The Solo Dolo Thread: Vol. Cancel That *** Like Nino.

Thanks Sub,
Just remember fellas, unless you have a child, you are #1 don't let them tell you any different. if they can't support you, your dreams and your decisions than they're not the ones for you. (vice versa for them )
its ok to make sacrifices for your mate, but don't bend over backwards if they're not doing the same for you.
Bumped into my ex at a show last night, it's like re-opening a scab as some would say. Sucks we always like the same kind of artists yet we can't communicate really any more. It was my fault so, I got to live with the fact I messed things up. And now I feel like **** cause I know she could kinda tell I haven't completely moved on while she has.

I also feel y'all in not being with a girl in a whie, definitely can relate, it sucks
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Bumping into an ex is something I've luckily never had to deal with. I'm more worried about running into their family. Idk if they threw me under the bus and now their fam hates me lol.

As far as they go when it comes to my parents they are good. One of my exes visits my mom from time to time. I catch her here and there. Dont really consider that running into her cause most of the time it's her and my mom talking. I have no issues with seeing her or talking to her. Still love her but not in a romantic way if that makes sense.
it sucks when your current and your ex have the same friends, and they know about the **** that happened in your relationship from 7-8 years ago. 

when i met my bf's best friend (who is good friends with the ex), he told me straight up that everything i said about my ex was true. 
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I think as a single dude, one of the hardest things to overcome is the fear of rejection.

To counter that, you must first accept that rejection is a part of life as you chase the cat... it's inevitable. it will happen again....

With that, you must position yourself to where rejection is solely based on their issues, and not yourself.

In other words, she's either gay or in a very committed relationship if she's not willing to at least entertain your pitch... This is COMPLETELY different from actually getting the yamb

Again, entertain your campaign =\= getting the yambs. You're not going to get all the yambs you campaign for.

You must get your own **** in line by attacking three areas:

1. Physical - chicks can tell if a man takes care of his body. They can see the outline of shoulders through your shirt, or whether your gut pokes slightly out farther than your chest, or if you have man boobs. Chicks see all that quickly.

I'm by no means a Greek god. I'm actually overweight. I just know when I was in much better shape, I got many more yambs

Also, keep your clothes somewhat crisp. No need to pull up in $800 kicks; ironed clothes, fitted clothes, somewhat stylish etc. You don't want to be looking like you don't care AT ALL.

Look at movie stars facial hair and look at yours. If you can't pull off a decent scruff, then line that **** up or do away with it. Especially my black men. We have a tougher time growing full beards just off genetics... It's okay. You ain't gotta rock the Anthony Hamilton / Paul pierce struggle beard. Get that lined up, my g.

Make sure your teeth game is up to snuff too. Get braces. Get that whitener. Make sure your breath is on point.

2. Energy / mental - chicks can feel energy. Its so true when you getting chicks, other chicks come. They can pick up on your energy when they see you.

It's also your disposition on life. You need to have goals. You need to be working toward something. You need to have something you're aiming for. You also need a positive outlook on life. Chicks really not trying to be around some ol' negative Ned. You don't have to be bubbly, but it's okay to look to the positives on life.

This is all a part of your energy.

Stop fapping. You release energy that symbolizes desperation if you OD. Chicks can feel that too.

Nothing wrong with occasional fapping but daily? Nah. It leans of your overall demeanor.

You also need to get off the internet. Like literally everything else in life, if you consistently practice something, you'll get better. You need to practice being around women. You need to practice being around people. Clubs aren't the only option. There are a gang of other things you can do.

You'll have a much higher success rate meeting chicks outside of the club atmosphere, especially as you grow past 21 y/o.

Energy might be the most important because you can't mask or fake that... I don't Rock with religion, but I rock with wave lengths and energy we give off. Get your energy right for at least five minutes before you step on the scene.

3. Finances / materials - you don't want to lean on this, but you should have basic stuff that man should have: transportation if you're outside of NYC / Seattle / SF, an area you claim as your own, the ability to buy a yamb a drink on demand. You don't have to buy the drink, but you should be able to without it messing up your budget for the month.

