the thread about nothing...

The wife has been reading my NT messages...

I feel like I can't have a tiny piece of privacy, not even NT is safe from female intrusion.

Now I gotta watch what I say EVERYWHERE

Hopefully she reads this , I'll be installing a key logger on her galaxys5 real soon.
My whole question is, why?

Why can't you tell her to not check?

Why does she know your NT name?

Why can't she not be nosy?
Edward Norton's "**** you" rant in 25th Hour
Never watched the whole thing
My whole question is, why?
she's just nosey

Why can't you tell her to not check?
I personally don't care.. she actually created an account on NT a few yrs back to see what this whole forum was about.. she found out it was mad dudes talking about sneakers and yambs... lol

Why does she know your NT name?
she didnt, I never log out on my phone

Why can't she not be nosy?
because she's a woman

Never watched the whole thing
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Would she be cool with it if you went through all her stuff? Not saying it makes it even if she's cool with it, just hope it isn't so one-sided. Has she been cheated on in the past or something? I don't mean to pry or disrespect you both, stop me if I'm crossing the line.

My uncle that was in the navy has told me the same thing about the Japanese honeys. Looks like I gotta find myself one.

EDIT: Wait, if she's screening your NT posts won't she eventually see this stuff too? Hi Mrs. sharpshooter718 sharpshooter718 !
idgaf if she sees this... lol
crazy day at work today.

man some people take advantage of the system and call in sick all the time.

now we need to cover their *** for the day :smh: :smh:
Man the weather has been super *****ing lately. I have spent my last two days off chilling and drinking outside
we got a big chunk of snow last friday here :smh: :smh:

still more to come apparently.

can't wait for winter to be really over.
I need to rewatch Malcolm X. I didn't realize it was so ******* long though. :lol:

Spring is here. My abs are visible but need to be toned.

I want some Capn Crunch but they destroy your gum lining. :rolleyes
Bob: You're chasing Amy...

Jay:  Why do you so shocked for, man? Fat bastard does this all the time. Think just because never says anything, it'll have some huge impact when he does open his ******* mouth...
Bob:  Jesus Christ, why don't you just shut the **** up. You're yap, yap, yapping all the time. Give me a ******* headache. (to Holden)  I went through something like what you're talking about, a couple years ago, this chick named Amy.
Jay:  When?
Bob:  A couple years ago?
Jay:  What, you live in Canada or something? Why don't I know about this?
Bob  *****, what you don't know about me I could just about squeeze in the Grand ******* Canyon. Did you know I always wanted to be a dancer in Vegas? (does a gesture with his hands, a reference to a move by the exotic dancers in "Showgirls")  Betcha ya didn't even know that ****, did ya?
Jay:  So tell your %^&$#(*  story so we can get outta here and smoke this.
Bob (to Holden):  So, there's me and Amy. And we're all inseparable, right? Big time in love. Then four months down the road, the idiot gear kicks in, and I ask about the ex-boyfriend. Which, as we all know, is a really dumb move. But you know how you don't wanna know, but just have to know--stupid guy bull****. So, anyway, she starts telling me about him. How they fell in love, how they went out for a couple of years, how they lived together, her mother likes me better, blah blah blah blah blah. And I'm okay. Then she drops the bomb. And the bomb is this: it seems that a couple of times while they were going out, he brought some people to bed with him, "menage a troi," I believe it's called. And this just blows my mind, right? I mean, I am not used to this sorta thing; I was raised Catholic, for Gods sake.
Jay:  Saint ****head.
Bob (to Jay):  Do something. (to Holden)  So I'm totally weirded out by this, right? So I start blasting her. I mean, I don't know how to deal with what I'm feeling, so I figure the best way is to call her '****,' tell her she was used. I'm out for blood, I really want to hurt this girl. I'm like, "What the **** is your problem," right? And she's just trying to calmly tell me it was that time, it was that place, and she doesn't feel like she should apologize because she doesn't feel that she's done anything wrong. And I say, "Oh, really?" That's when I look her straight in the eye, tell her it's over. I walk.
Jay:  *******-A.
Bob:  No, idiot, it was a mistake. I wasn't disgusted with her, I was afraid. In that moment, I felt small, like I lacked experience, like I'd never be enough for her or something like that, you know what I'm saying? But what I did not get: she didn't care. She wasn't looking for that guy any more. She was looking for me, for the Bob. But by the time I figured this all out, it was too late. She had moved on. And all I had to show for it was some foolish pride which gave way to regret. She was the girl. I know that now. But (lights a cigarette)  I pushed her away. (pause)  So I spend every day since then chasing Amy. (pause)  So to speak
Feels good to finally have a weight bench
Need a bigger weight bat .

Didn't want to work overtime this week but I need that money

I wana smoke some trees so bad man but by the time I get off my mans is sleep :smh:

Time for some new socks

And maybe a haircut

I need to go out one day :lol:

Life man .......
Put too much water in my oatmeal...its kinda soupy :smh:

I have a stress fracture in my foot and not being able to work out like i want to is really depressing. Leg day and deadlift day were my favorite gym they don't exist. I just keep telling myself to let it heal and its for the best but its hard.
I just double tapped the spacebar on my laptop and was confused as to why no period followed the sentence I was typing.  

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