The Simpsons Tapped Out....!!!!

via The Simpsons Tapped Out facebook page

Some of you have been experiencing intermittent technical difficulties, and we appreciate your patience as we work to get normal access restored as soon as possible. We will provide an update in the next several hours.
WTF!? My game started over
Second weekend in a row watching the Simpsons. Tonight's episode is pretty good. It also incorporates things from the game such as the brown house and new brown house. :pimp:
Rearranging my town and it looks like crap! least my south easy quadrant, the rest is looking pretty neat, spreading out the houses to add trees and made sort of a shore mall and Springfield downs, when I add more land along the shore the movie studios and Bowlorama will probably be shoreline too.
WTF!? My game started over

Are you sure you are logged in?
Sometimes it doesnt auto log in so when you tap it starts a new game.

Got my friend list back.

edit: Servers are down or something, I can't access my origin account.
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I can't login either. When I enter my origin email it proceeds to creating a new account, so something must be wrong with Origin again. I was playing fine last night, got all my friends back, etc. 8 hours later cant even login |I
Mine is working still but friends list is gone again. Also I can't even log out. I'm hoping we get some free donuts for this.
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