the thread about nothing...

Well you were at an event.  You never experienced the mind fu** that you can really get.

I shared it here not to long ago, there was this one time I dropped acid and in the middle of my trip all I can think about was why am I here? Why do I exist? Like I was really freaking out cause there wasn't  real answer.  I didn't understand what the purpose of me being on earth or being alive for that matter was for.  All I can remember now was that at the end of the trip was that water = life. 

I want to drop it at least one more time but this time dolo.  I'll just have a everything set up for me and what to do, like music some documentaries and some earth porn.  And a xanax just in case if I bug out. 

I came to this conclusion like a week back when I was high. Water is everywhere, we need it to survive, it can be gentle or lethal, depending on where you get your water the taste can be indescribable.

Tired of everything

I know that feeling. It hasn't stopped yet or maybe it won't ever stop.
I was sad all morning not knowing why NT was down. I would just stare at my phone like [emoji]128528[/emoji] plz load
rejected by girl of my dreams 2 years ago. Just hit her up after all this time recently, I'll get it done this time word to tim duncan
Was their any explanation to why NT disappeared this morning? Didn't even get a DNS error or domain splash page it was just non existent for half the day lol we acting like that just ain't happen?
Works giving me a real hard time again, Its me against all these big bosses today in a meeting re: where im to be based from. Currently 10mins from home, they are trying to move me to 80minute drive each way. I cant let that happen for many reasons, apart from the costs and time I got commitments outside of work that I will not drop. And I shouldn't have too either, they say its all about life/work balance, but there hidden agendas are obvious to me. Im heading into the meeting now, not gonna be fun but as I do ill stand my ground and fight like I need too. They want me to quit, but 7years after winning a court case for harassment they still try. FFS
Mobile still bugging 

We got assigned a romanticism poem in English and we have to present it 
 guess I'll be taking this L monday 
Little update from last time. I actually got in a group with 2 girls on Friday, and they wanted to do a short story about farts exploding and stuff. I actually hated the idea, but I listened to the rest of it because it could've turned out well. It didn't
 I was giving them suggestions of things to add in the story, but then they just turned around and yelled at me about not contributing 
 fast forward to yesterday, one of the girls actually typed 2 pages up over the weekend which helped cause we would've only had a paragraph to read. When my turn came up to read, I was shaking and kept ******* simple words up. We ended up getting an A, but that ish was so embarrassing 
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