The official "WHAT NOT TO EAT" Thread vol. Oprah don't like us

Aug 23, 2008
Let's get healthy NT! They putting ##++ in our food they weren't putting in before and it's killing us. Alot of yall won't make it to50 comfortably. Post videos/articles of food, nutrients, and ingredients that we shouldn't be messing with.

Carcinogen Found in KFC's New Grilled Chicken
Doctors Ask KFC to Withdraw Kentucky Grilled Chicken After Tests Reveal PhIP

WASHINGTON-Tests of KFC's new Kentucky Grilled Chicken have revealed substantial amounts of a carcinogenic chemical in all samples tested, according to a report released today by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), which is asking KFC to withdraw the product from sale.

A PCRM scientist visited six different KFC stores, obtained two samples from each location, and sent them to an independent testing laboratory. All 12 samples were found to contain PhIP, a chemical classified as a carcinogen by the federal government. PhIP, part of a chemical family known as heterocyclic amines (HCAs), has been linked to several forms of cancer, including breast cancer, in dozens of scientific studies. No safe level of ingestion has been identified. Every sample also tested positive for at least one additional type of HCA.

The new KFC grilled chicken products were the focus of a controversial promotion by Oprah Winfrey, who offered coupons for free Kentucky Grilled Chicken meals on her Web site. PCRM has alerted Ms. Winfrey to these findings.

"Just as the fat and cholesterol in fried chicken have prompted concerns about heart attacks and obesity, the carcinogenic chemicals found in Kentucky Grilled Chicken raise serious concerns about cancer risk," said Kristie Sullivan, M.P.H., a PCRM toxicologist. "No parent would knowingly serve carcinogens to a child, and parents have no idea these chemicals are in KFC products. We are asking KFC to withdraw Kentucky Grilled Chicken."

PhIP and other HCAs do not exist naturally in chicken; they form when animal muscle is cooked to high temperatures. The National Toxicology Program administered by the National Institutes of Health has identified PhIP as carcinogenic, as have the State of California and the International Agency for Research on Cancer.�

Founded in 1985, the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine is a nonprofit health organization that promotes preventive medicine, conducts clinical research,and encourages higher standards for ethics and effectiveness in research.

"If sugar was to be put on the market for the first time today, it probably wouldn't getpast the FDA"

The Dangers of High Fructose Corn Syrup
good thing i rarely eat KFC and never tried this
Mama told me NEVER accept free food. especially the food u gotta download a program to get a coupon for.
yep just another ploy by the government to kill us all before we're old so we can't collect on our social security checks. very well planned out withthe heavy television advertising and even getting such an influential person like Oprah to back them.
And they called me an conspiracy theorist.
Now let the truth be told about the chicken in the supermarkets.
at the "outrage" this may cause.
Cant believe people are shocked.
This is just the tip of the ice berg.
The very air you breathe is infected.
This will go down as one of the greatest product launch failures of all time. They spent ridiculous ad money on this.
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