The older you get, the less friends you have....

“We are all alone, born alone, die alone, and -- in spite of True Romance magazines -- we shall all someday look back on our lives and see that, in spite of our company, we were alone the whole way. I do not say lonely -- at least, not all the time -- but essentially, and finally, alone. This is what makes your self-respect so important, and I don't see how you can respect yourself if you must look in the hearts and minds of others for your happiness.
Yeah. 23 as well... this is really apparent, lately.
It seems my circle just got tighter

same age 23..... and we stay chilling. Depends on the environment while growing up. Its too easy to just chill.

Real friends stay. I give some heads a chance here and there to see if they are still cool but some dont fall through.

real dudes stay around
I just turned 32 and honestly 2 of my best friends I've known since we were kids. The rest are some friends from high school, college, past & current friends I made at places I've worked at.

Honestly this is exactly why Facebook works. First off I got a lot of close & immediate family on there and also family members who are in the Philippines who I haven't even seen in over 10+ years. Second the nice part is I still have friends on facebook who I've not seen since graduating from high school and I honestly don't really give a damn what they're up to in life but at the same time I would say "What up" if I ran into them at some random spot in my city or somewhere else. Third I got friends on there who I met at places at work and we just BS about random stuff like Sports or whatever.

But yeah my 2 best friends who I've known since we were kids and about 5 other friends from high school still kick it, go out for drinks, play basketball, and attend each others important family events.
Tis true.

We all should've noticed this when you make new friends each school year, throughout drifting away from your neighborhood friends and how you make an entirely new crop of friends when you go from elementary to JHS to HS to college to work.

I'm trying to get a Martin/Seinfeld balance myself.
about to turn 22, feel the same way. looked at my facebook and just saw tons a friends i don't even associate with anymore. went from 560 down to 120. felt good. the only people i talk to daily are my parents, little brother, roommates, girlfriend and maybe 2-3 friends outside that. i realize my inner circle has closed but i like it this way. i still connect with people outside (when i go hoop i hit up some people, and i know some people at the gym) but as far as social activities i'm pretty laid back and keep to myself more often than not
So true, OP.

Alot of my former friends have moved away or starting up a family.

College is really when everyone goes out and meet new people and see new things. It's gonna happen to everyone.
^forever alone..... Back to the subject tho, the older we get, the more responsibilities we get in life. Had a lot of friends Back in HS nd college but hardly keep in touch, maybe a Wussup here and there, we all took diffrents paths or have different ways to deal with life. Some still smoke weed everyday nd do nothing with themselves, some are successful nd doing their thing. At the same time I only had two homies who I kicked it with most of the time, clubbed, chill, bs around... Nd we still talk all the time nd it seems like time never goes by, we bs nd all, nd when all are in town we hang out together. So yeah, do ur thing fam, keep it up, nd keep those that u trust around....
Only 2 true friends...would be 3 but the 3rd turned shady and stopped kicking it with me after he owed me $$, swore to pay it back, never did. Claimed he never had money, but conveniently had money for new tattoos and new tires for his illegal street bike. The rest either burned bridges with me over shady !$%# they did, or I just gradually stopped talking to. One of two true friends moved away for school, and the other works full time and doesn't go to school with me anymore, so he does his own thing and I rarely see him. So really I don't kick it with anyone and I just stay at my house all day
real life...

let me tell you something...

the reason why this happens is because eventually you dont do everything with the same friends...

in hs you meet more people and in college too and even your job... some friends get gf's and some become lames...

youll start chillen with others so that can make you drift from others.... only true friends can be close and never chill or talk...

on mommas i think i have really only 2 real friends... and one of those is my gf...
It's called life bro... friends come and go, people move on and start to find themselves and who they are as individuals. They don't give a !#$% about other people!
All my childhood friends moved away before I was 14, went to a different highschool from my crew at 15.. I got 2 best friends from HS/CC that I haven't seen in 5 years because I had to get away from my city. Sure, we're all going down 3 completely different paths, both them got seed(s) and one is getting married. My job mainly and school allowed me to acquire 100s of acquaintances and a handful more of good friends. Traveling has allowed me to broaden that even more.
Dudes on NT are so dependent on friends and the presence of someone else. I mean you don't want to be like Paul Rudd in "I Love You Man", but really this is some feminine shh.  
All my.true friends.are acrossthe country and @%#%. May not ever see them again. People around me now stick around for reasons...
Exactly people be wayyy to dependent on other people, cant go outside if theyre not accompanied by someone.

Im 26 and the last couple years stopped givin a damn since my best friend died two years ago. I go to movies solo, shopping solo+almost everything solo.
Stopped all contact with some old friends I knew from grade school. Just couldnt talk to those people anymore.
I keep in touch with one dude from high school and a few of his female friends I see every now and then.
I feel like people really change for the worse over the years.
In the beginning its hard doing stuff dolo, but after a few months its natural.
Its great not having to depend on someone being there for you, cause most of the time people will let you down, everyone is truly looking out for themselves.
The truth is the Older you get you realize who is a true friend.

I had an inner circle of 15 people or so in high school. Out of all of them 3 are real true friends. Ive been lucky to meet coworkers that are considered true friends as well.
as you get older you began to realize who you're true friends are - not just based on their character, but based on similar interests, career goals, compatibility, and of course the circle of friends that THEY are in.
wow really 24 qnd still have the same goons from high school, about 10 deep. so maybe you just have crappy friends cuz i know my boys have been around through thick and thin
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