The Psychology Of A Black Man.

Any of y'all have legitimate friendships or associations with non-black people?

I've realized as I've gotten older I'm much less likely to consider a white person a friend. There's a lack of trust there that I have a hard time overlooking. I've ended several "friendships" with non-black friends over their comments and ideals on race.

There are people who aren't black who I associate with on a surface level and don't seem bad but you never really know what they are thinking which is why I keep that distance.

It's crazy you post this considering I had this conversation with my BM last night and ironically I made a post on IG about going live at 12 and having a dialogue first person that liked it is a former white coworker of mine from like 5 years ago

Never had a problem with dude real nice guy but I'm really not ****ing with him like that

Dude DM'ed me and everything and I'm just like bro I'm not really trying to talk to YOU right now my g
I just wanna encourage yall to stop looking at this stuff all day/everyday. It's really unhealthy for your mind; a recipe for depression and anxiety. (Especially if you're black, because then you'll identify with it.)

I refuse to watch any videos of murder and racism, I scroll pass the pics on my timeline quickly, and I'm not watching the news.

If you're feeling emotional...sit with your emotions and work on healing them. But be mindful of what you're filling your mind with.

Yall stay safe out here. Internally and externally.
Man honestly, I am just looking at it as business as usual.

They are doing what they are supposed to do. Protect them while reminding us we don't belong here.

In 1865 they had 4 million African bodies they no longer could use for free labor and they have no use for us now. (Unless WE are making THEM $)

It is what it is man. I can't even be mad at them treating unwanted company the way they do.

You ain't offering a girl you want to leave your house steak and potatoes, so again, I get IT.

I think this thread could be a good place for us to vent to each other. Well thought out.
trynafeelmink trynafeelmink idk if you seen my post on IG but you tryna go live with me dog?

If I would've posted some broad shaking her *** dudes would've been all in but since I'm trying go live and have a dialogue ****** ain't tryna mess with me
Mixed emotions, im upset at the other color spectrum

Then i get upset at my own for looting

then i feel for my own on why they loot

then i get mad at others on not understanding why we are upset

then sad because at the end throughout all the madness its just gonna end with more of us getting killed/arrested

Black ppl were born playing defense, we never had the ball
Any of y'all have legitimate friendships or associations with non-black people?

I've realized as I've gotten older I'm much less likely to consider a white person a friend. There's a lack of trust there that I have a hard time overlooking. I've ended several "friendships" with non-black friends over their comments and ideals on race.

There are people who aren't black who I associate with on a surface level and don't seem bad but you never really know what they are thinking which is why I keep that distance.

Acquaintances. And one friend that we grew up with who is down that we’ve all seen through his actions.

Have let go of childhood friends for their views. I know others who appear to be okay on surface level but you never know someone’s heart so I navigate cautiously.

Hope everyone is enjoying this Friday so far.

Keep pushing.
Imagine how we felt in the 40s, 50s, 60s and 70s. No disrespect to those that have passed, but compared to what our grandparents and great grandparents went through this is nothing. They still had kids, they still loved each other, they still lived there, THEY stayed strong. Don’t even let this or anything a non POC does make even hesitate on your path to greatness. If you do, they’ve already won.
Imagine how we felt in the 40s, 50s, 60s and 70s. No disrespect to those that have passed, but compared to what our grandparents and great grandparents went through this is nothing. They still had kids, they still loved each other, they still lived there, THEY stayed strong. Don’t even let this or anything a non POC does make even hesitate on your path to greatness. If you do, they’ve already won.
Exactly man. No comparison at all. So I laugh at people claiming 2020 is the worst year EVER because some celebrities died and CORONA?

Nah man.
Our children are the future leaders and game changers in this system. If you have the means, and the will, we need more of us here.

Raise our beautiful new earth in the image of our leaders from the past. Teach them to defend themselves and their homes.

My daughter will be 12 next weekend. She is a natural hair wearing, book carrying, gun practicing, well educated, strong voiced future leader and she backs down from nothing.

We gotta show them the way.
Imagine how we felt in the 40s, 50s, 60s and 70s. No disrespect to those that have passed, but compared to what our grandparents and great grandparents went through this is nothing. They still had kids, they still loved each other, they still lived there, THEY stayed strong. Don’t even let this or anything a non POC does make even hesitate on your path to greatness. If you do, they’ve already won.

Great. post, needed to hear this

But im starting not to want to live here anymore
We only have the ability to speak on the moment if it gets worse, it gets worse.

I am strictly speaking on modern humans comparing the struggles of 2020 and claiming this is the worst year ever.

