the Pet Peeve thread

I hate it when people who don't smoke or drink think they're better than everyone and when you ask them, they give you a smart *** tone like, "No! I don't smoke because it does this and that". I didn't ask why you don't do it nor ask to hear a list of why it's bad you pompous ****. I don't smoke neither but, all I say is a simple "nah".

thats me kind of . i smoke trees but i dont drink for nothing,..... when ppl ask me why i dont drink i always state because alcohol makes you look older faster in a condescending tone as if im better then them.

wet socks
when you with someone you get something to eat and they say they not hungry but then they want to taste your food...
ppl who spit on the basketball court that ish is nasty, i always say something ....
when ppl say its "mind bottling"
fat girls with high self esteem
internet words -trolll , trolling , the feels , dat _______ etc etc.....
you seem like an overall miserable person to be around. 
When you ask someone a question

They say "huh?" then proceeds to answer the question

When dudes wear sneakers & got the jeans tucked behind the tongue :smh:

sneaky females
Parents that think it's funny when their lil kids curse, twerk or do adult theme actions.

my cousins used to babysit our little cousin and made her do all that stuff. now that they're parents themselves we can't even curse around their kids. hypocrites :smh:

people who bite down on their utensils when eating. even worse when they're eating with silverware. :x
When you ask someone a question

They say "huh?" then proceeds to answer the question

I do this occasionally :lol:

Its like the words initially sound like gibberish and I instinctively react, and then my mind almost immediately deciphers it right afterward.
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I absolutely hate when people ask me stupid question when I basically told them the answer already., Especially through text messages..


Me: I'm going to the gym today at 8
Them: Are you going to the gym today
I absolutely hate when people ask me stupid question when I basically told them the answer already., Especially through text messages..


Me: I'm going to the gym today at 8
Them: Are you going to the gym today
not a fan of people who text and walk, means they are looking down at their phone and moving slowly 

hard to pass them in congested public spaces
When there are a solid 5-10 minutes left in class and clowns starts to slam books closed and zip up bags like we can't all hear that **** :stoneface:
When there are a solid 5-10 minutes left in class and clowns starts to slam books closed and zip up bags like we can't all hear that **** :stoneface:

even worse is when a professor feels it's necessary to go over class time to finish a lesson.

like famb, you see half of us are in work clothes, others another class to get to & it's clear across campus, we got places to be and you're over here going OT. I appreciate you being thorough and all but c'mon with that.

and half of the professors that do this take their sweet time getting to class & getting started, like breh I've been sitting here for the past 15 minutes waiting for you to start and you're over here making small talk with the class pets (most of whom got nothing better to do after this).

online classes >
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When I'm laying down and my ******* bedspread slips off a corner.......

:stoneface: :stoneface: :stoneface: :stoneface: :stoneface: :stoneface: :stoneface: :stoneface: :stoneface: :stoneface: :stoneface: :stoneface:

you know what peeves my pet b?


YOU NASTY BREH!! :lol: :x Hand sanitizer does not kill the germs you need to worry about the most, facts.
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HATE when people say 'Free {insert name or nickname}' when that person is awaiting trial for a triple murder 

HATE when people say ' just talked to {insert name or nickname}, bro said he'll be home real soon!' when said person got 15 more years left on their sentence. 

Im heated right now. I only play hoops once a week and its at this indoor gym...invited a friend to join our game (starts on time) and he is so late (said we would subway together). Been waiting at this sub stop for 30 mins. Heated. Pet peeve, late people.
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