The Old PlayStation Thread | *NEW THREAD IS UP*

IGN rolling through with the 8.8 
P5 releasing in September.... for Japan -__-. No release date has been announced for NA, but I'm assuming we will get it in 2017.
P5 releasing in September.... for Japan -__-. No release date has been announced for NA, but I'm assuming we will get it in 2017.
Well I guess that gives me time to finish P4.

Looks like my time is going to NMS and FFXV this year.

Maybe Titanfall 2. I need a new fps to play since I quit destiny and I'm tired of COD.
Is there a game Cyber Sleuth is comparable to? Digimon/Pokemon isn't really my scene but I keep hearing how good of a game it is. 
The jump in quality from Uncharted 3 to 4 is similar to the ways the second entry trounced the original. It’s still the same Nathan Drake partaking in the same ludicrous, death-defying action as before, but everything is done with so much more panache. I haven’t gone into detail about the specifics of the setpiece moments, as I’d hate to rob readers of the “Oh, WOW” feeling that I had so many times during my dozen-plus hours with the campaign. There was a steady stream of moments that I loved, from insane action sequences that literally dropped my jaw to somber storyline moments in between bombastic firefights. Uncharted 4 isn’t a perfect runs a couple of chapters too long, some of the puzzles feel uninspired, and its multiplayer component is serviceable but largely forgettable. Those nitpicks are in no way significant enough for me to consider A Thief’s End as anything but the best entry in the Uncharted franchise, though. It’s not even just the best Uncharted game. This is one of the most fully-realized action campaigns of all time, and it sets a new bar of quality for what’s possible in the genre.

View media item 2020676
I was shocked that it got a perfect score from Gamespot and Giantbomb. Can't wait to pick it up on Tuesday.
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