the thread about nothing...

What's a good website for traveling / accommodations ?
travelocity, priceline, kyak etc
I can't believe @beh235 have nearly 13k post in here tho.
I enjoy this thread because it doesn't devolve into stupid arguments most of the time

I don't post in JB - they bicker

I don't post a race threads usually - it's a mess

I didn't post in the Draya thread

and I avoid a good amount of BS. I just enjoy how chill it is in here. I gotta post somewhere right? 
Flight is $500 and it's gonna be for about 4 days so I assume I'm gonna burn at least another $500.

Idk I want to take a trip, idk where though.

I sorta wanna disappear solo for a few days as well.
go where you'd get the best value for your $. Vegas is still mad hot this time of year I hear 
I'd go to Vegas just cause I never been. I'm sure they have some whole foods out there too so you won't get home sick
Vegas is a once a year trip for the rest of my life type place

Never gets old
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