The RETRO Gaming Thread!

If you're in Houston check out Traders Village. There's two different retro game shops there I believe. I've bought some stuff from the guy in the front and he has a good selection official controllers, consoles, etc.
Super Mario Kart was released 25 years ago today, August 27, 1992.


That Japanese ad was later dubbed over in English.

There's also a retro gaming store..the prices for the consoles and games are outlandish..$60 for ps2 yeah good luck and $50 for FF3 $70 Dragon Warrior $7 but they have a decent amount of obscure games for $5
cleaning the SNES was mad annoying..I used Clorox wipes/paper towels and q tips lol..looks way better than the picture all the smudge out but was scared to get any moisture inside of the system..

In the retro gaming store..the dude that worked there was cleaning a PS2 and spraying windex inside of the vents..I was like "that won't damage the system?" and he said no..cuz the motor isn't running ..yeah ok I would never do that in my life..but I would never pay for an over-priced system their either
It is pleastly frustrating lol, I disassemble the system completely if possible and wash the plastic parts like buttons be carful for can use rubbing alcohol in the 90s I currently use 91 the alcohol won't damage but obviously don't flood it just apply to those spider webby crusty dirty spots lol

What I do need is some compressed air
It is pleastly frustrating lol, I disassemble the system completely if possible and wash the plastic parts like buttons be carful for can use rubbing alcohol in the 90s I currently use 91 the alcohol won't damage but obviously don't flood it just apply to those spider webby crusty dirty spots lol

What I do need is some compressed air
I was really careful..after applying the wipes I dried it real fast with the paper towels and used the q tips in the small areas..does not look brand new but it's clean enough
u have a lot of games on there? Otherwise I'd say buy a new one

I don't trust other people's used ps3s

the og plays all ps games 3 and under

I have stuff like simpsons arcade, xmen arcade and marvel vs capcom 2 on it...all actual ps store releases
I don't trust other people's used ps3s

the og plays all ps games 3 and under

I have stuff like simpsons arcade, xmen arcade and marvel vs capcom 2 on it...all actual ps store releases
Yeah makes sense..I just know lasers are pricey
I'm gonna make a list of SNES games I need to get..avg price for FF2 is $48.99..sheesh

need a soccer/baseball game..also some JRPGs
just bought AV cables $4
super famicom controller $16
street fighter world warrior $14

Couldn't figure out which game to play so just bought street fighter for now since I have the other SNES versions on 3ds..will figure out which other games to play but this is all I'm buying for now
so after sdoi g some looks like I'm gonna get:

illusion of gaia
soul blazer

will get one at a time..illusion will be first..gonna order a FIFA game too
Just ordered:

FIFA international soccer $7
Super Soccer w/cartridge holder/manual $13
Super Tennis $7

Thru the bay..that's it..I gotta chill for now
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