The Spending money on foolish things Thread

When I tried to go from baggy jeans to more fitting jeans to wear with button ups, I went to Kohl's and bought some Levi's dad jeans. :smh: Yea, those were never worn.

:rofl: This had be dying because I know that feeling. I learned the hard way that its wiser to buy quality stuff from the jump than try and "bridge the gap" with some BS. Looks in closet at a bunch of business casual junk :smh:
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p4l. idk if this thread will stop me from impulse buys or suggest my foolish thing is slightly less foolish and i end up still copping.
Just bought a fully loaded Mac mini (i7 ssd 16gb mem with keyboard and trackpad) for a little over 1k

I feel like a used base model would've done the same thing for 500 smh

And even buying a Mac mini in the first place when I already have a fully loaded MacBook Pro :smh:
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lol I like this thread
I have the black/red 11s from last Christmas that I still havent worn. Same with the black 4s that came out friday. Also have chicago 10s I've worn like 3 times max.
Also just sold quite a few soccer jerseys that I never even wore, or wore 2 or 3 times at most
I've gotten a lot better with my money though :lol:
Buy about 600 in sneakers or shoes every month. Don't even have time to wear half :rofl:

It's your money spend it on what you want :smokin
I would laugh at anyone at any age that buys a pair of tennis shoes over $100, but that's just personal taste. Nothing beats a pair of black or white keds which you can get for $30. Men wearing fancy sneakers seem off to me.

This is why niketalk sucks now. A forum more or less dedicated 2 fancy sneakers N ur complaining about fancy sneakers lol
It was sarcasm, I just replace the word shoes wherever the person above me placed belts. Thanks though !
I bought I leather dainese motor cycle jacket for $660. Smh wore I a total of 2 times this year. I find a lot more comfortable to ride in my icon vest and a hoodie.
We waste money chasing the box all the time. All the dinner dates. Red boxes. Drinks. Buying a new outfit to Impress a female. Shape ups every week. Gas money driving to pick them up. Maybe it's not wasting money per say but dam does it go fast lol
^ u doin it wrong bro

I spend money when I want to and on what I want to, when things are on your terms, you not doin it for her, it's for you and she's there as a compliment to your good time
We waste money chasing the box all the time. All the dinner dates. Red boxes. Drinks. Buying a new outfit to Impress a female. Shape ups every week. Gas money driving to pick them up. Maybe it's not wasting money per say but dam does it go fast lol

straight up paying for sex would be more cost effective if you gotta do all that
Dropped $35 on a yeezus tee that probably cost them $5 to make and it'll shrink and fade after a few washes :x

you're crazy. I love the fit and quality of mine.
You probably purchased from one of the dude's outside selling them for $5.

Bought some exotic fish at $250 a piece, 3 of them total. And I bought another fish for $25 to add to my aquarium. And it killed all three of my $250 fish.


:rofl: :rofl:
straight up paying for sex would be more cost effective if you gotta do all that

Never said I participate in that activity but I'm sure it does happen is what I was trying to say. Some call it a waste. Some justify it when that box gets moist.
No hype, I've seen dude go 2+ days w/no shower cuz he was slept on my couch. Before he got kicked out his apt. dude ain't eem have no body wash, bar of soap...nothin :x
Food. (Drinking causes you to piss away money on that.)
6-7 pair of Low-rise bootcut jeans. Switched my style and that completely x's those out.
I want my money back. :smh::frown:
I wouldn't consider most of the responses in here to be foolish spending.

You make money to spend it and life would be pretty boring if all you spent your money on was the basic necessities. As long as you get enjoyment out of what you spend, I wouldn't consider it foolish unless you are going broke from spending.
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