The Simpsons Tapped Out....!!!!

Just started playing yesterday. Sent a couple requests to names I saw in the thread. Any help is highly appreciated! :hat

Origin ID: JayhawkNationKU
Im slackin' I still need about 4,000 snakes to finish everything. Anyone want to donate?

I also got 400 eggs to trade. Hit me up.
Are they going to fix the characters? mine walk all over the place, through buildings, backwards looking like the moonwalk.

small thing but it annoys me. level 27 and I own all the land, so they go from corner to corner in no time.
love the moonwalking!!
Im short on whacking day prizes. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Hey, I'm just getting back into this game. I last played during the Valentine's Day update. How long has the 'Whacking Day' thing been going on?
I just need 1,200 more for the last prize, anyone that would like to help the cause feel free to add me: MTBRM
Unless someone wants to give me 6000+ eggs.. I'm definitely not gonna win all the prizes before the next update.

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And too lazy to add me too. Wait... I'm giving you eggs, and you want me to add YOU? :lol

NO eggs for you!

:( :( :( :(

I just sent you an invite... pwease porgib meeee

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