the thread about nothing...


Man she ain't no freakaleak tho...
To think I wanted to tongue punch it at one point...but it might not be what I want.

She walking around here with extra booty grease...

I know that's what it is...
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My breathing been heavy the last few days, might be stressed but idk why.

Got out of school early now I'm dumb bored.
@Antidope@Antidope<!--bluecoat_old_onload = window.onload;window.onload = function() { if (bluecoat_old_onload != null) {try {bluecoat_old_onload();} catch (e) {}}bluecoat_fixpopups();};//-->

my stomach has been ****** up today too...

I need to drink two bottles of red wine when I get off. 
I didnt even go to the gym yesterday cause it was wylin on me. I cant afford to skip two days either.
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