dudes just chillin in front of it and eying people walking in. The initial reports from twitter though said dude got shot, not that it makes any difference or anything, but gun violence would have me a lot more shook seeing as though I live "down the street" on Gellert, and the gf lives 2 blocks further down on Callan.
Yea i've been noticing that too. That whole area is pretty crazy nowadays, Classic Bowl out of all places seems to be some gang hang out spot. To think Westborough Middle School used to send us there every friday for bowling days...
Yeah, same goes for Onyx too. Lot of shady looking high schoolers posting it out front smoking stoges and trying to look hard. One of the few things I hate about where I live.
Originally Posted by miss kidd0

Originally Posted by LiL Stevie728

Should be an easy W for the Warriors, the Mavs are done for the season
fake mavericks fan
Hope you've been watching this team for the past month. Dudes have given up, expecting a trade to happen
Struggling for 1-2 weeks = a slump. Struggling for an entire MONTH though?
Originally Posted by LiL Stevie728

Originally Posted by miss kidd0

Originally Posted by LiL Stevie728

Should be an easy W for the Warriors, the Mavs are done for the season
fake mavericks fan
Hope you've been watching this team for the past month. Dudes have given up, expecting a trade to happen
Struggling for 1-2 weeks = a slump. Struggling for an entire MONTH though?
fool, the only consistent teams are gonna be the best team and the worst team [*cough warriors]. every other team goes through slumps and streaks.
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