Of course having nicer materials will help, but it's not the end all be all. I got more yambs making 60k than I do making 150k. Why? because my energy and appearance was much better.

Sometimes when you get more money, you tolerate less... But this can sometimes be misconstrued as laziness, and you not keeping yourself up to snuff. You say "I'm not trying to deal with this chick" but on reality, you're too lethargic because you think the greenbacks should offset your willingness to get up and go chase the cat. This happened to me and a couple of my boys so it's purely anecdotal, but I believe it to be true

The last couple thoughts... love yourself, and never let rejection bring you down... Because you ain't gonna bat 1.000...

Take that rejection as a learning experience.
Look at where you think you could've adjusted, countered with something smart, let the yamb marinate a bit before you go for the kill, brought a wing man, etc.

Second thing: replace all the times I said "chick" and replace it with "people"...

Your life shouldn't be centered around getting yambs. It should be centered around improving YOURSELF as a man...

Money don't bring yambs. Swag don't bring yambs. Game doesn't bring yambs. Muscles don't bring yambs.

It's a combination of all... And when you focus on improving those areas, you won't focus on solely getting yambs.

Which, in turn, gets you more yambs.

Clean out your phone numbers, fellas. Run down the list and text all your JOs. If they're down, cool. If not, delete the number. It's time to refresh that roster my g.

Go get it.


Sorry for the rant. It's 2:30am and I can sleep!

Thanks for this. I will practice this, next weekend.
it sucks when your current and your ex have the same friends, and they know about the **** that happened in your relationship from 7-8 years ago. :x  

when i met my bf's best friend (who is good friends with the ex), he told me straight up that everything i said about my ex was true. 

Stop messing around with friends of ex's then.....
I have noticed a lot of females these days go for cats that look EXACTLY like their ex [emoji]129300[/emoji]
Nowadays? Lol that ain't nothing new ppl have preferences. Honestly with chicks if I don't have some simblance to at least someone she dated I might get a thot vibe lowkey. All of the great women I've dated know what they want & don't normally deviate from that
I've been single for over a decade, :lol:

I don't know how people do the relationship thing, makes no sense to me

Relationships are pointless....

Do you eat at the same restaurant and get the same dish......for life?

I love Vietnamese, but I also like a burger on the grill and fried chicken.

Mood/Emotions/Feelings change......a lot.
Haven't had buns since March :frown:

I thought my drought was bad...aint get any since like end of August :smh:

Not even talkin to anyone currently either so it could get alot worse unless i get thristy/desperate & hit up one of the last few chicks but im too prideful for that smh lol
Thread is rolling. Let's keep it up fellas.

Single one day and married with 10 kids the next.
Went and saw Kanye alone. Literally had 3 seats next to me all empty.
Will probably go watch The Weeknd alone too. Nobody wanna roll
Went and saw Kanye alone. Literally had 3 seats next to me all empty.

how much were tix to the pablo show? I was mildly interested, but never checked tix day of event. he's strictly doing TLOP songs it seems smh :smh:
I went to the oakland show it was 120

He did a bit of every album...very powerful show
Can't tell if I'm meeting the wrong girls or am too jaded to feel what I used to
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Me and the lady broke up on Saturday. lol and one of the arguments we broke up over. she went out and did today.. posted all on Facebook about it. which I knew she did on purpose. but makes me more mad than anything else.

I absolutely made the right decision ending it.
I have no emotion about what i did. I wish I went about it another way, but it had to be done.
Me and the lady broke up on Saturday. lol and one of the arguments we broke up over. she went out and did today.. posted all on Facebook about it. which I knew she did on purpose. but makes me more mad than anything else.

I absolutely made the right decision ending it.
I have no emotion about what i did. I wish I went about it another way, but it had to be done.

Better to end it now then drag it for a couple months and have the same final outcome.
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