The Old PlayStation Thread | *NEW THREAD IS UP*

I heard Brenda's got a PlayStation, but Brenda doesn't have a drive, and in a generation she thinks physical media won't be alive. That's not our problem that everyone internet ain't high speed, and data caps stop the large updates that every game needs. Brenda never knew Kutaragi, or how putting bluray drives in consoles was his hobby. Its kinda sad that Brenda didn't know, how fast her digital collection would grow.
Now Brenda's used storage space is getting bigger, and to play another game she's gonna have to configure, 825, gigabytes is all she had to survive.

Lol, I don't have time to keep going with this but I think you all get the point. Don't be a Brenda.
YOU WILD :rofl: :rofl:
Glad you mentioned digital games being cheaper than physical because I see that get thrown around as a main reason to not go digital when it’s a lie. Same price at launch but much cheaper for older games. And actually I’ve been saying for the longest psNow needs to copy what game pass is doing and add recent releases titles. But Sony is slow on stuff like.

I think a bigger issue would be the push for 'GaaS' (Games as a service) to become the norm. We're already seeing episodic content and 'season passes'. It could in theory get to a point where actual game progression (i.e. access to additional areas/levels) are tied to additional purchases.
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No everywhere in the world has great internet. These patches already hurting my cousins back home in Lucia, add full game downloads to that and it would be an even worst hell for them.
Dudes gotta be wild pissed when they pop a game in for the first time and need an 12gb update first.
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Wild corny and been done better by funnier members but ok.

It could in theory get to a point where actual game progression (i.e. access to additional areas/levels) are tied to additional purchases.

I mean some games already did this (resident evil revelations) but if every or a majority of games did this time for a new hobby if it gets to this point.
Never got into the Evil Within series.

Probably will wait to pick it up and play them on the 5.
Only problem with game disk is they can get scratched or lost. I'll still take them over digital any day. Only time I rely on digital is when it's a small, non triple A game, or someone is having a really great sale. Got Resident Evil 2 Remake for 20 bucks digitally, for example.

Feel like the budget version of these consoles is a non option for me, since I like physical media and my consoles double for a blue ray player.

Some games are really huge and take up tons of space. Can't imagine living in an area with bad internet and data caps.
Wild corny and been done better by funnier members but ok.

I mean some games already did this (resident evil revelations) but if every or a majority of games did this time for a new hobby if it gets to this point.

You can bet they will use this upcoming generation to see how far they can go. I think the Amazon 'gaming' service has a basic subscription fee, then additional charges if you want a particular publishers games (Capcom, Konami, EA, etc...). Now the publisher in turn can choose how they want their AAA game to be played, i.e. release levels/stages once a week, etc...

I'm on the wrong side of my 30s so I grew up with swapping game cartridges and I don't have an issue with discs either. However this particular generation (PS4 Pro for me) with its day one downloads signals the end of a 30+ year hobby as I don't like where things are headed.
Ill never buy disk after game stop try to give me like $3 for “the division” 🤣🤣🤣

I broke the disc right in front of their face & threw it away lol

digital 110% & plus my current PS4 still does the “ejecting disc/peeping” BS

blows my mind so many people still use disc in 2020 lol
Ill never buy disk after game stop try to give me like $3 for “the division” 🤣🤣🤣

I broke the disc right in front of their face & threw it away lol

digital 110% & plus my current PS4 still does the “ejecting disc/peeping” BS

blows my mind so many people still use disc in 2020 lol

How does that blow your mind? Blu ray movies and games still sell.

I wouldn't selly games at GS. Use OfferUp.
Facebook marketplace and OfferUp are where it's at. Yea if you want to get ripped off try and sell at GS. Even Best Buy's gamer club had really good deals on selling back games.
Even though probably 98-99% of my game catalogue is digital, I still preordered the one with the disk drive. I know that when games that I really want drop a dope special or collector’s edition, I’m going to want it. Especially if they come with a steel case. Plus, with the digital edition you’re locked in to one way to purchase all of your games. What’s wrong with having options?
I got the disc version i just prefer physical media over digital and sometimes i buy used games off amazon im not willing to cop new and still trade in games, I also want the 4k blu ray drive since i still buy 4k blu rays.
Ill never buy disk after game stop try to give me like $3 for “the division” 🤣🤣🤣

I broke the disc right in front of their face & threw it away lol

digital 110% & plus my current PS4 still does the “ejecting disc/peeping” BS

blows my mind so many people still use disc in 2020 lol

lol ur an ******* for that
I have a catalog of game discs I mostly never play but I own them and the option is always there nonetheless...

XB1X was my 4K disc player and I sold it, so I need a replacement... Also, as mentioned before, I still enjoy buying games and my favorite films (as do my kids) on 4K during Black Friday and building that catalog as well.

I usually only ever buy two game titles for full price at launch. Gran Turismo and COD. The rest I buy on disco or used... or wait for psn freebies. Miles will be a launch exception.

Having access to all of that for an additional $65 (via Best Buy rewards) or $100 at full price is a no brainer - for me.

Bottom line, on the Sony side of things... $100 is pennies to pay for the flexibility of not being bound to one method or a console with extended functionality.

Regardless, I'm glad both exist. There is both cheaper access for those that prefer it and more profit for Sony. The more money Sony makes the better support we get for the platform overall....

Win Win. No basis for argument. Based on production numbers, M$ and Sony know the true story as well. All digital is cool and is a growing thing, but it is not yet "the way".
You can bet they will use this upcoming generation to see how far they can go. I think the Amazon 'gaming' service has a basic subscription fee, then additional charges if you want a particular publishers games (Capcom, Konami, EA, etc...). Now the publisher in turn can choose how they want their AAA game to be played, i.e. release levels/stages once a week, etc...

I'm on the wrong side of my 30s so I grew up with swapping game cartridges and I don't have an issue with discs either. However this particular generation (PS4 Pro for me) with its day one downloads signals the end of a 30+ year hobby as I don't like where things are headed.
All doomsday scenarios. I’m also old enough to remember the days of putting cartridges under my shirt and blowing to get the dust out and I’m all for digital and subscription services like game pass/psnow (as optional) becoming the norm.
Glad you mentioned digital games being cheaper than physical because I see that get thrown around as a main reason to not go digital when it’s a lie. Same price at launch but much cheaper for older games. And actually I’ve been saying for the longest psNow needs to copy what game pass is doing and add recent releases titles. But Sony is slow on stuff like.
Sony makes more money selling them at $60 than putting them on Now. Also Now was supposed to be a stop gap for PS3 emulation. It’s expanded but they not planning on turning it into gamepass at the moment.
I'm handing down the PS4 to my son. Do I keep the God of War disc game for him?.... Or will the PS4 have access to the PSN games.. or is that a PS5 exclusive?
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