The Official Write Your Own Bot/RSVP Thread - Asking to buy one = Restricted from thread

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:wow:120 link bots being spawned for this launch??? Sure that is not enough?

well, God speed sir...ima stick with 40 or so...if i get half of those out of your grip that would be good enough for me, then again i wonder how many will actually be available on

btw, for those who were asking, I'm not messing with ec2s any more, but if ya wana make it less obvious, use an elastic ip. your welcome
Elastic IP won't do anything...
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C'mon son. I saw that same one on YouTube for $200. Lol
I would never pay for a program that I could create myself. I could send you a copy if u like? Not in it for money either, just trying to help
I would never pay for a program that I could create myself. I could send you a copy if u like? Not in it for money either, just trying to help
Nothing worse then trying to front like you made something that you didn't. Actually, there is something worse, and that is GIVING AWAY other people's software that they worked hard to create.
Nothing worse then trying to front like you made something that you didn't. Actually, there is something worse, and that is GIVING AWAY other people's software that they worked hard to create.
I can shut the program down @ anytime. Its not as simple as sending it to someone and it works. Its only a program, its not life or death. lol
I would never pay for a program that I could create myself. I could send you a copy if u like? Not in it for money either, just trying to help

You can send me the source

And for these ec2 instances, still confused how they work, do you just setup the number of instances for the number of bots ur tryna launch? So like 49 instances for 49 bots or w/e
I did say ,"make it less obvious". I haven't seen anyone post Nike's official "banishment" process and details that go as far as to how deep they investigate each order. You forget they are still making money. but user@amazonec25 kind of makes things quite apparent no? lol
I would never pay for a program that I could create myself. I could send you a copy if u like? Not in it for money either, just trying to help

Feel free to send me a copy. I'd like to take a look. PM me. If you really did create that then someone is selling your work. You may want to disable any you have floating around.
You can send me the source

And for these ec2 instances, still confused how they work, do you just setup the number of instances for the number of bots ur tryna launch? So like 49 instances for 49 bots or w/e

i don't even think you can launch 49 all depends on the configuration of the instance you run, and how much you are willing to fork out by the hour/or by the month. if you have a soccer mom van, you can comfortably fit 8 screaming kids. If you have a mazda miata only seating two in there.
If most of the action is happening via web the Free tier instance is not the route you wana go to launch 40 bots. and your going to need to run more than 1 bot on each instance.
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Feel free to send me a copy. I'd like to take a look. PM me. If you really did create that then someone is selling your work. You may want to disable any you have floating around.
Thanks for the news. I will send it to you with directions but if you cant get it set up you might have to set up team viewer so I can see what the problem is. If you have the 4 I think you should be good tho
120 link bots being spawned for this launch??? Sure that is not enough?

well, God speed sir...ima stick with 40 or so...if i get half of those out of your grip that would be good enough for me, then again i wonder how many will actually be available on

btw, for those who were asking, I'm not messing with ec2s any more, but if ya wana make it less obvious, use an elastic ip. your welcome
Its possible to pass off your EC2 instances to use your own IP. But you'd have to get a DNS server that is near the server location you are launching your EC2 instances or else that might be a pointless move.

I'd much rather hide behind a university IP over EC2 any day. 

You know how they got FOLDING@home.  Leverage the computers in your library and script up an AUTOCOPPING@school LOL!
i don't even think you can launch 49 all depends on the configuration of the instance you run, and how much you are willing to fork out by the hour/or by the month. if you have a soccer mom van, you can comfortably fit 8 screaming kids. If you have a mazda miata only seating two in there.
If most of the action is happening via web the Free tier instance is not the route you wana go to launch 40 bots. and your going to need to run more than 1 bot on each instance.
They limit 20 / server location.

You can get 60 per an account in the US.

And since I got two accounts - I launch 120.

I used medium instances with HIGH network.

So its possible. 

Lets base this on North Cali prices since they are the highest:

$0.165 * 2 (hours/instance) * 120 (instances) = roughly $40.00

$40 per a release you want - not so bad. Not something to do every Saturday.
They limit 20 / server location.

You can get 60 per an account in the US.

And since I got two accounts - I launch 120.

I used medium instances with HIGH network.

So its possible. 

Lets base this on North Cali prices since they are the highest:

$0.165 * 2 (hours/instance) * 120 (instances) = roughly $40.00

$40 per a release you want - not so bad. Not something to do every Saturday.
ok, you are starting to take this to the stratosphere. I feel like I'm subterranean trying to get a pair.

