The Official Write Your Own Bot/RSVP Thread - Asking to buy one = Restricted from thread

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Well I need the api user stream to get a real time stream of the users feed don't I?lol
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Well I need the api user stream to get a real time stream of the users feed don't I?lol
If you need to learn a programming language. I'd recommend Python and JavaScript.

Use to get yourself familiar with general programming principles and to learn how to logically think about, and solve your problems. Then, learn the twitter API.
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If you need to learn a programming language. I'd recommend Python and JavaScript.

Use to get yourself familiar with general programming principles and to learn how to logically think about, and solve your problems. Then, learn the twitter API.

yeah ive been on that site for awhile for school.ha. But ill keep at it..Thanks method.
Why a Mac? If your getting a Mac just to bot then you need to rethink this situation. There's thing in here that works on window too.

Naaa its going to be my first MAC been a windows user for a long time just wanna try something different not getting it for a bot [emoji]128514[/emoji] but i will definitely try it once i get it heck i may just bootcamp windows on it
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Naaa its going to be my first MAC been a windows user for a long time just wanna try something different not getting it for a bot [emoji]128514[/emoji] but i will definitely try it once i get it heck i may just bootcamp windows on it

as a long time windows user and a current developer on windows - who has just recently switched to osx:

do not bootcamp. run parallels instead. if you are worried about performance - switch over to osx and don't look back.
Just found this thread.

On the topic of the new RSVP system....its a pure joke if you ask me and i think either nike is just being lazy, its a temp fix for the new system that we heard about or they just don't care at all -- I heard about a whole new revamped system that was supposed to come out this month not this crap.....if they dont care which i think is the reason then they just want to put on the show and dance for the complainers -- every business has them and to make them happy you need to dance and put on a show to make them think your doing something for them.

Each time they do an update we all get the "#BOTSAREFINISHED good for you", "haha your done", "nike finally took you out punk" crap on the twitter feeds and that's what nike wants. They want for everyone to unite and think its over so you can shut up and let them keep making tons of cash. You think nike is really gonna spend money to help people NOT buy their product? Get real man Its a business and nikes first priority is its shareholders. I remember even seeing a tweet from a shareholder that said he wasn't aware it was a problem (not enough stock to fulfill demand for products) and he was like this is the best problem to have and i agree 100%!

Nike could spend a few pennies and switch the whole system up and get rid of all our sites for good -- and lets not forget that this is a billion dollar company. You can't tell me that there is nobody on payroll that could roll out a solution to this in a few days maybe even a few hours -- hell i could do it im 1000% sure there are way more people working for nike that are smarter and way more skilled then i am.....hell prob the tech with the lowest salary at nike could do it blindfolded. They could unleash some lawyers on us (which I'm fully protected from) and shut all the sites down -- on 2nd thought that wouldn't work -- others sites with new names would just pop up in its place.

The point im trying to make is that if i had a product that cost me pennies on the dollar to make and im having people complain that they cant buy it because it sold out too quickly -- how is that a freaking problem? that's great PR for nike even with the people crying that just shows how crazy freaking huge the demand for the products are.....and the people complaining are the first people to come back next week to get the next shoe.

If you ask me that's not problem at all and if it was i would love to have it.
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the RSVP thing doesn't bother me nearly as much as what the Nike.Com releases have come to.  they need to find a way to make bots obsolete on those. its ridiculous. you cant get any somewhat limited release without a bot, and even tons of people with bots still dont get them.

i used to have no problem copping limited releases, with absolutely NO bot. i grabbed the Doernbecher 9s, Galaxy Rookies, lots of limited KD 4/ LeBron 9/ Kobe 7s. but the last few months i cannot get ANYTHING unless its something with lots of stock.  i don't even try anymore on QS releases

if Nike can change their layout and temporarily stop the bots like they did at the beginning of august, then why dont they do that right before the release every saturday morning so nobody has time to make and distribute new bots?
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I know it sounds stupid, but can the ocr results then be filtered through a spellcheck? Seems like all the incorrect results would be non words.
the RSVP thing doesn't bother me nearly as much as what the Nike.Com releases have come to. they need to find a way to make bots obsolete on those. its ridiculous. you cant get any somewhat limited release without a bot, and even tons of people with bots still dont get them.

i used to have no problem copping limited releases, with absolutely NO bot. i grabbed the Doernbecher 9s, Galaxy Rookies, lots of limited KD 4/ LeBron 9/ Kobe 7s. but the last few months i cannot get ANYTHING unless its something with lots of stock. i don't even try anymore on QS releases

if Nike can change their layout and temporarily stop the bots like they did at the beginning of august, then why dont they do that right before the release every saturday morning so nobody has time to make and distribute new bots?

in all reality, they could break the css selector part of many bots just by changing the element name. the scripts ive seen posted in here specifically reference an element/button that adds to cart. someone correct me if im wrong but that's what im seeing.

I know it sounds stupid, but can the ocr results then be filtered through a spellcheck? Seems like all the incorrect results would be non words.

I mean, yea but that wouldn't help. I mean #FIRERED isn't a word for example even when you remove the #.
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Just a quick question Ive messed around with the twitter scanner and cant seem to figure out how to set the scanner to only scan tweets in time intervals....Ive had trouble getting any releases because the scanner will pick up the tweet that came out the day before and will stop scanning..Is there a way to only scan tweets that have been tweeted in the last hour

...Any help with this would be greatly appreciated....

.Thanks in advance
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Just a quick question Ive messed around with the twitter scanner and cant seem to figure out how to set the scanner to only scan tweets in time intervals....Ive had trouble getting any releases because the scanner will pick up the tweet that came out the day before and will stop scanning..Is there a way to only scan tweets that have been tweeted in the last hour

...Any help with this would be greatly appreciated....
.Thanks in advance
Yes it's possible I've seen it done
Is NikeDestroyer back online now cause this RSVP update is some lame junk. What it does is probably confuse me more by searching for the correct circle word. Speaking like I had a chance lol.
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Used a link grabber and a standard .js auto add to cart script without mouse events.

Not saying it will always work....Just Meg missed this one...
I'm on the fence.

I think the changes are enough to remove RSVP services that don't code their own bots.

It will be the first time the new images are used.

While some are like - more circles, big deal.  It imposes and algorithmic issues with the bots.

How does one go about selecting the correct word that is hashtag? (with the uncertainty of Nike's blacklist policy)

If Nike does this right and have say 6-7 words with hashtags in front - that show up as possible results of an OpenCV pre-processed image then RSVP services may get a severe black eye from this change.

Do I want to Destroy this RSVP - yes.  But will it do anything to further the movement, not likely.  It becomes Nike's problem when GRs go unclaimed.  QSs are a gray area. 

I did it for the Lebron Champ Pack because that sole had to be martyred to highlight the problem.
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Meg was on vacation bro lol.

EvilSide: I see what you mean. You right, Nike is not going to change anything for GR. guess we wait for the red yeezy.
 Its almost as if it really doesn't want to stop scripts as a whole.
I agree 100%

Scripts in essence can be a new marketing tool for Nike. Nike has given just enough push back that people think they're actively against it, but in reality the scripts are revived, services and resellers gobble the shoes up, those who want them do not get them so easily, in turn increasing demand for whatever's next.
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