the thread about nothing...

i love white girls. wouldnt marry one tho, they age terribly. that broad from superbad /easy a/ spiderman skin gona be as wrinkled as the bottom of my foot by the end of 2013

they do age terrible... BUT there are those certain ones that don't... and THATS the wifey material.. as long as they dont steal your money or been beatin' left and right by Mandingo himself.

For now, since i am in no way shape or form to get or even think about getting married, i am still trying to taste the rainbow, if you may
my experiences with korean girls... Koreans are Krazy, and not in a good way.

EDIT: Home boy college brought home this korean chick after a night on the town. We were are drinking, slammin' shots, you know just havin fun. Its college, what do you expect. As the night goes on him and the girl go off to their room and the others, myself included, kept chilling in the living room doing our thing. Next thing i know, i see my home boy coming out of the room with the quickness, slamming the door, and just giving me the look as if he was a deer and headlights were shining on him. I asked him what was up and what he told me, i swear to you, i did not believe. "She is pissing in my room... Pissing on the floor!!" I walk over and peak into the room, lights are off btw, and sure enough.. there she is, at the foot of the door, squatting, pissing on the floor, UNAWARE of what she is doing. SHE EVEN GLANCED OVER AT ME AND TURNED HER HEAD BACK like it was nothing! .........

She did not know that she had done that until we told her sometime in the future... but man... koreans are krazy.
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Knowing NT, this has probably been posted... multiple times, but I just can't stop laughing at this video. Hilarious. :lol:

And MrONegative, those pics are appreciated.
I feel like this dude Joey bad ***** has a good future
His beats are dusty, if he gets a producer who can provide a grimey style without just biting everything done 15 years ago, then he'll be good money

His beats would be just as bad as Lex Luger YouTube Tutorial Producers if this was 1994
But if you find the right Korean blackanese girl....set for life!
I'd wife the second one. No regrets.
Ordered the Pewter foam boots I've been watching for a while...they were $160 at first but when the seller relisted em, they were $150 :pimp: They retail for $215 :x
Should be here by Tuesday as well

Going to look around this weekend for the start of my winter gear...
I'll look around at other brands for coats but I know I need NorthFace gloves...windproof and waterproof :wow: :pimp:

Been staying strong on my diet...haven't exceeded my TDEE in a couple weeks now. Most I'll eat is at maintenance.
keep it up B-more Gutta

Thanks fambs.


I know there's going to be plenty of yambs on campus but I think I'm mentally ready. I understand I'm paying for college with my own money and I'm there to learn. I'm going to make my classes the priority and everything else an accessory...
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