The Old PlayStation Thread | *NEW THREAD IS UP*
Game of E3 for me. Gotta see how it feels to actually play though.

Man, I seriously can't fall sleep anymore. This is gonna be the death of me. 
The xb1 can do 1080p/60fps on some games. Maybe it's multiplat games will always be inferior to its ps4 counterpart, but the people who preach graphics/performance over everything should join the pc master race.
I see your point. I'm too used to consoles to see the need for a gaming pc that I would also use as a pc.
In addition to how much I prefer sitting on a couch, instead of being all scrunched over looking at a 22in monitor.
I don't want to be uncomfortable while I'm playing games.
I prefer osx, so I'd never go back to windows. My bro's comp is great for regular comp stuff/gaming.
However, it's a desktop. I prefer laptops.

Your last sentence is exactly why I feel a gaming pc would be a waste of money to me.
PS3 had 1080p/60fps games but obviously they won't look as good as current gen games because they aren't as powerful.

It's all about resources. The PS4 has more which means it can do 1080p easier than the Xbone so in order for the multiplatform games to look as similar as possible, they try and keep the same framerate and effects while scaling back the resolution. Other games might go a different route of keeping the same framerate and resolution but scaling back on in game effects.

Exclusives like Forza don't have this problem of trying to achieve parity so they can make it 1080p/60fps but if it was been developed for the PS4 just as an example the game would look better since they have more resources to play with.

The difference between 1080p and 900p unscaled to 1080p isn't day and night. Just isn't.

True it isn't night and day but it's not unnoticeable.

I gotta disagree, I'm a console gamer at heart and have a top of the line PC and the PC has no disadvantages at all. More games, better performance, better sales (Steam Summer sale is coming up :x ), use my PS4 controller to play third person shooters, being able to play Steam games on my T.V seamlessly). 

Why have a console then if the PC has no disadvantages. Every platform does.

PC's have a higher barrier to entry than consoles. For the casual user who can't build a PC, they will have to buy one pre-configured along with an OS which marks the price even higher. You may save more in the long run but not everyone can just dump that amount in one go.

Steam has a lot of users but it doesn't mean they have a bigger community for third party games. A lot of steam's userbase are playing LoL and Dota 2.
If I go on BF4stats, PS4 has the most users online and if you tally up the total amount of consoles vs PC, it's a lot more. Fifa 14 on PC didn't use the ignite engine because the fifa community is with consoles so EA didn't even bother with. Fighting games are another example of games were the console community dwarfs the PC one because consoles are more accessible.

Ease of accessibility means a big community for these games and it also means more consumers which means more money made to develop all these games coming out. Without consoles, the industry will be no were near it is because PC simply won't fill that void. Can you imagine black Friday but instead of consoles being sold in their millions, it's PC parts and components?

Another disadvantage PC's have is that because it's not a closed box, you can't fully take advantage of your hardware because not everyone has the same specs so the devs have to cater for a wider range of hardware whereas with consoles which are already been sold at a loss, you have teams like Sony's ICE team who's job it is to extract the most out of the console as possible and you see just that towards the end of the generation.

A lot of the problems on PC also just don't exist on consoles. I've seen users having to patch firmware, replace dll files, replace drivers, messing with the page file etc.. just to try and get a game running properly. With a console, you plug it in, download a patch perhaps and play.

Another problem is game delays. GTA5 is coming out almost a year after it came out on consoles. It's already been played by 32 million console users and probably more by the time it comes out on PC. No doubt it will perform better on PC but having to wait that long is a disadvantage. Same thing happens with other games. Metal Gear Rising, Dark Souls etc.

Game library is subjective, some games will never see the light of day on PC and vice versa. so which one is better is down to personal opinion.

There's other things but I have a wall of text already but If PC's had no disadvantages consoles would have died off but looking at the sales of current gen consoles, that's not happening.
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The xb1 can do 1080p/60fps on some games. Maybe it's multiplat games will always be inferior to its ps4 counterpart, but the people who preach graphics/performance over everything should join the pc master race.

I see your point. I'm too used to consoles to see the need for a gaming pc that I would also use as a pc.

In addition to how much I prefer sitting on a couch, instead of being all scrunched over looking at a 22in monitor.

I don't want to be uncomfortable while I'm playing games.