On a side note, why don't you ask bigj505 to make this a subforum, make you mod, and have it closed, where they pm you for access, that way it might be easier for you guys to discuss, and keep it semi private?
Spent all day with someone helping me out at SO. Apparently my code works for them, but it doesn't work for me. Anyone know why this is happening? Unless he has changed something I am unaware of or fixed a typo in my code that I can't find.

As far as using my code; I'm using Chrome with Tampermonkey and Firefox with Greasemonkey. Tampermonkey isn't even working anymore for some reason in Chrome, which is apparently due to a software bug so whatever. Firefox (Greasemonkey) is what has been working for me this whole time.

Size is added fine, and code looks good, but after size is selected nothing else is happening. Still looking for some genuine help, please. I've been trying all day for a good 9 hours at least.
// ==UserScript==// @name     NK// @include*// @include*// @require @require @grant    GM_addStyle// @version  1// ==/UserScript==/*- The @grant directive is needed to work around a design change    introduced in GM 1.0.   It restores the sandbox.*/var targetShoeSize  = "10";//-- STEP 1:    Activate size drop-down.waitForKeyElements (    "div.exp-pdp-container form.add-to-cart-form span.exp-pdp-size-container a.selectBox",    activateSizeDropdown);function activateSizeDropdown (jNode) {    triggerMouseEvent (jNode[0], "mousedown");    //-- Setup step 2.    waitForKeyElements (        "ul.selectBox-options li a:contains('" + targetShoeSize + "'):visible",        selectDesiredShoeSize    );}//-- STEP 2:    Select desired shoe size.function selectDesiredShoeSize (jNode) {    /*-- Because the selector for this node is vulnerable to false positives,        we need an additional check here.    */    if ($.trim (jNode.text () ) === targetShoeSize) {        //-- This node needs a triplex event        triggerMouseEvent (jNode[0], "mouseover");        triggerMouseEvent (jNode[0], "mousedown");        triggerMouseEvent (jNode[0], "mouseup");        //-- Setup steps 3 and 4.        waitForKeyElements (            "div.exp-pdp-container form.add-to-cart-form span.exp-pdp-size-container a.selectBox"            + "span.selectBox-label:contains('(" + targetShoeSize + ")')",            waitForShoeSizeDisplayAndAddToCart        );    }}//-- STEPS 3 and 4: Wait for shoe size display and add to cart.function waitForShoeSizeDisplayAndAddToCart (jNode) {    var addToCartButton = $(    "div.exp-pdp-container form.add-to-cart-form div.exp-pdp-save-container .add-to-cart"    );    triggerMouseEvent (addToCartButton, "click");    //-- Setup step 5.    waitForKeyElements (        " div.cart-item-data a.checkout-button:visible",        clickTheCheckoutButton    ); }//-- STEP 5:    Click the checkout button.function clickTheCheckoutButton (jNode) {    triggerMouseEvent (jNode[0], "click");    //-- All done.  The checkout page should load.}function triggerMouseEvent (node, eventType) {    var clickEvent = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');    clickEvent.initEvent (eventType, true, true);    node.dispatchEvent (clickEvent);}
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Could you grab the shoes via the auto add to cart bot, then check out on your phone? Would that help for tracking purposes since they are in your cart already, but your not using the same web browser to go through the check-out process?  
Could you grab the shoes via the auto add to cart bot, then check out on your phone? Would that help for tracking purposes since they are in your cart already, but your not using the same web browser to go through the check-out process?  

They could still flag it. IP's are different. They may not have yet, but its only a matter of time.
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They limit 20 / server location.

You can get 60 per an account in the US.

And since I got two accounts - I launch 120.

I used medium instances with HIGH network.

So its possible. 

Lets base this on North Cali prices since they are the highest:

$0.165 * 2 (hours/instance) * 120 (instances) = roughly $40.00

$40 per a release you want - not so bad. Not something to do every Saturday.
ok, you are starting to take this to the stratosphere. I feel like I'm subterranean trying to get a pair.

On a side note, why don't you ask bigj505 to make this a subforum, make you mod, and have it closed, where they pm you for access, that way it might be easier for you guys to discuss, and keep it semi private?

:lol: I would never do such a thing if it was even possible.
I had plans on just fading to black once I got confirmation that there will be a change with the RSVP process. 

I've just got that confirmation today.  So you may see less activity from me all around.

Digital silence once this release passes. 
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