the thread about nothing...

Why won't they release a deadpool movie. Or better yet a series on HBO

Filming for Ryan Reynolds' next comic book movie Deadpool will take place in Vancouver and now we know one of the specific locations that will be used.

CBC News reports, the Georgia Viaduct will be closed from April 5 to 18 for Deadpool filming. They add, "production has also optioned the possibility of using the viaduct on April 12, 17 and 18."

Deadpool is being directed by Tim Miller, and will star Ryan Reynolds, T.J. Miller, Morena Baccarin and Gina Carano. It will open in theaters February 12, 2016.
Anybody have any experience or know anything about CAMPER brand shoes? They got some cool casual joints but they're kinda expensive.
Morning Tan,
Are we supporting Wale's new album The Album about Nothing? I know NT hates Wale but his album hashtag is #TAAN so i figured maybe we would support that

Today is a good day. Pay check came in and i am completely satisfied.
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So, when a group of teens slaughters a goat, it's a crime against humanity, but when a goat rancher does it, it's business as usual?

Much ado about nothing.  Goats are FOOD.  It's not like they put a kitten in a blender or something (although that would make an awesome video).
your mom in a blender would be an awesome video
Man I wonder why people who try the washroom stall door, find it locked but proceed to look through the crack
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