I prefer osx, so I'd never go back to windows. My bro's comp is great for regular comp stuff/gaming.

However, it's a desktop. I prefer laptops.

Your last sentence is exactly why I feel a gaming pc would be a waste of money to me.
Thats the thing period its just ppl are just use to going out and buying a console. As far as a monitor, You can and have been able to hook pc's to tv's for yrs. Hell you can even do it wireless. So you could sit on your couch. I do it all the time. Like i said i use it cause i have xbmc. And you can use all the same controllers hell you can use either or be it a microsoft or a sony one as well as the peripherals. 

And as far as some of the ps3 exclusives, You could technically play them on a pc using emulators as well as play pretty much every other system ever made...(outside of xbox 360/one) And this whole notion of it be to much of a hassle to move around lol... What are yall like grown dudes living at home with moms ah something? SRS? Why would you need to constantly move a pc/console around in your home? 

I have both and i def understand the draw to consoles. Like i stated i have a ps3/ps4. But my reason for a pc is because while i do like some of the microsoft games...... i dont like them enough to buy a console and a pc...when the pc and the console have the exactly same games (often with the pc version coming first) plus games that dont even make it to the xbox... And they cost relatively the same.

Cause i need a pc, plus the fact i use xbmc etc.... If i were to buy three separate devices to do the same job one i would exceed in terms of cost, not to mention performance wise i would be selling myself short despite spending more, it just doesnt make sense from an economical sense. Not to mention the space and cluster uck that having three devices would take up. Now if xbox did like sony/nintendo and had games exclusive to xbox and they came before they were released on pc then yea. But that isnt the case. 
Introducing the new ”Gran Turismo PIT STOP” service
Hello everyone, this is the PITSTOP Editorial Team.

We’ve created a new place for sharing information with Gran Turismo fans: the “Gran Turismo PIT STOP”.

The PIT STOP is a blog-style service that brings you information regarding Gran Turismo in a casual way. Taking an approach that is a bit different from the official, we’ll be bringing you bits of info that didn’t make it into the official news.

At PIT STOP, a variety of authors in addition to its writers will be posting articles from all over the world. Visitors can also leave comments on these articles as well, but please keep in mind that there may be cases in which inappropriate comments or those that are unrelated to the topic in question may be deleted. You will need to login with a Facebook account in order to be able to leave a comment.

We are hoping that this new communication channel will be a great way to bring all GT fans together in a dedicated community platform, so please come join us!

New GT Blog from PD themselves.

The first thing they blog about is the sound :lol
Pretty good read
I was planning on giving my younger cousins my Xbox 360 and Ps3 this weekend along with my Wii...

Thinking about keeping the PS3 and saving it, or should I just find a PS3 slim? I have the OG PS3 btw.
I know I'm probably super late but this is my first time seeing this

BRUH :eek this game looks incredible! Really makes me want to buy GZ now
Well, consoles are future proof. Like for 8-10 years. PS3 just barely got maxed out last year. PCs are not like that at all.
Wat r u talking about ? I think you're confused. I suggest you stay lurkin. :p

In other news, I'm looking forward to MGS 5
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I wanna get my MGS fix, but im waiting to play GZ right before Phantom Pain releases... Ive never played any other MGS besides the numerical ones and VR training for psone.  Will i be lost?

I wanna get my MGS fix, but im waiting to play GZ right before Phantom Pain releases... Ive never played any other MGS besides the numerical ones and VR training for psone.  Will i be lost?
You should be good. Nothing a little google search cant help.
You're the only one that believes this.

Well, consoles are future proof. Like for 8-10 years. PS3 just barely got maxed out last year. PCs are not like that at all.

So what you're saying is that a gaming rig with better hardware than a console and parts that can easily be swapped out for superior ones isn't as "future proof" as a console?

Man, can you honestly say that a $400 pc from 2005 will perform as well TODAY as an XB360? No it won't
You guys have to stop debating just to debate
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Wat r u talking about ? I think you're confused. I suggest you stay lurkin. :p

In other news, I'm looking forward to MGS 5

Maybe I didn't write that well enough but what I meant was that out of the box PCs are not future proof.

If you guys have any clever responses/GIFs to that holla at me because I WILL be lurkin.
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