the thread about nothing...

Vinnie Mac FTW
It's like these people keep forgetting
It's always the least expected who ends up getting it
So don't tell me bout no ****** hating
What's the point if I hear
Mr. not giving a **** with a joint in his ear
I need a vaca....starting to hit that wall at work where i am so unmotivated. Need to get away for a bit do something stupid.
Got 3 hours of sleep last night thanks to my current lady (not sure if happy or mad)

I think the "whats your number" question is a complete trap for both sexs so it just needs to be done away with. If you are a guy with a high number you are a man-w****, but you are experienced so you know what you are doing. If you have a low number its good because you are respectable but you may not know what you are doing and be bad in bed. There is no right answer so why don't want to hear the answer if its either way.

I always found that to be a stupid question.
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