Ever is a long time.
I used to think like this when people would talk about how ****ed up the world is, like the world was never nice in the first place. I knew a guy with kids about 10 years ago who told me he didn't want them in this world and I just thought he was being dramatic. I get it now. I would feel irresponsible having kids knowing what I know about where things are headed. I wouldn't want to be born into this.
Straight lost mane...Or even worse is the ones that know better but wanna be contrarian or think they somehow better/different than the rest of us for whatever reason...Straight clown ****, don’t need em round me draggin my spirit down

He wants his 30 pieces of silver...

All the gospels indicate that Jesus knew he was going to be betrayed when he had supper with his disciples shortly before his arrest. The Gospel of John states that Jesus confronted Judas at the last supper, telling him,

"What you are about to do, do quickly."

The Gospels of Luke and John both say that Satan "entered" Judas at certain times and may have influenced his decision to betray Jesus.

The Gospel of John describes Judas as an untrustworthy person. It claims that Judas was the treasurer for Jesus and his 12 disciples, carrying the money bag the group shared and sometimes stealing from it. When a woman put perfume on Jesus shortly before the last supper, Judas objected, the Gospel of John says.

"'Why wasn't this perfume sold and the money given to the poor? It was worth a year's wages.' He did not say this because he cared about the poor, but because he was a thief; as keeper of the money bag, he used to help himself to what was put into it." John 12:4-6.

Any of y'all have legitimate friendships or associations with non-black people?

I've realized as I've gotten older I'm much less likely to consider a white person a friend. There's a lack of trust there that I have a hard time overlooking. I've ended several "friendships" with non-black friends over their comments and ideals on race.

There are people who aren't black who I associate with on a surface level and don't seem bad but you never really know what they are thinking which is why I keep that distance.


You already know Fam.

I'm so risk averse in this area that I'm reluctant to share how I feel on this thread due to the fact that many of them are peeping through the blinds and reading our thoughts / reactions right now on some...

giphy (1).gif
We here for you man whenever you ready
Really appreciate that.
Any of y'all have legitimate friendships or associations with non-black people?

I've realized as I've gotten older I'm much less likely to consider a white person a friend. There's a lack of trust there that I have a hard time overlooking. I've ended several "friendships" with non-black friends over their comments and ideals on race.

There are people who aren't black who I associate with on a surface level and don't seem bad but you never really know what they are thinking which is why I keep that distance.
I’ve had very close white friends, but in every situation I’ve learned that there is a point where they put that provelege they benefit from over the relationship you have, whether it’s consciously or subconsciously. I’ve found myself almost incapable of maintaining a legitimate friendship with a white person. One of my closest friends I just severed ties with because of how things played out at work, and how little he had to say.

Unfotunately, all these things that happen with me personally, and in general what we see every day just continues to reinforce my feelings.
Honestly, knowing that these acts are done and then replayed over and over purposely to wreck my psyche is what keeps me from getting frustrated. Can't let em trap your mind
Agreed. This is why I haven’t seen the most recent or really any of these videos since Eric Garner. I avoid these videos at all costs, because I do think it has a serious impact on my psyche.

Still though, whether you see it or not, just being conscious of it is enough weight for me.
Honestly, knowing that these acts are done and then replayed over and over purposely to wreck my psyche is what keeps me from getting frustrated. Can't let em trap your mind

Imagine a white woman's rape caught on camera and replayed over and over and over while the DA says the rapist did nothing wrong.

Not sure if the media is reporting the news or sending us a message.

Imagine how we felt in the 40s, 50s, 60s and 70s. No disrespect to those that have passed, but compared to what our grandparents and great grandparents went through this is nothing. They still had kids, they still loved each other, they still lived there, THEY stayed strong. Don’t even let this or anything a non POC does make even hesitate on your path to greatness. If you do, they’ve already won.

Fam I talk to my Mom about this every day.

She grew up in those times and says it's worse now than it was back then.

She said it was more segregated so they had to take you into the alley / do this kind of thing in secret.

She said they used to wear hoods and masks so you wouldn't know if your supervisor was the one who beat you down last night or if the cop arresting you was the one burning a cross on your neighbor's lawn.

Black people lived around Black people and White people lived around White people.

She said Black people had their own stores, theaters, schools, parks, etc.

They were poor but had their own.

The only white people that would do business with them were Jews.

She said it's MUCH worse now because they do it in broad daylight, not even trying to hide our own neighborhoods.

Back then they KNEW they could only go so far without starting a war.

“I Fear I May Have Integrated My People Into a Burning House” — Martin Luther King Jr.
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