the thread about nothing...

Grimiest **** you ever done ?

Bingo. :pimp:

I posted this in another thread on my old screen name but...

When I was like 18, Me and 2 of my _s use to consistently run this one busto. We used to do everything to this ++%%$, make her hold water in her mouth in her mouth while one of us hit her from the back and tell her we not gon hit her again if she spit it out, Make her call ALL of us her fathers name while we popped her ( Not Daddy, the _s actual government name......and he's dead by the way), one of my _s said he pissed on her (I wasn't there for that one so I don't know, but I wouldn't put it past her)...

Anyway, this went on for a while until the ++%%$ got pregnant. Not by one of us, but some lame that was hitting her. So even while she pregnant, we still running her, up until she was real far along in the pregnancy and it started to show...So we gave her a couple months to herself. Soon as she dropped that baby, we was right back at it...Only now we got an audience.

This ++%%$ got so live in FRONT of this lil _, sucking, **@#*#%, licking, etc, everything in FRONT of her new son. We used to show out in front of that lil _, hitting his moms from the back making ga-ga faces at him, playing wit his rattles while getting domed up, and singing lullabyes to him when he started crying. But one time, lil dog was crying so loud while we was **@#*#% her, she picked this _ up out his crib, put him in a DRAWER.....and closed it...Bent back over and kept getting +%*****!....SMH

That !+%* was HILARIOUS when I was younger...but now that I got one on the way, that !+%* was too trife and disrespectful. I would absolutely without hesitation, murder my baby moms if she EVER did that !+%*....But knowing that ++%%$ Karma like I do, its coming right back to me smh.

Some savages in that thread.
That Moment of Truth' thread was also stuff of legend :lol: :lol:
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I ain't feeling these jeans. Should I return em?

What's your guys recommendation On shrinking your jeans?

Watching this rihanna interview and hearing that accent she got has me feeling :wow: :evil:
What would be the modern day equivalent of making a girl a mixtape?
Making her an iTunes Playlist

What if they don't have an iPhone/iPod?

What would be the modern day equivalent of making a girl a mixtape?

An Itunes giftcard
A mixed cd

1. Not as thoughtful, and kinda close to tricking.
2. CDs? Idk about you, but CDs are dead in my life. Might as well make a mixtape.
3. See above
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