The Penn State Child-Sex Abuse Scandal Thread...Hammer dropped on PSU...sanctions galore.

And while we're at it, let's get an update on Penn State's Graham Spainer, Timothy Curley, and Gary Schultz because the national media has decided to quit covering this.
These guys were first charged in November 2012.


Former Penn State administrators get trial date in Sandusky child endangerment case

The on-again, off-again prosecution of three former Penn State administrators accused of exposing Central Pennsylvania boys to potential sexual assault by their inaction on early allegations against serial child molester Jerry Sandusky is back on.

A senior judge from Berks County on Wednesday set a trial date of March 20 for former PSU President Graham Spanier, former athletic director Tim Curley and former senior vice president Gary Schultz.

Judge John Boccabella set the date after denying most of the defendants' motions to get the case against them thrown out.

Boccabella did toss a related failure to report suspected child abuse charge, citing statute of limitations problems.

But he allowed the state's Attorney General to proceed on the child endangerment count with a unique argument that, because the three did not take a 2001 accusation against Sandusky to police or child welfare authorities, the former assistant football coach was able to prey on several other child victims through the next seven years.

The three defendants also face a conspiracy count, stemming from a series of emails that appear to have documented their decision-making process.

Spanier, Curley and Schultz face charges because when they were alerted by Paterno to the 2001 shower-room incident witnessed by then-graduate assistant Mike McQueary, they opted to handle the incident in-house.

Boccabella's ruling, while setting the stage for a new trial, may bring to a close a four-year, pre-trial battle in which the once-powerful Penn State administrators used every tool at their disposal to get the case against them dismissed.

They did score a major win last January, when a state Superior Court panel threw out perjury and obstruction of justice charges based on what the court felt was tainted grand jury testimony, and then-Acting Attorney General Bruce Castor opted not to appeal.

In the remaining counts, prosecutors have argued - borrowing from the Msgr. William Lynn case in Philadelphia - that as university administrators, Spanier, Curley and Schultz were positioned and had a duty to see that the allegations against Sandusky were investigated by outside authorities.

The former administrators countered that they can not be charged with child endangerment because those charges are reserved for persons who have a more direct role in the day-to-day supervision of children.

Boccabella did not issue an opinion with his latest rulings.
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Two Former Penn State Officials Plead Guilty To Child Endangerment

Former Penn State senior vice president Gary Schultz and former athletic director Tim Curley have both pleaded guilty to endangering the welfare of a child.

The pleas were entered this morning, just a week before Schultz, Curley, and former Penn State president Graham Spanier were set to stand trial on accusations that their negligent handling of sexual assault allegations made against Jerry Sandusky in 2001 allowed Sandusky to continue molesting children. With Schultz and Curley pleading guilty, Spanier is the only defendant left in the case, and it is now possible that Schultz and Curley will testify on behalf of the prosecution.

The charge Schultz and Curley pleaded guilty to is a misdemeanor charge that carries a maximum penalty of a $100,000 fine and five years in prison. According to PennLive, the judge presiding over the case made it clear that there was no agreement in place that would limit his sentencing power over Schultz and Curley in exchange for their pleas.
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