The Old PlayStation Thread | *NEW THREAD IS UP*

if true, black friday gonna be insane 

“The Force is strong with this one.”

I love that line. It instantly transports me back to my childhood, to an epic world that had a powerful influence on my life. Like hundreds of millions of people, I am a true believer – someone who can’t get enough of the story, the culture, and the ethos of Star Wars.

Today, The Walt Disney Company has announced that they have chosen EA to create new Star Wars experiences for gamers worldwide.

The magic of Star Wars is interwoven into the worlds, characters, planets and amazing battles. It is a universe that lends itself perfectly to gaming. Our agreement unlocks a whole new future of Star Wars games that will span consoles, PCs, tablets, mobile and more.

While we don’t have any details to share today on specific titles, our development teams are already brimming with design ideas. The EA Studios that will develop these games are some of the most innovative and popular creative teams in the world, and include DICE and Visceral, in addition to the BioWare team, which is already developing for the Star Wars franchise. These imaginative teams will make games that may borrow from films, but the games will be entirely original with all new stories. Powering it all will be the Frostbite 3 development engine – guaranteeing incredible graphic fidelity, environments and characters.

We have lots of ideas, but we want to hear from you. Tell us what kind of games you want to play. Send us your suggestions and tag @EA_DICE @VisceralGames @BioWare and #starwarsnextgen.

DICE x Star Wars x Frostbite 3 = Battlefield: Star Wars? Yes Please.
anyone know when retailers/stores are gonna start doing preorders for the PS4's in North America? Trying to snag one on RD.
anyone know when retailers/stores are gonna start doing preorders for the PS4's in North America? Trying to snag one on RD.

There won't be any until Sony releases the price & launch date. Expect it sometime after E3 most likely.
Being that it deals with Next-Gen, I feel that at least 2 people would care about this:

NBA Live Will Be a Next-Generation Title

In Electronic Arts' quarterly earnings call today, Frank Gibeau, the president of EA Labels, strongly indicated that EA Sports' troubled NBA Live series will be a next-generation console title when it launches later this year.

Gibeau told investors the company plans "a full reveal at E3 including more next generation titles in development," for the coming year. "This will include breakthroughs in graphics and gameplay for some of our biggest franchises including Battlefield, FIFA, Madden, NBA Live, and Need for Speed."

Gibeau later added that a "a brand new sports engine from EA Sports" also is forthcoming, and will be discussed at E3 in June.

EA Sports Also Hurts After a Rough Week of Painful Cuts
Theoretically, sports should be one of the safer gigs in video games today. These are series that… Read…
NBA Live—then known as NBA Elite 11—was canceled one week before release in 2010. It took a year off, with plans to return in 2012, rumored to be a cut-rate downloadable title, but EA Sports aborted that effort weeks before its presumed release, too. The series only recently dismissed its creative director.
Who put Shenmue 3 in the title? April Fools joke? I'm ready to Hazuki Kick someone in the face
nba live will still be garbage... and ya ps4 will be copped on release date
nba live will still be garbage... and ya ps4 will be copped on release date

I wouldnt be so sure about Live. They have had a long time to get it ready. And if you remember, it was almost ready to release last year but they held it back to fix a few things.
I like how every time a new video or gameplay vid comes out it's deemed "exclusive."
^^^ That's not how I've heard it described from our Sony rep. We do not have any production models so I can't confirm/deny.
traditionally the playstation logo is in a way more prominent position than the sony logo

this doesnt even have a playstation logo on it, not talking the ps4 logo on top

definitely fake
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traditionally the playstation logo is in a way more prominent position than the sony logo

this doesnt even have a playstation logo on it, not talking the ps4 logo on top

definitely fake
your absolutely right totally forgot about the PS logo

if this is fake its's EASILY the best fake ad ive ever seen props to the person(s) who put it together
As long as its not in the same font as the Spiderman movies, its alright with me
That's a pretty damn good fake ad. Looks like an external hard drive
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