the thread about nothing...

How I never seen this before
I watched this literally for like 10 minutes straight last night.

Ya'll I have no idea what I really want to do in life.

Nothing besides money, yambs, food, and hanging with my friends (ooh that rhymed),

makes me happy. 

I don't have the courage or faith to rough it out and try to become a comedian/rapper

because I need commodities and the comforts of life NOW. 

I want to be the best but my mind always heads in a direction of mediocrity.

I NEED money, but I don't have the patience.

If I do the medical school route that's 8 years, if I do the law school route that's 7-8 years.


I'm afraid that I won't be exceptional, that I'll just be some regular dude, with a regular job,

a regular house, and a regular wife. 

I wish I was a different person sometimes.

I tried to talk to mom, but all she said was pray. 

I hate talking to her about stuff, because it makes me realize I'm still a child, I'm eighteen

but I still feel like a kid, and I hate the fact that I really can't stand her. 

Like I love her, but I want to like her, but something about acting sweet

makes my skin crawl in the worst way. 

I want to be THE man, and I want to feel like THE man.

I worry that people can tell that my self-confidence is fake,

every missed step kills my ego, and lacerates the most deep sections of me.

Every rejection, every argument lost, every embarrassment still hurts me.

I'm always concerned with people who ain't concerned with me.

I think about my father everyday, even though I've legitimately seen him less

than 20 times in my life. I can't help but feel like a lot of my actions are in someway

an attempt to seek his approval. 

He knows where I live, and he has my number but he never calls.

Everyday I think about him pulling up to the house and coming to hang.

Some childish hope is arose every time I hear a car come down my street,

thinking, "That's him." 

I've lived through male role models throughout my life, none of them being permanent fixtures. 

I know it's a wall of text but IDC IDC IDC.

So I called her a female dog and she stopped talking to me. I knew shorty for about 5 years. It sucks because I had skitzo around that time and I ain't even realize it was her. She blocked me on Twitter too. Dang yall. No penetration. I usually get em.

Once you can get past this: "Every rejection, every argument lost, every embarrassment still hurts me.

I'm always concerned with people who ain't concerned with me." ...You will find Greatness my dude. None of that other **** matters, money is a byproduct of being great at something.

As far as your father, man, his loss. Things change and people change as time goes on, sometimes for the better and sometimes for worse. Try and think of things in a shorter existence, EXAMPLE: just imagine the worst thing that has ever happened to you personally in life, it was just one moment that passed man. If you think back now on that same moment it isn't as big of a deal in the current moment, so you should keep this in mind always. Struggle is a part of progress mentally and physically so its good that you've found it early in life.

AND Eff what people think of you man, be aware but don't let it shape your mind

2. Don't take anything Personally

Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a reflection of their own reality, their own dream. WHEN YOU ARE IMMUNE TO THE OPINIONS AND ACTIONS OF OTHERS, YOU WONT BE THE VICTIM OF NEEDLESS SUFFERING

Keep your head up man, it's just life, and it's yours mate

Once you can get past this: "Every rejection, every argument lost, every embarrassment still hurts me.
how tho, i still can't
You never really get over it so you got to get past it. First you have to accept it will happen. Then deal with that the best way you can. Worry about the things you can control, and those things you can't, let that **** go mate. If you let it take hold of your mind, it will. 

Eventually, things that once mattered matter no more

Once you can get past this: "Every rejection, every argument lost, every embarrassment still hurts me.
how tho, i still can't

in life you will take L's, its inevitable. If you constantly dwell on these moments you'll collapse from the inside out. It's ok to reflect on these moments, but don't let it consume you, don't let them shape who you are or how you see yourself. You have greatness in you.
speakin of L's..wanna hear somethin...I go take my 6 year old cuz to the movies to go see the new transformers...we get to the ticket booth..he's doin his thing and im flirting with the ticket girl..I give her my card she swipes it she says the card is invalid...
sick.gif like it can't be..she swipes it bueno...I leave the spot since my phone was charging in the car to check my account...there's plenty of money in there...smh...I think my card was demagnetized since I had it in the same pocket as my cellphone going to another spot in a lil bit to check out the movie hopefully he doesn't fall asleep

I should of went to the atm right there..but since it didn't work at her booth I figured it wouldn't go through
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My old business partner swore he was allergic to Seafood. I called BS. I almost killed him trying to prove him wrong
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