the thread about nothing...


Next level #foodporn :lol:
I would give my boy crap because he bought a nissan altima a while back

He went and bought a 2015 one and all of my friends are killing him :lol:

Why? Them joints look nice IMO. :pimp:

Shorty was lookin kinda right today. I will clap the cheeks...
So went out to get drinks monday night with a friend because i was flying to LAX tuesday (last week) so i didn't have to be up early for work. Meet her out with her friends. While we are out her one friend was tryin to holler. I was like this is slightly strange given that my "friend" who i went out to see was drunk and being slightly obvious with me (hand resting on my leg, kissing on cheek, grabbing my hand type stuff). So my friend goes to the bathroom and her friend is like "we should do this again" and i was like uh sure, like all of us? And she was like no us. I was like oh...ok...i mean...i am a single man...sure. So we exchange numbers.

Anyway i go home with my friend and i kid you not we are laying in bed. Only thing we did was make out and she stops and says "wait who is number one in your life". So i am like oh god this b is crazy she wants me to say her or something. So i was like well i am a single man so right now i am number one in my life. She was like "Jesus should be number 1". I started laughing because she couldn't be serious. She was. Wanted to have me straight up converted to Catholicism to get laid. No thanks. So after a short argument/discussion we both fell asleep.

She apologized later blah blah blah. So i get back from California saturday late at like midnight. Her friend from that night hits me up and says she is drunk and can't find her car. But she is out down by my house. This is an obvious trap but i was 2 cups of bourbon in at this point (its about 1am). So i tell her just to cab to my place since she lives 20 mins outside the city. She comes over. It goes down. It was impressive.

I then have to wake up the next day after 3 hours of sleep and go to family lunch and then to the girls house who i actually like and am interested in, for the super bowl.

twas an entertaining week. And since both girls from the begining of the story are sure this will inevitably go horribly wrong :lol:

Sorry for the rant no cliffs just ignore
WOOOOOOOOO Adidas app for NYC reservations.

This might be the change the game needs, until cats make a bot for the app
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