The Old PlayStation Thread | *NEW THREAD IS UP*

Man, I'm going to give BloodBorne another go this weekend.

This is it, final try.

Empire, you far in it?
Man, I'm going to give BloodBorne another go this weekend.

This is it, final try.
You haven't completed it? It's hard, but in the end, it's just a matter of leveling up until you become strong enough to get past the point you're stuck at. Just keep leveling up and putting new gems on your weapons and you're bound to beat it.
Upgrading my kids from their old hand me down 360 to a PS4.

Need yalls expertise though before I make the final decision.

PS4 or PS4 Pro?

I'm thinking go with the Pro since its the first game system I would have actually paid for since I bought their Wii years ago.

Getting a 4k TV also.
Upgrading my kids from their old hand me down 360 to a PS4.
Need yalls expertise though before I make the final decision.

PS4 or PS4 Pro?
I'm thinking go with the Pro since its the first game system I would have actually paid for since I bought their Wii years ago.
Getting a 4k TV also.

Since you don't have a PS4 and getting a 4K TV, get a Pro. Also make sure that the 4K tv has HDR in it.

Here's a link to some ratings of the best 4K HDR TV for gaming:
Man, I'm going to give BloodBorne another go this weekend.

This is it, final try.

Empire, you far in it?
Not really... I am about five bosses in. I actually borrowed it from the library at the same time as Fallout 4, so I didn't dedicate the time I should have. 

That said, I thought I would hate it but I really enjoy the idea of it. It does make me question how good I thought I was at games though. 

I've never had a game make me think a boss is unbeatable, then after a 5th or 6th try have that feeling completely erased quite like Bloodborne does.

I'll be back to it for sure, just probably not until spring.
^some mom n pop stores won't tell you over the phone.

They think that it's someone trying to get them in trouble for breaking street date.

Gotta go un person.

My 3 local mom n pop has has FFXV since yesterday. I don't mess with FF so i'm passing.
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