The Official Write Your Own Bot/RSVP Thread - Asking to buy one = Restricted from thread

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Guess I'll see how it goes.. Worked for 3Labs, DB5s, And DB3s.. rep didn't say anything about using any scrips or artificial help. Just the fact that 2 pair were ordered from the same IP and billing address.
I guess from long time ago you can not pay with the same Paypal account. I could remember someone has asked @nikestore about this on twitter.
I guess from long time ago you can not pay with the same Paypal account. I could remember someone has asked @nikestore about this on twitter.
even when picking up limited releases from NikeTowns, they wont let you use same CC  for 2, RSVP
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Got the email today saying "my order had been denied. You have exceeded the per costumer limit" I called the number back and ask why my order was cancelled? He responded with "because it appears that more than one order came from your IP address" I told him "me and my brother live in the same house and share the same PayPal, is that not applicable?" He then paused and said "well.. You do have a valid point. I'm going to file a claim and try and get your cancelled reversed. If you don't here back from us by Wednesday at the latest, give us a call"

Neither order was signed in with a account. Just used the PayPal option always
You messed up by using the same payment method. If you wouldve used a different paypal account you wouldve been straight.
^^^^yea using the same payment method def gets it cancelled

did anyone else have page monitor setup and see that the bel air 5 page changed lol
Just checked the Bel Air page again and it's linking to some Nike Free 5.0s now. :lol: I guess they don't want people having early access to the links anymore?
nike is doing something, idk what but definitely making changes. i got my first cancellations when ive been using bots for so long..add to cart isn't less of a priority any longer when compared to scripting. its that or i just had bad luck this release
This is backing up my opinion that the silent restock that took place for the DB5s was a mistake by Nike. Either an error or a leak of information.
Can someone aware me on how to buy sneakers nowadays? I just want the steel 10s and taxis. When this bot stuff and camping for everything came out I quit.

Info on how to purchase online, what time they release, bot info etc....
Can someone aware me on how to buy sneakers nowadays? I just want the steel 10s and taxis. When this bot stuff and camping for everything came out I quit.

Info on how to purchase online, what time they release, bot info etc....
twitter is your best bet, to get intel on all releases, just follow stores... as far as time, 8 am est.. Sat for most...but can vary...  purchasing online is no differtent, in that its still the same, however most are  done with some type of automation help.. most members in this thread are running their own bots, or something they modified wit the help of members in the thread.. lots of good info within the thread.. take a few days and go thru it..
This is backing up my opinion that the silent restock that took place for the DB5s was a mistake by Nike. Either an error or a leak of information.
I thought it was strange also. Truth be told I've been stalking that link ever since that happened 

Can someone aware me on how to buy sneakers nowadays? I just want the steel 10s and taxis. When this bot stuff and camping for everything came out I quit.

Info on how to purchase online, what time they release, bot info etc....

People who camped for iPhone is not stupid (as least not all). Except for the one that buy one to use. My friend camped and got 10 gold all together with 5 people. She then took 10 phones back to her country and resell it for 2,000 each for a gold 16gb. She made 20k right after she land. So not everyone in that iPhone camp line is stupid. You can look at the news report for the Pasadena iPhone camp. Where that one guy hired like 20 homeless people to get him as much iPhones as possible. He even admitted to the news camera of resell it for a really high profit. On the first day of iPhone 5s release they were sold out for 1,000+ on eBay.

very true iphones resell for a lot more than shoes. especially overseas
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